If BT becomes base kit...

Can we talk about having a 5th perk slot for killer? It's not too much to ask.
Nobody. I said "if". But the topic was raised in the Q&A stream, and it was somewhat teased.
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And you think killers want to play against what ever extra second chance survivors can run with a freed up perk slot?
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Yeah, I guess nobody wants to play against BT + 4 meta survivor perks you see every match. That's why I started with "if BT becomes base kit", because the devs have teased this may happen.
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Because it's not a buff on a perk, it's a base kit buff.
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Basekit Agitation
Please BHVR, think about it
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The devs hinted they might be considering it last Q&A stream. Someone asked if they'd make BT and/or DS basekit and they said something along the lines of "We're not looking into DS being basekit" then they asked again and repeated the answer.
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I don't think killers need any help, survivors are the ones that need massive buffs.
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Simply giving another perk slot would be a bad idea for a number of reasons, but most relevant is that it simply isn't proportional to the topic at hand.
Survivors aren't just getting "a free perk", as many want to boil it down to. The specific perk that we've seen hints may have some version being added to the base game is Borrowed Time- a perk that exists to cover a scenario where survivors are subjected to something completely out of their control. It's not a second chance perk like Dead Hard or even Decisive Strike, it exists to make sure someone isn't hard tunnelled off the hook immediately.
So, if killers get something as well - and that is a HUGE "if" - it would be something along the same lines; a perk they feel compelled to bring because not bringing it is setting you up for punishment. Killer simply doesn't have anything directly comparable to Borrowed Time, but there are some kinda similar perks- mostly ones like Corrupt, or Deadlock, or something else to slow down generators.
Therefore, IF killers get a corresponding buff, it'd be something to tackle generator efficiency, because these changes are made for reasons and it's not as though "one side" gets something so the other must too as if the playerbase of this game are squabbling sibling toddlers.
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The idea with Corrupt Intervention and/or a similar protection for the first minute of Hex perks has has been discussed a few times here and could work.
Another idea that I want to throw into the room is something that could be s̶t̶o̶l̶e̶n̶ borrowed from Warframe. In Warframe you have 8 main slots to insert mods that modify your stats, ie your build. I dont want to go into detail, but there are several hundreds of mods, yet only a relatively small number of meta mods that are widely used. In most builds some 5-7 mod slots are already used up by the meta mods. To fight this and allow for a bit of variety somewhere during its live cycle they added a 9th slot that would only load mobility mods, ie mods that modified one of the weaker aspects of the game, letting you glide or slide longer, climb walls or whatever. While there are certain meta mods for the movement slot, its much more open to personal taste and can be experimented with.
Long talk for nothing, we could think about adding something like this to DBD, ie a fifths perk slot that will only slot a certain subsect of the perks. Maybe aura reading or just the rarely used utility perks that give you a very niche advantage. Something thats probably not meta, but fun to experiment with.
Of course, people would always find the strongest combination of everything, but I would like to have some more freedom to try out some of the more niche or situational perks without hamstringing myself.
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Killers have 6 perks addons should always be counted as perks
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Of course not lmao
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Oh then survivors have 7 perks by default, 8 with BT basekit lmao
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Im just saying alot of killer adddns work exactly like perks but often times better due to being limited used
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Base bt = boring free saves = no camping = time pressured killers hard tunneling after waiting out the bt
All for killers getting an additional perk to counter the 16 or more (boons) survivors bring
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I do not actually care too much and if anything, it would likely be a survivor nerf as we aren't getting 12 seconds of invulnerability base kit. It will make bad tunnelers worse, and alpha chad tunnelers better. Good design.
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Killer won't be getting anything in return for survivors getting a free meta perk and you know it lol
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Better? most addons of killers are usually same effect as trash tier perk or worse version of a decent perk, and if you use it it's practically same as sacrificing your stats for something like that.
And survivor Items tend to be like perks but better too, even more so than killers.
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I would love to see Basekit Agitation WITH the perk Agitation. Killers would be zooming xd
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I'd rather they address face camping tbh
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Not sure why are people upset about BT. If you don't hit the unhooked person you don't even notice BT. If you hit the unhooked person, they will have to waste 12 seconds mending.
Maybe the mending could be increased slightly but it has various implications for various killers and their add-ons.
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No killer want to play vs bt either.
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Bodyblocking letting people get away with unsafe hooks, presumably.
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If Borrowed Time becomes base kit the simplest way to rebalance is just slightly increase the amount of time it takes to finish gens. That is a single numerical parameter that can be very easily changed from a programming standpoint in as small or large amount as desired. If it turned out that the free Borrowed Time was causing too many escapes than a few more seconds per gen would probably be enough to counterbalance that. Doing something like adding a fifth perk slot would be way more complicated and could introduce all sorts of other unintended broken consequences.
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Even though they said no to b/t being base, my trade off would be the unhooker takes the hit instead.
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I never really do understand why people complain about BT in general. If you don't tunnel survivors, it completely nullifies the perk. And if they bodyblock you with BT, just wait it out and then down them, or hit them and get it over with, simple.
But lets suppose BT does become baskit. Killers should absolutely not have a 5th perk slot, that would kill the game instantly because everyone would start running Ruin/Undying/Pop/Pain Res/Tinkerer or some other nasty perk combo like that, that 5th perk slot would have so much more value than BT being basekit. Instead, make a killer perk basekit, like Agitation or something. Something not overly powerful but still decent enough, similar to BT.
And if a perk was chosen to be basekit, maybe make the equippable version of said perk extend or increase the effects of said perk, like make BT basekit for 6 seconds or something, and equipping the perk extends it back to it's normal 12 or whatever, and the same would go for the killer's perk.
All in all, I personally couldn't care less if BT was made basekit. Obviously weaken its effect a little bit but I'm the kind of person who actively avoids tunneling, so BT doesn't affect me whatsoever.
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Lead of design implyed it
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Increasing mending time after borrowed time would be a lot better fix IMO: If the survivor with active BT goes for a protection hit, they will have to waste let's say 30 seconds for mending. Maybe adding some incapacitated status effect so that they can't do gens before they mended.
My suggestion also discourages tunneling even after hitting the unhooked survivor, because the killer knows that the survivor can't do anything for 30 seconds, so it is not worth it to chase them.
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Can we talk about having DS and UB basekit for survs? It's not too much to ask.
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Yeah I could live with increasing mending time on Deep Wounds in general since Deep Wounds are probably a bit too weak overall anyway.
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For me, it's endgame. Hit the unhooker and they both get away or hit the unhooked and they both get away. Lose-lose situation.
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In solo queue b/t base would be great. For swf's who could rotate charges of it not so much.
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It's not about the BT, it's about the free perk slot
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Sure, if corrupt and pop also becomes basekit.
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I see, you still dont get the intention behind it.
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so make corrupt intervention as basekit too
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People like drama. No one said BT as basekit.
But only 5 killer perks? Make them 7.
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Why's that? The game's already insanely easy for survivor. If you have someone run the killer for a minute (very easy with DH/Pre-Drop), you get 180 seconds of gen time out of 400. If they also happen to have the other perks for BT and DS then that's another minute the two survivors on gens can get for 300/400 without basically any effort on the survivor's part. All that's left is the last 100 seconds where survivors might encounter the slightest of difficulty.
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Yes, the lead designer implied it, and I just went along with this assumption. No need for drama, we're all just wondering here.
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They never said or implied anything about BT basekit. I was watching the live Q&A.
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He didn't say it, but it was heavily implied.
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Hi Sluzzy.
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What? Survivors have items and addons too.
Post edited by tesla on1 -
Yeah, I was thinking about something like that when they mentioned possible full slow down builds. It would be nice if the last slot always had to be something like Agitation or Brutal Strength.
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A whole lot of double standards in this thread.
It's totally fine for BT to be basekit but Killers getting a 5th perk like basekit Corrupt would mean Survivors have to play against nasty builds like Corrupt/Pop/Ruin/Undying/Pain Resonance.
Because it would be so much fun to play against BT/Dead Hard/Unbreakable/Decisive Strike/Adrenaline or BT/DH/DS/COH/Unbreakable etc. etc. It's only okay for Survivors to have 5 meta perks.
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I agree that as tunneling and camping becomes harder to do killers will need a buff. But you can't change looping, it's the best part of the game. which leaves perks and abilities. Buffing every ability would be too hard so giving killers 5-6 perks would be great! HOWEVER, they would need a limit on slow down and chase perks. Having 6 slow down perks would ruin the game. Every killer would be slowdown Freddy and everyone would quit. Then having 6 chase perks would be a nightmare. Even as a pure meme build people already can't handle my fire up, bamboozle, brutal strength, and enduring trapper. I can't imagine having franklin's/spirit fury and lightborn as well.
Adding a limit of how many of each type of perk would be a great way to give killers more power without making them insanely oppressive.
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Has anyone told you that you make bad bait?
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Another Whataboutism thread. I will point these out whenever they're brought up. It's a logical fallacy and should never be responded to reasonably. If you want to talk about the merits of having a 5th perk slot for killer, than we can have that discussion, but do it stand alone. As soon as you justify it because of a whatabouts you're already showing that you don't actually think that your request has any merit.
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BT is not gonna become basekit.