Dead man's switch shouldn't block the generator if there are 2 people repairing

For example, there was a situation where me and another person were repairing a generator, the killer hooks someone and goes after the other survivor, so the person who was with me decides to rescue the person from the hook, why does the generator have to block while i can still repair?
I think it should be almost like repressed alliance, you can't block the generator if there is someone repairing, dead man's switch should block the generator if everyone leaves, not only one.
The generator only gets blocked for the remaining duration of DMS if it stops being worked on, it will never actually kick you off it
as long as you commit to repairing it and never let go then DMS will never activate
as for being paired with Scourge Hook: Pain resonance which makes survivors who are working on the gen with most progress scream and interrupt them, thereby activating Dead Mans Switch, all you have to do in that situation is temporary come off the gen BEFORE your teammate gets hooked. The gen will lose progress but you won’t be kicked off it so you can easily avoid DMS
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Dead hard shouldn't work if there's a pallet or vault nearby.
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I'm not seeing the connection?
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I've been running DMS in several builds now - and it's one of those perks that'll rattle newbies but experienced players can negate it quite effectively.
- If you have PR, just release the gen before someone gets hooked.
- If no PR, the perk is only really strong on Artist. And I'm okay with that.
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You aren't wrong - but it's a bit stinky to try to get a killer perk nerfed when there are far, far more annoying and powerful survivor perks in the wild.
If you are pointing out an inconsistency or a higher priority change needed, that's not whataboutism. If my car has a scratched door and a busted muffler, and I complain about the door my mates aren't whatabouting when they tell me to get the muffler fixed first.
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If someone else gets off of the gen while you are on it the gen will block, regardless of if you're still repairing it. That's the entire point of OPs post and while before it was fine, since the perk was terrible, with it being far less terrible currently that's an interaction that may need to be changed.
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yea but this isn't a dead hard discussion. bringing up random unrelated topics won't help anything.
As for annoying and powerful perks the same exact thing could be said about killer. What about 4 slowdowns and alch ring blight? Video tape and ruin+undying pig? Pinhead with engineers fang or impaling wire? None of those are fun for survivor. I think those should be reworked too. They are very unfun to play against and give the killer a massive advantage just for bringing it.
^ That is the exact same as complaining about dead hard in unrelated threads. ^
I get dead hard is one perk while those are a combination. And I'm not saying DH shouldn't be a priority. But when we start throwing around unrelated suggestions it can and usually will just spiral out into a different conversation that offers nothing of use. That's the point I'm trying to make.
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I agree. It is odd that you get pushed off the Gen/the Gen gets blocked when the other person stops repairing.
I guess this is something which never came up before, because nobody used Dead Mans Switch. BHVR should look into it and decide if this is intended or not.
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Yeah this seems like an oversight. Or, knowing this game, a buggy bug.
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- 4 slowdown Blight would be inefficient. Alchemist's Ring is something that everyone and their dog knows is OP, but by the stats...Blight looks fine, so no changes.
- Video+Ruin Undying is incredibly fragile and top heavy.
I think that a lot of killers are just hurting right now, due to bizarro changes and nerfs, the new Boil Over basically allowing legitimized griefing and SBMM pooping the sheets at night these days. The fact that my killer queues are now instant even in the daytime is concerning - it means that the sheer imbalance of the factions is going to start completely breaking SBMM soon unless BHVR somehow finds a way to get more killer players into the mix.
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Already this has proven my point that what-about-ism completely derails conversations. It wasn't a balance discussion about any of these topics but now it is. And the conversation is now pointless.
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I believe the connection is that that's the entire point of the perk. If you take off that use case, then suddenly it's not any good. DMS is meant to interrupt generators when someone gets up to go for the save, or gets spooked. If the gens only get blocked when everyone gets off of them, it's not nearly as good and you may as well run something like Ruin instead.
Whether it's too good now or needs adjusting - maybe. I'm not sure yet. But blocking a gen that nobody's working on anymore isn't very helpful, and this still wouldn't fix the issues with the killers that DMS is most powerful on because all three of them can force or scare everyone off a gen at once.
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Isn't the game of chicken kinda the point of the perk though?
Plus this is irrelevant if survivors are spreading out on generators like they are supposed to...
So I really don't get the point of nerfing it.
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Cause its the most progressed gen that's all it needs to be said since if two people were on it it would be the one with the most progress.
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You want Dead Man's Switch nerfed?
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Idk if that is the change it needs but it definitely needs a tweak. Its broken in some killers, you will be repairing the same gen over an over like forever in most cases when you combine this with other perks like pain resonance for example.. and besides that its also boring af.
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Actually, this was you fallacy-scolding that derailed the conversation :).
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it was already derailed away from the dead-hard discussion that had nothing to do with the original topic but okay
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Discuss it in a separate thread. Don't mix your unrelated comments here.
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DMS will kick survivors out of a gen if at least one of them stops working, that's the trigger. See the trivia section of the wiki:
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It’s a bit strong for solo Que. When you have bad teammates who don’t do gens or objectives, it severely punishes the ones that do. Too many games where I’ve been working on one gen for what feels like 6 mins because Scourge Hook keeps kicking me off (trying to train myself not to repair when someone is picked up- getting better at it) or DMS kicking in when I have to go for a save or solve Pinhead’s box, or I’m in Tier 3 madness.
When I have teammates who actually do gens and we lose, I don’t mind. But when you have ambulance chasers running behind killers with their flashlights, it makes what used to be a frustrating experience, an infuriating one. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve had so many 4/5 gen losses in one week smh.
Times like these I wish I knew what killers are running Scourge/DMS in advance cause then I would equip the Boil Over build and send their ass to RPD lmao.
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If you need to get off the gen to go for a save/pinhead box/etc, you're likely going to be away from that gen for the duration of DMS anyway. Literally all you have to do vs that combo is watch for the survivors aura to reappear in the seconds theyre getting put on the hook, let go of the gen, and get back on it after the hook registers. The ONLY time that doesnt work exactly like that, is if someone else was hooked within the >45 last seconds (which would mean DMS is still active, but only for its remaining duration anyway.)
WORST case scenario... work on multiple gens. It actually doesnt do as much as you might think it does, since they can't be kicked or anything while blocked, you're generally not losing much progress anyway.
But yeah, agreed with being infuriated at survivors who are allergic to gens and need their clicky clicky medicine regularly. Too many games where i'm doing 3+ gens while also having long chases.
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You can counter it with out any use of perk.
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"Whataboutism" is a fake word created to suppress opposing arguments. It's invalid and means nothing. Stop parroting Scott Jund.
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No, whataboutism is absolutely a thing.
Basically, you raise a 'whatabout' to sidetrack the argument with another issue.
Also: there is no such thing as a fake word :).
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I don't see problem in this "nerf" tbh, I can just kill them anyway... right?
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Everything is strong and good for solo Que because 80% of they suck and game is actually balanced around it, unlike voice comm which is just a cheating that is allowed for some reason.
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Aside from Artist, I'm not using it on many killers right now.
It's certainly not bad, but I find that people weren't going to be at that gen anyway, and all that happens is a lot of 75% gens stack up and all pop together when I don't want them to.
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Actually it is more interactive than not using it as you have more time to heal, chase, and rescue during match.
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Regardless of fake words or not, it's still something adopted by the DBD community to suppress counter arguments. Literally adopted by survivor mains to piss and moan about everything killers have that they don't want to adapt to without ever being able to be told "I mean, you have all this ######### that's 10x more powerful than what you're whining about", which is a VALID critique of their own argument.
TL;DR - "whataboutism" as a protection doesn't exist. Stop using it. It doesn't apply here.