Have you had covid and please tell me how you felt.
Please don't see this as any hate, and sincere to those who have lost during this, I am curious as I have had covid to wish to know others symptoms and how they adressed it what did they feel?
So I had the very number 1 out there covid, I lost taste and smell so I had a water/soup diet, but 1 night I had flu like symptoms, every time I turned over it was pain like the flu I sweated it out and many say it does not work with flu but for me it does, my taste smell ws around 2 weeks and I lost weight please tell me your story.
I was fortunate enough to retain my taste and smell when I had it. I had extreme fatigue, high fever that had me laying on the bare floor to try and cool off, nausea, dry mouth and lips (it was so bad that every time I closed my mouth it would feel like it was burning), loss of appetite that resulted in dehydration and coughing. I went to the urgent care and they put me on an IV for the dehydration and then tested me for COVID which came back positive. I was scheduled to go take a viral-shot thingy at a different location but I ended up coughing up a little blood and opted to go to the ER.
I wish I lost weight. After a two week hospital stay I had severe muscle atrophy and was put on a steroid that made me hungry all the time.
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I got it in December 2020. First symptoms were an itchy throat and a constant smell of bleach. Ended up having a night fever that woke me up, and I had to use a cold washcloth to cool me down enough to go back to sleep. Woke up with a migraine (that I've never had before) and needed to stay in the dark because the head pain was too bad. Also lost my taste and smell right around this time too. It was just mostly a week of laying down, checking vitals to be cautious of any oxygen drops, and staying hydrated to combat my fever. I was dozing in and out the entire day I first got the fever because my body was exhausted and I was extremely fatigued.
My mom and brother who also got it took around 3 weeks to get their taste and smell back. Mine took an entire year. I just recently got it back around December 2021. For a year, both my taste and smell had returned but it was very distorted. There was a lot of food I couldn't eat because it tasted like chemicals. I lost around 20 pounds because of it.
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I got it from my younger brother back in November. At first I didn't realize I had it, I didn't lose my sense of taste or smell, but I woke up with goosebumps from feeling both really cold and too hot at the same time. As the day went on, the shivering got worse, but I also couldn't stop coughing and I was slowly becoming very lethargic until later that day, my folks took me to the E.R. where I was diagnosed positive. So my mom and I spent the next few hours at the hospital to be injected with antibodies. For the next 10 days, I was quarantined to my room in the basement slowly recovering with my brother. For a while it was primarily a bad cough, a loss in appetite, and a lot of the shakes. Thankfully, I've mostly recovered from then and haven't felt as sick since.