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DMS is Broken on Artist



  • Member Posts: 9,713

    But you can counter it for other uses and mindgame the distance use sometimes so it’s not entirely uncounterable as a whole.

    On a tangent, I totally think Dead Hard should be split into two perks, one that lets the survivors lunge for distance but they aren’t invulnerable doing it, and another that lets them evade an attack but doesn’t give them extra distance. Both effects on their own would be decent perks, having them combined into a single perk is what makes Dead Hard particularly overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 801

    Basically someone said that artist + dms needs to be counterable and listed survivor perks that are “counterable” and included dead hard

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Dead Hard has counter on book, bait them. But this is not reality. Most survivors are using it for distance and this makes Dead Hard pretty big problem.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Jump off the gen when your teammate is picked up, get back on when you hear the birds fly by... It's easier to counter than half the mechanics on either side in this game.

    What exactly is the issue? Literally all you have to do to counter both perks at the same time is pay attention to your team. It doesn't require any perks, items, addons or even having a locker close by. Worst case you miss time it and end up with 1 gen being blocked for 45 seconds... So just go to another one. There is never a time in this game where you don't have at least 3 gens you can attempt to repair.

    Personally I like seeing killers with the combo, that means that PGTW is very unlikely to be in play, as well as several other meta perks that are much more difficult to counter.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    If gen blocks, this will give less generators for check. And she still can force to leave from other generators too. I asked what is counter of this build and all i have leave gen and back later. And that's not working. We are not playing against NPCs. They are human too and they are not stupid. 

    So they will give attention to explosed generator. And if you touch this generator after PR hook, she still will force to leave. Because she knows which gen is most repaired. And if you would not touch, gen is losing progression. Leave generator while it is losing progression or touch and Artist will force to leave and it will block. So i still have not any counter against this broken build. 

  • Member Posts: 980

    Lol. I love it when there is counter play, but people refuse to use it.

    Faced a few Killers running these Perks. I hadn't seen them in action, so the first instance of it occuring was a #########? moment. Second time I realized what was going on and starting pulling off gens right before a hook action. If it got blocked, I moved on to another. Scouting the map instead of latching onto the first gen you see is a good thing sometimes.

    Have only faced one Artist so far, but I don't see how her Power is going to be any more effective than any other Killer's power. Crows are visible, you have plenty of time watching them swarm across the map, and you have a pair, or maybe just one, eye you can use for visual cues. What happened to paying attention to things going on around you in the game? Little bit of awareness and some forward thinking helps enormously.

    I'd rather see this combo because that's 2 Perks counted immediately. Much easier to figure out what the other 2 are, so I know if I need to "do bones" or let the Mikaela put up her 15th boon so the Killer can snuff it right away. It also means there probably aren't any other gen regression Perks so meandering around the map doing gens a bit at a time can be quite profitable.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    I think Dead Man's Switch should get the Boil Over treatment. DMS is abusable on the Artist, Freddy, Blight, Doctor, Nurse. Plus, the only perk that was viable for survivors this patch was Boil Over. It seems fail that if Boil Over is getting nerfed, then Dead Man's Switch should also get nerfed. Fair is fair.

  • Member Posts: 674
    edited February 2022

    You asked for the counter, got the answer for the counter, and want to keep saying that it doesn't work.

    If the killer checks on the gen that got popped because of PR so what...its regressing and they can't come and kick it. Lets say you don't check on the gen for 20 seconds, guess how much progress you lose...a big ol 5 seconds which isn't much. Survivors should probably be working on multiple gens and not just one, so go look for another gen to work on.

    Again the counter is there but you just dont want to take that as an answer and want your hand held.

    You want 2 perks and maybe even a killer to be nerfed because you refuse to use the counter play available, so you can then what...see even more blight and nurse running ruin and pop...

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Why are you tunnel visioned on one gen? If the gen explodes, you know where the killer is going, so find a different one. Or, tap it, which will activate DMS, stop regression, and make it so that when the killer gets there, they can't kick it. Literally making the killer's perk work against them and for you.

    You're right, we aren't playing against npcs, so sometimes you'll use the correct counter and it won't work, that's how literally all of gaming works, so I don't know why you are presenting it as though it's new information.

  • Member Posts: 980

    Boil Over's buff was fine, as far as I'm concerned at least. The only issue I saw with it was the intentional abuse of specific maps for the purpose of trolling and not normal gameplay.

    In reality, Boil Over's buff just showed how godawful is some of the map design. RPD in particular, and honestly, I only ever really saw it used by squads who did burn an RPD Offering and purposefully utilize the library for abuse of the Perk + the various Boons. Had a couple other people use it in other matches, but it only ever cost me a couple hooks, and that's because of good coordinated bodyblocking the other Surivors did.

    I really don't think it needed changed the way they did, but it definitely needed a bit of tuning. 25% was a pretty big hit. 15%, ish, would have been better, imo at least.

    DMS and SHPR though... there is 100% counterplay to them, which is off gen right before the hook, wait for it.... and either back on the gen or find another to touch. All you have to do is pay a little attention to what's going on in the match, and you can basically negate the majority of both of these Perks, without having to use another Perk to do so.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    If perk is that weak and has counters, why i am facing with a million DMS + PR combo this days then? And like i said, if you block gen for not kick, this mean less generators for check. And Artist is not killer who needs to run all generators. She can send crows to other generators while running to most repaired generator. She is pressuring 4 generators same time. And i am not even saying one survivor is already on hook. This is really so strong pressure and you really need to make great coordinate for beat this. And this is imposible because i am solo-q. I can not comm with my teammates. We can not plan we should block which generators for fix later.

    Artist is so powerful at an overwhelming level with this build. The things you say don't work. Because the Artist has the power to put pressure on different generators at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 402

    Probably because that's the only reliable slowdown these days. Ruin can be ignored with a competent team up until the last gen, and then you cleanse it. Pop is only usable on mobility killers, whom are in the minority. PR + DMS gives slow down that can't be cleansed or played around as easily. Realistically, this combo just gives survivors a reason to run Calm Spirit. I know, you might have to not run your full wombo combo of E, BT, DS, and UB + the one person running COH.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    1. Confirmation bias, more than likely. Or just because you are playing at a level where a lot of your teammates don't know these counters, so the perks are paying off.

    2. If she's sending crows to multiple gens, then she isn't causing injury, and isn't booting anyone off the gen. They have the option of waiting it out. You don't need any "great coordination" you just need to understand how artist's powers work.

    3. I know these counters work, because all I've been playing since the changes are solo survivor, and they have worked in my matches. Also they have clearly worked for multiple other people on this forum in their matches. Quite a few of us are solo, we learn to adapt.

    4. As much as I hate to say it, the more you repeat the same posts, the more I believe this comes down to a skill gap. Or possibly you are letting go of the button, but still standing right at the gen when the crows come by so they hit you, instead of taking a few steps back so they miss.

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    1. I know counters. When someone downs, i am waiting for PR. If no PR, i am repairing my generator again. If i know she has DMS, i am waiting little longer. And again, if this perk combo is that weak, why so popular? People are always going to use best perks. And PR + DMS is pretty strong combo right now.
    2. If she is noob, yeah she will send crows after hook immediately. But Artist is also know what is counter of her power and this perks. So she is waiting too. And then it is 50/50 and ofcourse you need to trust your teammates. So if she catch some survivor with crows, in this case you can not do anything. You need to leave generator or next crow will snipe you. Also she has not that long cool-down. She is 115% killer. So cooldown is not hurting her that much.
    3. We all have our words. So this is trust me bro case. I am glad it is works for you.
    4. No, i am not waiting behind generator. I am not stupid. I am leaving generator to next 6 - 7m and waiting for crow.
  • Member Posts: 2,340

    1. Confirmation bias. You look for it everywhere, so you see it everywhere.

    2. Yeah, that's what makes it fun, trying to out-counter the other side. Why do you want to remove that fun?

    3. So provide a video of this unbeatable artist combo. If, as you say, you've seen it so much, it shouldn't take long to get some evidence of your claims.

    4. At least there's that.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I already sent, on first page. Only one team won against this build and they were good SWF team and even they had 2 escapes.

    It is fun for who? It depends. And i am not talking about fun, i am talking for game healthy. Artist has strong anti-loop. And with this combo she also has great pressure and this makes her broken. Anyway, we will see what will happen Artist or this perk in future.

    People said Pinhead is fine while he was destroying solo survivors with forever Chain Hunt. And what happened to him? I can see same thing will happen Artist too.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    1. Do you mean the videos you linked from that streamer? Because I'm asking for your proof, not some content created and handled by a guy who's job is to create content, those videos are as legit as a pro wrestling match. I want an actual game where it can be shown that there is no cooperation or scripting.

    2. "Healthy" relies on each side having a way to counter each other, and adapt to each counter, which this has. So fun and healthy walk hand in hand.

    3. Pinhead had a broken mechanic that was repaired. You were always supposed to be able to solve the box during the hunt, so that's a completely different thing to this.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    Same as boil over. You can’t hook someone, find other survivors or do anything else

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    The fact you even consider that the same means you flat out refuse to look at it objectively.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    I hate the Artist and her power that's so boring on both sides,she just hooks someone and spams her crows on generator and pretty much shuts down any loop or chase mechanic,you just need to hold W and avoid chase in the first place,most boring killer in the game.

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