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PC - Pig Crouch Speed As Fast As Survivor

anthogay Member Posts: 15

I am not sure if this was a visual bug on my end or if the killer was hacking. I don't have any clips or screenshots sadly, but as was playing Tapp on Badham Preschool IV going against The Pig. While I was looping her around the main building, she was crouched the entire time and was catching up to me, if not just as fast as me. She never used her ambush attack during this chase.

The perks they were using was save the best for last, scourge hook: pain resonance, barbecue & chili, and corrupt intervention. The addons they were using were Combat Straps and Workshop Grease. For combat straps it says increases crouching and uncrouching speed by 30%, but that only applies for the transition, no? If not, please correct me. Thank you!

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