Balance for Boil Over

It's riddicolous how this Perk change passed the tests. To balance the live test killers should get a map with a closed room. In that room is a gen unreachable for survivor.
The killer has the objective to hook survivor. This is no more possible on certain maps.
I think it's only fair to spawn an undoable objective for survivor aswell.
Ya, this is sarcasm 😒
This is the finally a time to buff the pig, reduce the jigsaw boxes to 1.
Now it's fair.
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They literally have no f ing idea what they are doing.
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yeah, like all of the gens are located on 2nd floor. and all of hooks are at ground floor. thats sarcasm.
Its a good idea how they buffed it. maybe a bit too much, but its NOT really a game changer versus on the objective. get over it. its just a hype, but with the design of most maps, the perk is a map based skill. it wont work on rotten fields.