Console crossplay only

PC vs PC
Consoles vs Consoles
No more subtle or blatant cheating. No more DDoS. No K&M.
Trade offer accepted.
sign me up
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even with crossplay off on xbox, from time to time the game pairs you with PC players and of course they are cheaters. so I'm not safe even when I have crossplay disabled.
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Never going to happen. Besides even when you turn crossplay off cheaters can still get into your games.
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It needs to happen, I would rather have console-only CP.
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Im not sure if it works cross gen with off.
Also with xplay on would exclude pc
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I want this but they won't do it because crossplay was actually just a gift to PC players.
They know fully well almost everyone would exclude PC players and rightfully so.
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Cheaters can ignore cross-off anyway so like, all you're doing with this is excluding the legit pc players while doing nothing to fix any issues at all.
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Doesn't this just make matchmaking worse?
(and not actually improve anything for PC)
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Cheaters will still find ways into lobbies.
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Hackers were getting into console lobbies before crossplay was a thing. There are videos of legacy players in console matches before crossplay because hackers don't need crossplay activated in an online game to get into console lobbies.
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This will filter out all the legitimate PC players meanwhile the cheaters will still get in.
I wouldn’t recommend it.
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Ayo? 🤨
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Absolutely, id pay extra for that. We all know what pc stands for.
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But its just a dream. They will still infect the lobby somehow
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PC players probably get anxiety when reading this. I'd love console only crossplay. Couldn't care less about that cheater infested platform. I stopped playing on pc and started playing on ps4 again with crossplay off. Solo and duo fast lobbies so I really can't complain.
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Exclude all the legitimate PC players because of script kiddied? No
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I love the delusion in this thread.
Before crossplay, old gen console lobby queue times were horrible. 20+ minutes for survivor since the killer to survivor ratio was worse on console at that time and the forums were filled with queue time complains.
PC was the other way around, survivor a few minutes and killer had similar or longer waiting times.
Maybe it might be different today and cutting of PC won't leave console with horrible queue times but i wouldn't bet on it. First person gameplay will always be less comfortable than 3rd person on controller.
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Then cheaters who can bypass cross-off will go out of their way to harass console players.
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I think you underastimated what cheaters can do.
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Not all pc players are cheaters, we know that, it would suck to punish decent ones when the bad ones will just hack their way in. Its just a comment of frustration from console players. Pc players try not to take it personal. Sorry