Map offerings must be kept secret.
There is currently a problem in the game due to which PC players, when they see Offerings increasing the chances of loading onto the map of a Realm they don’t like, launch the Task Manager and end the game process, thereby abusing the match cancellation system.
I believe that to minimize this problem, Realm offerings should be made secret so that players cannot abuse the fact that the punishment system does not work when the game process ends through the Task Manager.
Most often this happens when seeing an Offering on Raccoon City, I agree that many do not like this map, but this does not mean that players should have the right to exploit the game's systems for their own benefit.
I personally think the map offerings should be completely removed, they affect the gameplay too much, but I probably wouldn't mind if they were made secret.
Also if I'm not mistaken, when your game closes while loading into the match, you still get the dc penalty, I'm 100% sure that I got one way back when my game crashed due to some bug.
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This is strange, because many times I have seen how streamers ended the game processes through the Task Manager, and then opened it again and there was no matchmaking penalty, although much less than 5 minutes had passed, which is the minimum penalty.
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Then they would dc when the map has loaded.
People simply have to stop dcing because "unfun". Sadly this is asked too much i know...
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Map offerings should be removed if the developers really want to push this 'competitive' (as in making the game more about the competition than casual aspects) aspect like they have done with MMR
Letting one side just pick a map that favours them makes no sense to me, I hate that both roles do it
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Map offerings should prevent the corresponding realm from showing up instead imo
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No. Until they fix Boil OPver, all Killers have almost a right to bail when they see offerings taking them to RPD, because it's clear it's going to be abused for literal immunity from hooking.
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I'm pretty sure console players can quit the game during loading as well.
But also don't be surprised other players don't feel like dealing with your map offering. Since generally people aren't throwing map offerings unless they plan to take advantage of an aspect of that map.
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No, I like playing matches that aren't stacked in the opponents favor before the loading screen is even finished loading
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Map offerings are game-changing levels of powerful and should not exist at all currently with how drastically unbalanced a lot of maps are. Something with that much impact should never be secret, ever.
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That's actually a really good idea, I like it!
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Nah, either fix the maps so people don't want to waste time closing the game instead of playing through an unfun match or remove map offerings.
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Map offerings are not a problem. The maps not being balanced is a problem.
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I'm pretty sure those people would just kill game with task manager when they saw a offering not revealed, people who uses map offering as a survivor is most likely a abusers anyway.
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Yeah, sorry, if I know for a fact that I'm going to a map that completely neuters my power, I'm noping out of that one.
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Would you prefer that instead of crashing out players instead suicide or go AFK on a map they don't like, either tanking the match or turning it into a killer-less gen repair sim where you have to play through the trial just to get a low amount of BP and a depip? I never crash out as killer when it's RPD, but I don't play on that map, either.
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I don't like feeling obligated to play in a map I hate, instead they should remove the map offerings.
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Survivors are allowed to 'Hook DC' but Killers are not allowed to 'crash' when there's a map offering to take advantage of Boil OPver?
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Personally I think the game would be better off if they just removed map offerings entirely. They just cause more problems than any benefit they provide.
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Even if this happened, people would just Alt-F4 any hidden offering instead lol.
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100% the only hidden offerings are the ones that change survivor spawning that are complete garbage and moris which no one uses because they dont do anything and why not use a BP offering instead, so people will just assume that hidden offering = favorable map and DC because thats what it will be 80% of the time
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I agree with this. It would give more secrecy to the secret offerings (especially on the killer side). People conveniently forget that some killers have advantages by loading certain maps as well, for which survivors may DC during the loading screen.
No DC penalty for disconnecting during the loading screen, but you will lose anything you brought into the trial.
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I remember that was common before the mori nerf.
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Strafe as they wiggle, it's a free agitation.
You can thank me later.
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SURE! So you are free to send people to RCPD without any retaliation.
Map offering should be purple!