Stop looking at the game only from the PERSONAL SIDE?

Faen Member Posts: 55
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

The main problem of the game. This is what she originally planned as SOLO for the survivors. And everything seems to be logical. Each survivor is for himself and has his own survival kit. But the developers realized in time that if it remained so. The game would be dead. Playing alone all the time is not fun and interesting for everyone.

And added a party. But somehow change the game for this? They didn't. Accept the survivors as a full-fledged TEAM. Where is the mistake of one, affects all ..?

Each decision of the survivors affects the outcome of the match. Because of this, another problem arises. The player looks at the game from his PERSONAL SIDE. But they do not look from the side of the team. Because of this, they complain about camping, tunneling and facecamping. They apparently also do not understand. That while the Killer wasted time on them, their teammates had to run the generators. And this is already becoming a full-fledged team game.

And I really liked that the developers are planning to erase the boundaries of SOLO and SWF. It is right.

It is wrong that many look at the game only from the personal side.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    But the developers realized in time that if it remained so. The game would be dead. Playing alone all the time is not fun and interesting for everyone.

    That's... half true I guess? SWF mostly happenned because people were queueing to play with each other anyways, so devs just made it easier.

    They apparently also do not understand. That while the Killer wasted time on them, their teammates had to run the generators.

    It is wrong that many look at the game only from the personal side.

    Y'see, while this logic makes sense, you also need to remember that soloq still exists. I doubt that one survivor had a lot of fun (or bloodpoints) just for "technically" helping their team rush gens.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Game is still balanced around soloq though...

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    Like, if they went and made it so you can see what other survivors are doing, and their loadouts I'd say that'd put them pretty close to what a SWF can do. Then they can balance the game with the higher coordination in mind rather than it being SWF = guaranteed win 80-90% of time if they just slam the gens and let someone wait on hook.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    KILLERS are balanced around solo queue.

    That's the OP's whole point.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    @Faen SWF was just not finished on release. the game was never designed for solo only. dont make up something on wrong terms.