Does the new wiggle mechanic mess up flashlight/flashbang saves?
Last week I was extremely upset with myself because I missed 8 out of 10 flashbang locker saves. I thought I was just losing my touch.
However someone told me yesterday that if you have the new wiggle beta enabled that it messes with saves. Can anyone confirm this?
I don't think so but it would also explain why I went from very good to terrible within the span of a day.
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Probably, lately there is unbelievable amount of flashlighters who failed to lightsave, to the point of I gave them free light save.
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My friend, similar to me, has used Flashlights and Flashbangs a lot. He said he saw it somewhere (I assume reddit). I noticed that when I went for Flashbang locker saves that I seemed to be late constantly. Haven't used Flashlights in a while but I feel like I'd notice any changes with them quite easily.
I'll probably practice tonight in custom games but I just wanted to see had anyone else noticed it.
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I know it messes with DS if you don't change your key binds, to be honest, I don't know if I'm just bad but I've been missing a lot of flashlight saves recently as well.
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Suddenly I'm very glad I changed my skillcheck binding to M4 because for the first time in months I've been consistently hitting DS
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I think if you play in swf and all have the wiggle beta turned off, you'll probably miss less saves. That's what I've been told apparently.