Separate healing, etc. from pallet/unhook input

On consoles, if you have multiple interactions you can do at a pallet like heal, disarm trap, etc. you are often times forced to drop the pallet because it uses the same input. These should be separated so that survivors can safely heal at a pallet or disarm one of Trapper's traps without accidentally dropping the pallet.

Similarly, you are forced to crush Victor over unhooking someone if he's on your back. A survivor should be able to unhook someone even with Victor on their back. I believe PC players have this ability.

Perhaps actions like healing, disarming traps, crushing Victor, etc. could be moved to the square button on PS4/PS5 (and equivalent buttons on other consoles)?


  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 123

    So, shortly after I posted this I realized you can resolve this yourself by changing input bindings in settings. If you change the secondary action/interactions input to another button, that should fix the issue.

    Still not sure if it resolved the Victor and unhooking issue. Need to test it and see.