what was the worst killer rework
imo billy got it worst.
Straight up deleted a character some people enjoyed
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Freddy the took a fun and unique killer made him OP and boaring then nerfed him and now he's ok and boring.
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A tie between Freddy and Billy.
Freddy for literally deleting a killer, and Billy for ruining a killer that was fine as he was. The killer ruined in particular was one of the most beloved killers to play as and against.
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Instead of answering, I'll make a prediction.
It's about to be either Legion or Ghostface
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'Wait no, but Bill' - Freddy.
'No, but...' - Freddy.
Seriously, Freddy has horrible addons, a boring power and terrible perks. He may not be numerically the worst killer in the game, but he feels like the worst killer in the game.
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Gotta be Freddy. He went from being 'unique but flawed' to 'boring but effortlessly strong' to just 'boring.' Easily the worst addons of any killer in the game.
I often forget he exists. How in the world we got to a point where Freddy Krueger is forgettable, I don't know.
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It's sad cause he was the worst killer in the game but atleast he was enjoyable. I really hope they never change a killer that much again
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Freddy, he was reworked from a state that was weak but can be changed now to a state thats just flatout not fun for both sides and doesn't even represent freddy at all
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yea they did freddy dirty. but I still think billy was worst because all they had to do was just nerf instasaw billy but instead they made him less fun
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Let's hope they don't end up like Freddy
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it would be funny if they were worse tho
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Legion, yeah he was OP and may have been bad for the game but who cares, he was fun.
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Freddy. He was most unique killer. But now he is boring.
Legion was DC simulator lol.
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Freddie... In my opinion
They could've done so many different things to him but decided on what we have now
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Freddy. Turned an unique killer into a boring mess.
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This reminds me when I saw a clip from twitch where one developer, I probably cannot name, was asked, or told, to nerf Legion. They responded with something like "maybe they shouldn't be able to vault pallets, that sounds about right". It was probably a joke, but comming from them... Let's not think about this, it's for the better.
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A fun and thematically cool killer, deleted. Replaced with a strong and boring killer, now just boring. I miss Old Freddy so much.
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Cannibal, you no longer can 100% rev facecamp survivors.
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Finally, some one with the right answer
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Freddy. They straight up deleted a Killer, and added a boring strong mess and then deleted the strong part and replaced it with weak
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Billy went from being fun & challenging to play against to one of the biggest pushovers. At least Freddy’s rework made him viable.
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Freddy lost all character and flavor. He's a super bland M1 with terrible add ons and very little skill expression.
Really not sure what they were thinking with Billy. They took a hugely popular character and put a limit on the most fun part about him. Then they realized their mistake and dialed back the overheat to the point that it's a minor annoyance once per trial. They also changed his animations for god knows what reason and didn't fix any of his bugs (saw auto-fill). So you have to ask: what was the point? Why did you devote so many resources to changing animations and adding an overheat mechanic that barely affects the trial in the end? You just pissed off a bunch of players for no reason.
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Legion can’t be worst then they already are and have been
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Freddy by faaaaaar.
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While there were lots of unpleasant changes wrapped up in his rework and they all contributed heavily to his fall from grace, I think Billy's loss of prominence is equally related to him getting powercrept. There's three other killers that do parts of his kit better than him and they all happened within a few months of his rework. Revamped Bubba has a way easier time landing instadowns, Oni is a smoother and more forgiving version of Billy when he has his power, and Blight corners the market on map mobility and is better at using his power in loops.
Billy's kit used to offer a lot more novelty than it does now; losing instasaw/all of his good addons and getting a bunch of negative QoL changes on top of that was a nail in the coffin, but even if they hadn't touched those, I don't think Billy would be in the same spot he used to be. I think he'd be more like MDR Spirit where there's one super powerful addon combo and everything else is good but lukewarm. It'd be more than one combo, since crack Billy didn't have drawbacks back then IIRC, but Blight is still more appealing, especially with indoor maps becoming more common.
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See, BHVR?
No one likes the mess you did with Freddy. What more will we have to say?
How many days, weeks, years, will I have to fight? My two years... are they not enough for you?
Why haven't you reverted him yet?
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Have to go with Freddy as well.
Not saying he was my favorite Killer before the Rework, but it was something unique going against a Freddy. The only annoying thing back then was that many Freddy-players just ran Endgame Builds with NOED, because it was harder to wake up after all Gens were done.
But after the Rework, I really began to hate Freddy. And it did not stop, even if they removed the massive Slowdown he was able to stack or if they made him a bit harder to play (not slowing down while placing Snares was a yikes). But he is still really boring to play and to go against.
I think they could have made old Freddy work with some Tweaks.
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Freddy. No competition.
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Freddy. While Hillbilly’s was still stupid I was able to still pick him and mostly play the same. And external factors brought him down like map design and other killers mastering elements of his kit. Freddy was completely obliterated into nothing good. He is now such a bland character who has a boring strat and is weak now
Post edited by WishIcouldmain on0 -
This 100%. The rework didn't make Billy bad. The overheat is pretty trivial and LoPro Chains+Engravings are as strong as anything he ever had. Survivors are just better at the game now than they were 3 years ago. You're pretty much locked into taking Bamboozle to get a saw off at a tile against a good player. A good survivor can always out-position a Billy if the window is available.
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You say that, but i made a thread for the last Q&A asking if we'd ever see old freddys power back and well.....last time i checked it was at - 7.
To answer OP's question...... Freddy. The way they massacred my boi is painful beyong compréhension. My fav movie killer of all time.... So sad.
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People downvote other questions to try and get their own up. I have seen it happen countless times.
That number, a symbol of ill-intentions, means nothing.
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Definitely Freddy. They turned him into a miserable bore of a killer.
Not a fan of Clown's either. Those yellow bottles are just a gimmick.
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I mained Billy before his nerf, so for me that was the worst. I never played old Freddy, but it sounds like his nerf was equally painful or worse for those who enjoyed playing as him.
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Clown's rework was only buffs though, to his basekit and add-ons. The antidote is at least an option when you only have one bottle left and are planning to reload. The main bad part about his rework are the moronic Rift challenges they made for the antidote (relying entirely on survivors to walk through it). And I guess that it can buff survivors too, if the Clown is not careful.
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Actually the yellow bottles are kind of useful if you use them right. Basically they give you the same boost in speed that the pink gas slows down the survivor. So if you can toss a yellow right at the start of a chase and go through it yourself it’s as if you hit the survivor with a pink bottle without actually having to have the survivor go through the gas. Then if you hit them with a slowdown gas while you’re sped up it’s a huge speed difference.
It also works on pallet loops. Toss a yellow bottle across the pallet where the survivor is and head towards them. Drop a pink where you were, and if the survivor tries to loop it you’ll get a speed up and they’ll get a slow down which is typically enough to get the hit in before they can vault.
The only thing about the yellow bottles is they’re kind of useless mid footchase when you’re too close to have the gas speed you up. So if a chase starts within say 15 meters you may as well stick to the slowdown.
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I think we may have to move on now my guy.
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What buffs did his base kit and add ons get that made any significant difference to elevate him from his previous state?
I'll take your word for it but I've yet to see a Clown who's discovered how to utilize them in any meaningful way. The only time I've seen a Clown get any value from those bottles was when they use them to patrol exit gates at end game, and to speed boost themselves to a hook that's far away when picking up a survivor.
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I started this game for Myers and Freddy. But sad point;
Myers is weak at current meta and Freddy is so boring after rework. I don't know why i am still playing DbD
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I’ll leave it to Clown mains to say how much they do or don’t use the yellow gas.
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He also got a faster base reload speed, which is huge. Two seconds, I think? (Not basekit) He also got the addition of aura-reading add-ons, which are among some of the most powerful in the game for any killer. I'm not arguing he's an A-tier killer or anything, just that his rework was all improvements for him and did not involve any nerfs.
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The faster base reload speed is nice and all but its not game changing for him IMO. I mean before when you ran the cork stopper add on for faster reload it didn't magically elevate him. It was more a comfort thing. Like Trapper starting with two traps instead of needing the bag add on now for that. They're nice to have but they don't elevate the killer in any meaningful way.
Oh I know you were not saying he's an A-tier killer. I'm just talking about rework changes that actually make an impact on the killer's power in a significant way. Like Bubba having tokens on his chainsaw. Big difference and made him much more viable than he was before.
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"Viable" is one word you could use...
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I came here just to see everyone see Freddy because I knew everyone would 🤣
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Adding the leather stretching sound in 5.5.0 (without any comment in patch notes)
to then remove it one patch later and making picking up survivors / break pallets completely silen (also without any comment in the patch notes)
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The yellow gas does nothing. Idk how people main him honestly.
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I gotcha man.
As a Clown main the yellow bottles are excellent for closing in distances during chases. You can also use them in loops along with the tonic. It's a useful chase utility that people sleep on, you just need to know when and how to use it.
I should prob make a compilation of the stuff you could do with that thing.
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Freddy. His old power was fun to use, now he's just boring.