Bloodweb and unlocked perks

DariusB92 Member Posts: 122

I have seen this time and time again. There is no way perks on the web are randomized. I think you have certain perks set to lower probability like map encounters. Its beyond ridiculous grinding about 120 levels looking for 1 perk and still not encountering it, meanwhile the same perk has showed up 10 times or more. This happens for Iron will, self care and DS. I dont care that people view these as meta perks. Theyre really good ones and tend to help me alot. For some reason, they almost never show up and if they do, i have to spend like 2 million points. This seriously needs changed because it's bs


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,782

    There is definitely something in place that affects perk chances in a sense, although it doesn't necessarily restrict the better perks and sometimes the better perks have a bigger chance.

    What I've noticed is that if you don't claim a perk, specifically in the earlier levels of the blood web, it'll keep on appearing. Doesn't matter if its DS or Flip Flop. So you just seem to be getting unlucky with it.