Future baby Pig needs some help


I'm 300h in and even if I'm not a top player, I'm not a beginner either.

I'm more a killer main even if I like to play survivor too and I like to play many of them (I tried all of them but for certain killers like Pig or Trapper for example, I just did one or two games with).

Due to Pig challenges in the new tome, I think it's the perfect time to really try her but like I said I just played one or two games (long time ago) with her and even if I know (more or less) how to play a stealth killer like Ghostface, I'm a stranger about the Pig.

Can you give me some advices, perk builds and so on to play her ?

Another question: I know she isn't a really strong killer but do she worth the time to play and maybe later, master her ?

Thank's !


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Well She's versatile so yea she's good to play as and master... I main her

    Well... I run

    Oppression, Surveillance, Corrupt, Whispers- Combat Straps and John's Medical File

    If you have a challenge you need to do then adjust your perks to fit

    If it's necessary... Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Discordance are good perks as well

    Last Will, Workshop Grease, Tampered Timer, Crate of Gears and Bag of Gears are all good to run (IMO)

    Oh and Traps are all about timing... Trap the first Survivor you down (if there are Gens still up) Hopefully all 5 are still up

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    I think deadman switch + Pain resonance or opression gonna be good for those situations in you put the trap to someone and 2 -3 gens get solved.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I posted this for someone else before, so I'll cut and paste it here:

    As someone who plays The Pig a LOT, a few thoughts -- other Pig players experience with her will obviously vary, but there's always more than one way to play a killer successfully. A lot of good advice has already been given in this thread -- my own experiences are here can be taken for what they're worth, simply one player's experience.

    -- You're gifted with an innate in-game slowdown in the form of your traps, so use them. Some Pig players like to save them, but I start busting them out immediately. Nothing worse than having the last gen pop, and you still have a trap left that's been rendered useless. Survivors will, for the most part, start searching boxes immediately, even if their trap isn't active, so that's a survivor that's NOT working on a generator. That slowdown is invaluable in a game where gens can go by so quickly.

    -- That said, additional slowdown perks for gen regression are useful, if almost necessary, to hang with coordinated Red Rank squads. Corrupt paired with Pain Resonance -- one of the best killer perks added to the game in a while -- can work, though PR is subject to some RNG. I used to run Ruin paired with Undying, but the Boon meta and terrible totem spawns almost every map made me abandon those builds. I do run Hex: Plaything, however, with her now -- that's a terribly underrated perk in general, and it almost never fails to help me sneak up on a survivor and get a cheeky down at some point in the match. BBQ with her isn't bad, mainly to reduce the BP grind, but Enduring or Brutal Strength is a 4th good perk since you'll be eating through pallets a lot, or Save The Best For Last (since you can save stacks by using your Ambush Attack on the Obsession). Sloppy Butcher isn't bad either, as survivors who take longer healing won't be searching boxes or working on gens, though again, the current COH meta has made that less viable. The new Dead Man's Switch is also an option, as any additional slowdown you can get is good for you.

    -- Stealth is not her strength, but it still can be useful. Her terror radius doesn't go away immediately like Ghostface, and after you uncrouch, there's a brief period that it takes to come back. She moves painfully slow while crouched, so while it's okay to use it to move around, you have to be selective -- you don't want to be crossing the entire map while crouched. I get a lot of cheeky hits using her crouch to stealth back to a generator that I've chased multiple survivors off of, assuming someone has gone back to it. You don't have to use her Ambush attack in those instances -- using her stealth simply to get close to a survivor and in position to land a hit before they can reach a pallet or window is often enough. There are many matches where I barely use her stealth at all and are still successful with her.

    -- Thought a lot of people want to label it as useless, I find her ambush attack is VERY underrated at loops that aren't large ones. If you can break line of sight -- and even better if you can get into the pallet -- you can turn it into a no-win for the survivor if they hesitate and don't run immediately away. Here's a great example of how I'll land that type of hit:

    If you think survivors are anticipating you using the Ambush at a loop, you can also FAKE using her Ambush Attack as well, since her roar telegraphs it (something that it would be nice if that would be changed down the line). You can crouch and snort, faking that you're charging the Ambush Attack, then immediately pop back up after a survivor has run from what might have been a safe tile for them and land a hit while they're in the open scrambling to another tile.

    -- Her best add-ons are probably still the Combat Straps, which are a common that reduce her crouch time, though I've been using the toxin that makes survivors exhausted while wearing a RBT -- no pesky Dead Hards for them! A lot of her add-ons have been changed recently, so there's new combinations worth trying. The Video Tape with Rules Set No. 2 is spicy, especially if you end up on an indoor map like RCPD or Midwich. The Tampered Timer/Crate of Gears was deadly before their nerf, and it still might be good for the occasional head pop. Amanda's Secret is similar to Scratched Mirror Myers (you get only 2 traps since the buff and wallhacks when crouched), but you need an indoor map to really make that work optimally (Hawkins used to be the best place to run that build, but any indoor map will do). Some of her other add-ons to help with her Ambush Dash are also worth running.

    -- Speaking of traps, the best way to start a round is to get a down and a trap on a survivor's head before the 1st gen pops. If you can do that, you'll have immediate pressure on. While it might be tempting to chase after a trapped survivor, that's NOT the way to play her. The trap IS the pressure, not you chasing after the person who's trapped. RNG can sometimes be cruel -- it's frustrating to see everyone getting their traps off immediately sometimes -- but that's still time they have to do something OTHER than work on a gen, which gives you additional time to get the downs you need to win.

    -- The exception to the above rule is when you come across someone on a Jigsaw box, it's always worth it to harass them off of it, even if you don't commit to chasing them. They lose all progress on the box, and if it chases them all the way to another box somewhere else, even better. If, while chasing someone, you run across someone searching a box who's injured, downing them and continuing your chase can provide a ton of pressure.

    -- Finally, players are going to want to meme with you when you play The Pig. I honor every Boop of the Snoot by letting that person live -- I've even let whole teams farm who are willing to Boop out the gate -- but that's not a requirement. If you don't want to meme with your survivors, a quick attack will let them know you mean business, lol.

    I'm not an "expert" by any measure, but I have played hundreds of rounds as her, and I've made it to Rank/Grade 1 playing a majority of matches as her. She can compete, even against very good survivors, and she's a lot of fun to play.

    Hope some of that helps -- and good luck playing The Pig! 🙂

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    if you really wanna go in depth on getting good at pig just watch scorpionz pig guide and youll be godlike in no time

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    The main thing you need to learn is when to crouch and when not to. You move super slow while crouched, so you can't afford to do it very long. For this reason, I recommend starting out with tracking perks to help you know when a Survivor is nearby (Whispers if you get how to use it, Discordance if you don't). Other than that, just expect the gens to fly early game and don't get discouraged. Pig is pretty weak until you have traps on multiple Survivors to slow the game. Only use your Dash attack at short, unsafe loops.

    As to your last question, I'd say any character is fine to master as long as you're having fun. Just know that Pig is towards the bottom of the barrel in terms of strength. If your goal is to win as much as possible, you might consider picking a different Killer.

  • AgtClappers
    AgtClappers Member Posts: 44

    Thank you all for your precious help, especially ChiFox, your comment was very helpful. I'll take into consideration all of that and will try to train with her.

    You are right, most of the time I play to get 4k with a good killer but I like to play "less good" killers too to have fun with their playstyle, we are in a game to have fun after all :)

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Don’t main Pig

  • WretchedElk
    WretchedElk Member Posts: 311

    I haven’t gone against Pig much. Can you escape with a trap on your head?

    After the last gen was done I went around the boxes thinking I wouldn’t be able to leave. Pig caught me so I still don’t know.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2022

    I’m sorry but truly Pig is a real disappointment of a killer. Truly one of the killers where no matter how much you learn her you’ll loose.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    There are no killers that can't win, only killers that need more effort and need to played in a certain way to do well.

    Then again, I have yet to be fully immersed in the dbd mmr experience.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Learn how to dash backwards

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 923

    Only if the trap is active it will kill you if you try to leave through the exit gate if it's not on then it's safe to leave. Escaping via hatch is safe regardless if the trap is active or not.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    If you want to land sneaky rushes at gens i found that using Monitor and abuse to move closer before crouching helps with that. If ambushing correctly you can land one at some safeish pallets but I wouldn't rely on it or expect a survivor not to learn from it after the 1st time

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    In spite of this she still has one of the highest kill rates in the game

    it's really bizarre but it's probably padded from RBT kills and people who abuse addons and map offerings

  • AgtClappers
    AgtClappers Member Posts: 44

    Weird because by now I played 4 matches with her and I did 4 times 4k :)

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Pick someone else pig is the worst stealth killer atm.