Opinions on new Dead Man's Switch?

Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

So I don't see many talking about the buff to DMS, so I'm curious about what everyone thinks about it.

Personally, I think it's fine and it got the buff it needed. It can be a bit problematic on certain killers, but that's about it.


  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    It's almost impossible to play against a Doctor or Artist in the right hands.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,710

    I love the new Dead Man's Switch, I run it on a bunch of different killers.

    I run it on Doctor, cause he can force survivors off of gens. I run it on twins cause victor can traverse the map quickly to scare people off gens. I run it on Pinhead and use the iridescent lament configuration and it can be kinda gross.

    I'm also having a lot of fun running a full gen blocking build on Deathslinger. DMS, Corrupt, Grim Embrace and Thrilling Tremors.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    The synergy with Pain Resonance is a bit too strong in my opinion. It could use a 30 seconds cooldown between activations so you can't keep a gen blocked on the other side of the map forever.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I think it's busted on Artist, but it seems fine to me on Doctor. Haven't encountered a Freddy with it (and suspect he's the easiest to counter of the three anyway), and on every other killer, I can't see an issue. It's oppressive if the killer is quickly completing chases, but that's oppressive in general. It's like many other perks in that you recognize it's there and adapt how you play to avoid triggering it.

    I don't know if it's meta, but it's good now, and it used to be terrible. It's a pity that Distortion, Coup de Grace, and Buckle Up didn't get the same treatment.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Especially when in combination with Pain Resonance (which pretty much every killer runs now because it's stupid strong) it's the most busted perk on the Artist, and it's damn near OP on any high mobility killer (Nurse, Blight, Billy, Spirit Wraith with cloak speed add ons, Freddy if teleport is off cool down, Demo if portals are set up, Nemesis if a zombie happens to be patrolling your gen which happens often)

    I've never known a more busted perk combination in the game survivor or killer side. (Short answer, hate it but mostly when combined with Pain Resonance)

  • Putting aside the fact it's a bit questionable on specific killers it does motivate you to not camp which is a good thing imo.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607
  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    I have yet to play against it

    I put it on one of my killers for a game just to check it out and it seemed....eh. Like...it's good but it's not great. While the gens are blocked for the survivors, they're also blocked for me as the killer. I suppose there are builds that would really make it awesome (like if you had Ruin and it survived) but just Dead Man's by itself seemed OK at best.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,722

    It’s a meta perk now. I’ve been using it a lot and I play against it all the time now as well.

    I know a lot of people don’t like the PR/DMS synergy but this is partially countered by letting go of the gen for a moment when someone is about to be hooked. In most cases, if the gen is blocked for the entire 45 seconds because you screamed, that’s on you.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I haven't faced an Artist with it yet but I think it's something that'll be too strong on her.

    It falls into the same bracket as most perks like this do. Extremely annoying in solo q but fine when your in a team.

    I don't think it should be changed (unlike Boil Over) but I think in a month, after facing a few Nurses, Blights and Artists I may change my mind.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    It's annoying especially with Pain Resonance, but it has some workaround. If you suspect the killer has the combo, you can always release the gen before the hook. It will apply the 15% regression, but you will not scream so you can avoid blocking the gen.

    Lately, I've been using Repressed Alliance too to block the gen immediately before the hook happens, that way, another gen blows up. If the killer comes to my gen anyway, all other survivors can see its aura and know it should be close to completion.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    It's in good position, you can actually use it for slowdown.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Same. I like the combo, some Killers are pretty good with it, but overall you can work around it. Letting go of a generator for a few seconds is little to no problem. Repressed Alliance getting some value is also a pretty good thing.

    Yes. Getting more value out of hooking is a pretty good thing for the game. I can not complain about the new Deadmans Switch at all.

  • furret534
    furret534 Member Posts: 77

    This one is rather weird, as on most killers it won’t do much since survivors don’t usually get off gens until they’re pushed off. And if someone is running to the hook, they’re not going to be trying to do the gen for the time it’s blocked. Overall I think it’s a good buff but still a little situational. Works really well as a combo perk though!

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Busted on artist fine on everyone else

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    to me it feels a lot like Tinkerer.

    very strong on specific characters and / or with specific loadouts, but not very good on its own.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I've been experimenting with it.


    Really good on Artist and Doctor, decent on Cenobite. Can backfire horribly and result in a lot of gens popping together.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    I'll probably be the only one and people will hate me for it and I'm sorry, but after only two boring and frustrating games that ended up as 4k with 5 gens left, I already got tired of it and now I just let go of the gen after the first hook and if DMS is on then I consider running up to the killer and just killing myself to move on to the next game.

    It's probably perfectly ok against SWF, but in uncoordinated solo queue, everyone stops repairing to go for the hook and boom! all three gens that had progress are blocked. After a while I was so tired of it because one was dead, everyone else dead on hook, and not one gen done, that I decided to be so smart and stay on the gen and let the others do the rescue - except that the others probably had the same idea and the guy died on hook because nobody got him.

    That I'm not with really good teammates usually and the killer has enough pressure that DMS is literally permanently active just adds to the frustration. I guess it's time to get an SWF group.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Here's the thing though.

    Those gens retain progression and cannot regress during this time.

    What happens from the killer's perspective quite often is that you'll get some pressure and prevent them being done for a bit, only for 4 gens to pop within a second of each other and you suddenly going from a winning game to a complete loss.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    It's a really good perk overall and can be insane on some killers. I like it

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    I kind of like how if you run this perk with pop goes the weasel, you are shooting yourself in the foot massively because both perks have the same duration

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It's good, for both sides.

    It's a perk worth running for killer, but not so oppressive for survivors due to the cool down etc.

    I wish most perks had reworks like this tbh, some reworks have been dreadful

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The fact that killer players are responsible for most of the feedback/suggestions/complaints regarding this game doesn't indicate that there might be a design problem?

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    No. It’s because survs play together and killer come here and they think they belong to something bigger thank them.

    try to write something from the surv pov and you’ll see hordes of killers writing against you . This is how this forum is now

  • Yeah I saw when Otz said that too, and I disagree completely. Survivors have to get off the gen for DMS to do anything, and adding in the scourge hook only insures a single gen is blocked.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    No, that's not how...anything works.

    If killers were having more fun with the game, you'd see less threads from the killer POV. I think a big part of this also stems from the behavior of survivors in game. Losing is one thing, but getting teabagged and gloated at *every single game* gets frustrating.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    It doesn't for 99.99% of killers, have you even read the description?

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Yeah but you dont even need to move a single meter to get that done.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    tbh as the killer running up to me trying to beg to be killed like that would just make me slug you for 4 minutes to force you to DC and eat a ban or waste 4 minutes of your life bleeding out. I hate when people try to circumvent the DC penalty by getting the killer to kill them fast so they can throw the game for their team without getting penalized. Nah, you're gonna wait. You're ruining your teams game, and I'm not letting you off easy for it and rewarding your childishness so you do it again.

    "My team is often bad" is really never an excuse to nerf a perk imo. It's the same excuse used to justify nerfing NOED. "But if I get a horrible team, they won't do bones and..." Perks aren't designed so that garbage teams can counter them. Because if they were then they'd be toothless perks.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Ye gods this, so much.

    Unfortunately I value my own time more than sticking it to anyone, but there is certainly the temptation.