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Are killers getting mad over Boil Over?

Member Posts: 3,611

Here I am talking about Boil Over (again).

I have been using Boil Over a lot recently (mainly to see how it affects matches) and I noticed that every time I run it the killers will camp me on first hook, tunnel me, or slug me to death. Like I know it's an annoying perk and everything, but most maps I get and most places that I get downed it doesn't even make a difference. I don't even bring perks to pair with it.

Killers must really hate this perk if seeing someone bring it causes these reactions.

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  • Member Posts: 1,451

    I'm not sure what the hustle and bustle is about it either.

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    This is just based on my own experience as Killer. Since the perk buff I've never had any issue going up against players using this perk.

    If others don't like it for whatever reason this = 100% fine. So please lose the attitude.

  • Member Posts: 960

    Well it's not hard to see why though also along the new wiggle mechanic giving a shadow buff it's hard not to think there would be issues.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Bruh the little stairs at Thompson going into the house counts as a great height!!!!!

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    I've seen some footage of it, and goddamn does it look annoying to play against.

    I don't blame people for getting mad.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    No, survivors are also getting mad at it.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    I had a pig tunnel me for using breakout and mettle of man lmao

  • It doesn't make me mad. In fact, I've only seen it a couple of times since the update, and I haven't seen anyone pull off an infinite with it in the actual game (have seen videos of it here).

    I still tunnel and camp survivors running Boil Over to death, yes. It is always good to be proactive.

  • Member Posts: 186

    If you are doing it with a sabo buddy then I'll probably get rid of you guys first since you are basically stopping me from hooking.

    If it's one survivor I just let them hang out at the top of whatever drop and go chase someone else.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I haven't gotten mad at Boil Over, I did have one frustrating hook tonight though where I literally couldn't steer myself around a rock to get to a hook because of that crazy stagger it does. I legitimately couldn't move forward at all, only to the left. I got stuck for a good five or six seconds with the hook maybe 2 meters away, super annoying!

    Otherwise I haven't had too much of an issue with Boil Over so far. That same survivor tried to run to the second story of the main Ironworks building, for instance, but I just used the fire escape and got the hook no problem. (She was probably hoping I wouldn't notice the Boil Over icon and would just jump down from the ledge.) In fact I think almost all the times I've had trouble with Boil Over have I think always been due to the huge stagger effect, not the dropping from a height boost. (Off hand I can only think of one survivor who got away because I dropped off something and even there I think it was my own fault since I had another route and wasn't paying attention.)

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    If a player uses a map offering to a two-story map and I see a survivor has Boil Over, I'm going to assume that player intends to abuse it and I should kill them while I can.

    Otherwise I don't really care. I've seen it heavily abused in a few survivor games of mine, though. I've been lucky enough to avoid a Flip Flop/Tenacity/Unbreakable/Boil Over squad as killer, but I've also been dodging RPD offerings, so that's probably why.

  • Member Posts: 651

    I won't go out of my way to slug you with Boil Over unless you are clearly abusing it by going same place over and over to prevent yourself from getting hooked.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2022

    Its very map dependent and depending on that I’ll decide whether it’s worth it to camp them or not.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    On a solo? No. But I've gone against three SWF teams in the last few days that have tried to take the game hostage with it. As I said in another thread, the perk itself is meme fodder on solo, but a bully tool on SWF, much like Head On. You wanna use it? Go for it. But I will bleed you out if I need too.

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  • Member Posts: 245

    Despite being a killer main I've only encountered the perk once since it was changed. It was annoying but even with a body block they did not wiggle out.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited January 2022
  • Member Posts: 3,022

    @WishIcouldmain Pretty much. You'd think the devs would have learned their lesson, but once again, they prove they won't think ahead with some of their decisions. Instead, it's 'we're monitoring things,' which means 3 to 6 months, minimum, before changes.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Yeah, what's considered a great height isn't even a great height at all. That needs to be fixed along with Boil Over itself.

  • Member Posts: 364
    edited January 2022

    i think 100% to the wiggle progress plus literally any other perk, flip flop/breakout is enough the 25% progression for dropping off a ledge is overkill imo. This has brought back infinites in 3 maps that I know of using boil over alone.

  • Member Posts: 960

    From what? They got a new toy but it can't just cripple the killer's knees?

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Just like killers getting mad at facecamp bubba I think.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    It's too much on top of everything else, and players with decency and some common sense will notice that this is a teeny tiny bit over tuned. The wriggle effect alone would warrant the usage perk, but the +25% bonus for taking two steps at once at a staircase makes it a broken perk.

    Its so overturned that the common practice is to slug anyone who wields it, sorta defeating its purpose. Instead of diversifying the stale survivor meta by elevating a mediocre perk to usability, its indeed so strong in its niche, that you will 95% not be able to play out its strengths because you get preemptively slugged, so it will get shelved again, after a few tests runs, and everyone is back to DH, DS, IW, BT, Unbreakable, CoH or maybe another exhaustion perk for variety.

  • Member Posts: 980

    Killers have always been mad about Boil Over. I messed around with it a year or two back just to see what kind of use I could get out of it. I had to stop because every single match I ran it, I got either camped or slugged and left to bleed. That extra jerk from side to side would piss so many Killers off, it was unreal. This was in high purple/low reds under the old system.

    It wasn't a very good Perk, but causing them to work to get me to the hook apparently made them a bit angry. I ended up taking it out of my builds because the amount of camping/slugging was ridiculous. Amazingly enough, soon as I stopped using it playstyles changed completely and the camping/slugging was a rare thing once more.

  • Member Posts: 8,077


    If I see it, I'm tunneling you out.

    It's a perk that is used to deliberately annoy the stuffing out of killer players.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    This. Just...all of this

    Maybe it's a controller thing or maybe I just need to somehow Git Gud against it but if you don't have a completely clear shot to a hook that is relatively close by, you're screwed. Losing someone from your grip USED to be something that took a combination of teammates helping their downed comrade plus a little bit of luck but I'm getting people wiggling out of my grip with no help from anyone (at least) once a game. Sometimes it's people who are abusing it and are well aware of what they're doing (running up to a second floor any time I see them) but many times, it's I can't get my killer to get through a GD doorway.

    At this point, I've started downing people and then looking around them to make sure I know EXACTLY where the nearest hook is just in case they have Boil Over just so I have a damn chance to actually hook someone instead of them escaping.

    How in the world the devs pushed this out thinking that is was perfectly fine is a mystery that will baffle me for the rest of my DBD days...

  • Member Posts: 3

    I'm seriously considering dropping Hillbilly and Blight after investing well over 600 hours combined into both of them and playing Executioner so I can at least have a chance on RPD at this point. To answer your question, yes, I'm a killer main and I am very upset about this, Boil Over is not good on its own but, if you get RPD you might as well dc as killer because survivors with boil over will flock to the library and make you consider switching to survivor.

  • Member Posts: 890

    I had a flashlight claudette that would run to the top of the stairs on artists map. I tried to ignore the perk the first few times but I never was able to hook her because there were no hooks nearby and then knock around effect can easily force me off the staircases so I started slugging her and then go after someone else while the others would try to pick her up. That interaction with her wasn't fun or interesting it was very irritating.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    The double standert on "great height" saddens me.

    For the archive achievement you need to drop 1,5 floors for it to count while boil over triggers on the smallest drop

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    BL is also suppose to trigger on a great height, but often you can drop a tiny bit and have it trigger.

  • Member Posts: 939

    My friend was running it and didn't have a clue it had been buffed or any of the drama surrounding it. Was in Badham, and she got slugged in the basement of the school (the basement with the hooks was in the shack). The Legion couldn't get her out of the basement w/o her wriggling off, so he left her slugged and camped her until she bled out while everyone else left (after making noble efforts to save her). Legion was pretty sore about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    I knew it would be an issue and I was concerned the moment I saw that when the dev notes dropped. I knew it would be the exact same code as BL, and I've used BL. A 2 inch drop can count as a great fall for it. So I am not shocked it ended up being the same with this perk. A big issue is that the killer can't know if a drop will stagger them because it's virtually random. I have had sections on maps where a fairly large fall doesn't trigger BL, and I've had ones where the tiniest drop does. As a killer, if the survivor has boil over I will just have to avoid every drop, because I really have no way of knowing if the game will randomly decide a drop is from a "great height" even if it's a 2 inch fall off a pebble. It requires you to avoid all drops, even the smallest, because the trigger is so inconsistent and you can't really know what will trigger it, so you just need to play as if everything triggers it. It will not be fixed, because it's almost certainly the same code as BL and that has never been fixed. It just shouldn't be on the perk at all. If they can fix it then cool. But I really doubt it.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I don't blame them either. Most matches I've had while using it was on flat terrain maps, yet killers were still getting upset about it. That's why I was wondering if the perk itself is the problem.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I don't blame them either. Most matches I've had while using it was on flat terrain maps, yet killers were still getting upset about it. That's why I was wondering if the perk itself is the problem.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Been running Agitation/Iron Grip/Pain Resonance/Starstruck on Pinhead lately and haven't lost a game all day. Makes all these boil over squads a joke so there are counters to it.

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