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Hex/Boon rework suggestion

So I saw a light idea of this from the subreddit, used it as a base, and thought about it for a bit to find a fair way for both sides with the many complaints I've seen and heard about hexes going too quickly and boons being too strong.

For killer hexes: since survivors can spawn literally a couple feet from hexes and cleanse them instantly, as well as needing another perk to prolong their life (undying) getting cleansed very quickly, why not have hexes only flare up on totems when their effect would be activated, but not before 30 seconds into the match.

For example, ruin could be baited out in a second if a survivor spawns right next to a generator, taps it to check for ruin, and boom, it can be found quickly. Have the hexes flare into hexes from dull totems when the perk is activated like the resurrection of pentimento, pentimento isn't active until a totems brought back to life, no totem to cleanse until it's up. So upon the first hit blood favor would flare up on a totem not near, say 12-16m of a survivor, crowd control when a window first fast vaulted then the hex flares up, third seal when first survivor hit, lullaby activate like plaything on the hook, and so on.

For survivor boons: since they provide considerable support to survivors and can overturn the match with how often and relatively quickly boons can be setup and their unlimited use if the killer can't find it, just limit the boons to have something like durability, either tokens for how many times they can be blessed based on tier of the perk, or a total time that each boon can provide its benefits.

For example: CoH has say, 60, 75, 90 seconds that it can provide the bonus for, the more people healing in it at once, i.e. two separate people healing themselves, will reduce the total time faster, for exponential it only allows so many full recoveries based on perk tier, for shadowstep it has a timer like CoH that ticks down when aura is being read or running within a certain distance say 16m of the killer. Each boon can time out on its own, and the boon only snuffs itself once all tokens/time has been used up.

I'd like some criticism and feedback to see the communities view on this idea and how it could be better.