Thank you Survivors

For all the good matches tonight. Had a great time for the most part. Even that one group that had to flashlight me at every pallet, it was still enjoyable overall.
And thank you to that last match of people who wanted to abuse Boil Over + RPD Offering + Runes. It's all it takes for me to stop playing Killer for the night. So, appreciate that, and enjoy your longer queues now that this mediocre Killer isn't in them anymore.
Everyone else, ggwp. Had a good night max'ing Lisa and getting some good post-50 levels on Mikey.
Damn, I almost thought a killer main made a positive post for once without complaining. I was wrong.
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Survivors are so desperate to get a 4 man escape like it's a DBD tournament every match
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Killers are...not happy right now.
Playing a bit of survivor this morning, and I had (in a row) - 1 killer who slugged everyone at 5 gens (afraid of Boil Over), 1 killer who was completely AFK, a Myers who...slugged everyone at 3 gens for the same reason and a facecamping Ghostface.
3 of my last 4 survivor games had killers playing in a pretty nasty manner - explicitly to avoid having to deal with one perk.
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Not really a complaint, just venting while I waited out my DC penalty.
It really was a fun night tonight. Couple 4ks, some 3ks, and the usual 0-1ks I get. Nice mix of vets vs new players/inexperienced. The past few nights it's been stomp newbs, immediately into high MMR coordinated SWFs. So it was a nice change to get some relaxing play.
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Thankyou survivors.
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Im happy, taking a week off the game to refresh. I probably wont be happy next week 😔 🤭
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Once the event is over with, there's a decent chance I'll hang up my blade until the Boil Over perk is dealt with
Right now I can still get a ton of BP with the envelopes but just the knowledge that at any point, a foursome bully squad can just hold me hostage is not something I have any real desire to deal with. I've only dealt with that ONCE but that one time is enough that it just saps my desire to keep playing.
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Killers are so desperate to get a 4k like it's a DBD tournament every match
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I'm going to be doing a 2 week 'survivor only' challenge...for science.
That doesn't seem to be the norm.
If anything, there is an expectation that the killer gives the last survivor the hatch or gate - and if they don't, they are going to get cussed out in postgame.
In creeping up on 500 hours of killer now, I've had 2 survivors give me a 'pity kill' on a blowout game.
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Me too, really should have known better since almost every killer main here is just constantly whining about something.
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I don't really see either of these statements as true, at least at the ranks I play at. I think it's more along the lines of people knowing that specific alignments of things are abuseable, and they want to either troll or flex their e-peen.
I really don't find much issue with Boil Over as it is, or even RPD, although I hate that map on both sides even more than I hated Hawkins. It's when you combine them on purpose that it becomes an issue. If it was random map chance you go to RPD, fine, it's how the game works. The issue(s) arise when people purposefully burn an Offering and load up on specific Perks, because this is just them trying to troll and abuse certain mechanics.
It's not necessarily trying for the 4k or 4e, it's just purposefully abusing specific mechanic(s) combinations to ruin the game for the other party.
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I like playing survivor enough that I play it a few times a day. But I just...I don't know, I find the role gets too stale and boring if I play survivor more than a handful of games each day.
Maybe the repetition just kind of bores me. I rarely play the same killer twice in a row so even though the overall objective is the same, the meat and potatoes of the game can be wildly different when I switch from Bubba to Plague to Oni to Nemesis. With survivors, the only change is what skin I'm wearing.
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I 100% agree. I was mostly just trolling the person who made that dumb comment because it's just a blatant overgeneralization that can easily be flipped the other way.
if everyone was looking for a 4 man escape, people wouldn't run meme builds or click their flashlights and if all killers were looking for 4ks we wouldn't have snoot booping and meme-ing killers. Too many people deal in absolutes here so I just troll people here and there when they made sweeping comments about either side tbh
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Yeah, it's also the perks.
As a killer, I'm constantly having to juggle things, make decisions, take risks etc. My entire playstyle can change with the perks and addons I bring.
As a survivor it's either: Do gens - Hold W - Loop - Do Gens - Rescue someone. All my perks play the same for the most part, and are generally 'see things, do things faster, run faster'.
Killer is a tooth grindingly frustrating role at times, but I find it so much more stimulating.
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They really shouldn't be happy right now.
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I thought my sarcasm was going to bleed through but I guess it didn't. Hard to tell in this polarizing environment but I was just throwing what the other person said back in there face because it was a dumb comment. I don't actually believe all killers are sweat lords looking for 4ks.
A lot maybe, but not all
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We need a sarcasm button. The dumb comments I just ignore. As soon as someone says Killer/Survivor Main, their entire argument is moot. They're just parroting something they saw before, or heard from their favorite Streamer. Unless you've watched me play all my matches, you can't tell if I'm either/or. Especially as I have significantly more Survivor shinies than Killer shinies, and more webs on my Survivors as well. Being a "main" is not an argument for or against anything. It's just whatever playstyle you prefer.
I enjoy Killer a lot more, but lately I've been playing a good 70% Survivor because as soon as that frustration starts rising, I know I need to take a break. So I get 5-6 matches in, last one being a toxic shitshow, and then jump over to Survivor for the rest of the night so I can chill and not deal with it. I enjoy both sides, so it's not really a big issue for me, I just enjoy Killer more because the interaction is so much more appealing.
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No. Killers are desperate to have a fun match.
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My first match after the patch had the RPD offering. It loaded longer than usual, because someone disconnected (not me). The other 3 survivors had: a toolbox, 3x Boil Over, 2x Unbreakable, 1x Exponential.
Endgame chat from them: "lucky u"
That match sure would have been "entertaining"
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And what is fun?
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Not all of us. If i have a good time i consider that a win. If i dont get abused, a win. 1 kill is a bonus
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For me - a match where, if I lose, I can easily pinpoint why and that thing is either bad play from me or good play from the survivors.
To me, those are the fun matches.
Where I get frustrated is when I basically lose at the killer selection screen, because I wanted to play a funky build on Pig and get sent up against a stompcomp with fully stacked meta perks, an offering and items, or because the SBMM system pooped the sheets.
I also don't enjoy games where I stomp. I'll usually start easing up if I'm up against newbies, but that's only slightly less crappy than just slaughtering everyone at 5 gens.
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This is fair, thank you. And yes, i agree with this. I love to similar games. When i face with baby survivors, i am feeling bad for them. Or when i play against bully squads, this is also unfun. I love balanced matches more, even i lose.
I asked this question to him because some people thinks they are god and they need to win all games. I don't wanna give name but there is one streamer has this mentality already.
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My routine is generally 'survivor in the mornings, work, killer in the evenings'. And yes, killer can be very annoying sometimes, especially when the survivors are obnoxious.
Well...they are streamers. Nobody likes losing at the best of times, and losing in public with an audience is infinitely worse. I sympathize, especially with killers (for some reason, dying as a survivor doesn't feel as bad).
Dunning Kreuger syndrome is also alive and well in the gaming world.
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Even tournament level SWFs and Nurses can not win all games, so it is okey to watch them even losing. If they are not being bully by some jerks ofcourse.
I don't mind die as survivor but this is issue after MMR. I mean i am always going to save my teammates, no matter what. But this makes me die sometimes and i am losing MMR. And this makes me team with really bad survivors. It is really not fun when your teammates are not good like you. This is one of the reason i hated MMR.
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Hehe... Ghostfacecamping hehe
Anyhow, its true killers are unhappy, and it shows over time, the game changed à lot but people, still remember back in the time where camping/tunneling was really considered toxic...nowadays its à simple start cause you cant do mich else nor be able to truly hook every survivor one after the other hah
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If it makes you feel any better, I genuinely appreciate survivor mains. Without them, there is no game. And for whatever it is worth, I feel it is the harder role by a mile.
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I am a survivor main who played a lot of killer due to queue times but I haven't been able to play killer lately for my own sanity.
I tried to get a match playing survivor today but the wait was so long I gave up and decided I would resort to killer. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, so I end up just not playing at all.
They really need to improve the killer experience as I am sick of queues that are so long I give up trying. Please come back killers, I don't teabag or BM and just want fun chases, I don't even care if I die at the end so long as the chases are fun!
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You are welcome 😊