MMR system has a Negative impact on the players

It's painfully obvious the players don't want this system, the fact that the developers don't see a survivor looping a killer for 3/4 gens as skill but will reward a player that has maybe sat in the corner doing nothing all game then escapes is baffling. If you're too stubborn to admit that it was a mistake then the player base is going to continue to get frustrated with the players they are getting matched with. (i can't remember the last time i watched a content creator playing survivor who hasn't complained about getting beginners on their team and on the other side of it killers who have thousands of hours in the game getting matched with people who barely have a week of play time.


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    So, two things are important to remember when critiquing the MMR system:

    1: No players are being rewarded, and no players are being punished. This isn't a ranked ladder, it's not a reward to have your MMR increased- it just means you'll be placed with different opponents than someone with a lower number than you. Regarding the looping for 4 gens side, if you're the kind of player who does that often, either it doesn't fail most of the time or you're far too cocky for how skilled you actually are, and in either case the MMR system over time will have you in roughly the right spot.

    2: The reason people are being matched with bad teammates for their skill level isn't because of how the MMR number is generated, it's because the matchmaking queue will be too quick to give you mismatched games if there aren't any players available at your actual MMR bracket immediately, or if someone dodged a queue it'll fill that slot with whoever's even vaguely close. It's not because the system is based on kills and escapes.

  • PhantomChimera
    PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668
    edited January 2022

    I will disagree on this. To begin with many players do want this system. Before MMR the problems were worse. Players were abusing the old system. Getting into matches that did not match their play skill by manipulating the old system on significant scale. MMR has done a lot to resolve that issue.

    How many hours someone has played doesn't automatically coincide with the skill of that player. I have played for thousands of hours and their are some killers I am terrible at playing and their are some that I am good at playing. Same goes with survivor. Their are some killers I am good at playing against and some that I am horrible against.

    Their is a post recently made on these forums that explains how MMR systems work. It is long however I suggest you might want to read it. MMR has improved the games matchmaking system considerably.

    Post edited by PhantomChimera on
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,227

    Regarding point 1: I think the devs have a huge blindspot here and can't afford to be stubborn. And I'm not saying I disagree with you at all in saying MMR isn't intended to be a ranked ladder. But that's how players in a pvp game *will* treat it. That is an inescapable fact. They can hide it, obfuscate it, whatever. The pvp crowd is still going to focus on it. The devs can't have this both ways, and they need to accept that/make concessions IMO.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    Stats say SBMM is fine but it has definitely made the game way less fun. SBMM has encouraged 2 unfun playstyles - camping and hiding. Both need to be addressed because there is no longer an emblem system to keep players with unfun playstyles separated from the others. While you may have run into these in higher ranks it was less often than in the lower ranks, now these playstyles are distributed more throughout all levels so you run into them much more frequently.

    Camping is the best way to guarantee a kill. They've atleast said they are working on something to address camping so hopefully that will come quick but as long as camping is a viable strategy to guarantee a kill in a kill/escape system it's going to continue. Since there's currently nothing stopping or discouraging this playstyle (only verbal something is coming) it's happening more and more.

    Hiding turns a 4v1 game into a 3v1 or 2v1 (or very worst case 1v1) game. It's not fun playing a 4v1 game not as a 4v1 - it's why we have DC penalties, because someone quitting a 4v1 ruins the game for the others. Someone hiding all match avoiding interacting with anything is ruining the match for the other players and dragging down a team that would've had a better chance at escape had they had 4 players helping in some compacity. The only way they could fix this is requiring all survivors to participate a certain amount in order to escape - if you just hide doing nothing the entity blocks your escape, no more waiting on the team to carry you for exit or die for you to get hatch. Is this the best solution? Maybe, maybe not, but something needs to be done instead of just "oh they'll eventually get a killer that deals with them" because until that happens (and even if it does) these players continue to ruin other players games.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    The further point to this to is they said they didn't want to foster the high mmr elitism that tends to develop in PVP, but its not like you can act on that elitism in anyway.

    You can't boot people from the lobby because they are lower than you. You might get more lobby dodging but rank is hidden at game start and only available post game so again no impact.

    Anyone who's a douche about rank will be a douche without visible rank so again its kinda zero sum.

    It's not like an MMO where people boot the guy who isn't dressed in all epic garb from the raid because their group is so "leet", so I don't see where the whole elitism argument comes from.

    Unless you are struggling to find a SWF group based on rank, but really you don't want to play with those kind of people anyway... they are the sore losers/bad winners.

    It strikes me as an odd reason to give for hiding DBD MMR.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2022


    How is a higher MMR a 'reward'? This is baffling to me. What makes raising this invisible score so important? MMR is only used for a match making algorithm that doesn't even work! So who care how its calculated.

    Even if it was a perfect indication of skill and matched people as perfectly as it could there are not enough people on the killer side of the que for it to matter.

    MMR had a 0% effect on the game. You are tricking yourselves into playing differently because you are afraid of losing an invisible score... If they removed it no one would even notice because it doesn't do anything. Hell they may as well have never added it. Maybe they never did add any MMR system and just told us they did and its all in our heads.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,227

    Exactly. We have MMR elitism now with hidden MMR anyway. It's kind of incredible, but it exists.