As a bad killer, focus on map or chase?

starbeet Member Posts: 16

So I've been looking at killer and many have abilities to help you with either map pressure or chase and lacking in either feels crushing. So if your less skill should you prioritize strong map pressure or the ability to win chases?

As a bad killer, focus on map or chase? 13 votes

Chase, kill, win
PSP 1 vote
Map pressure, oppress them
DoritoHeadBennett_They1Themordinarylegionmain 3 votes
If you chase well, you have pressure
ValikSideLandredGuiltiiThat_One_FriendTrickstaaaaaGRIG0starbeetAkiranaya 8 votes
Keep them off gens, you'll find them
thog1 1 vote


  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
    Map pressure, oppress them

    it really depends on the killer and perk combo.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274
    If you chase well, you have pressure

    Ideally, you are not choosing between the two. Preventing a survivor from completing objectives and hooking them are one in the same thing. If you want to keep survivors from objectives, you have to do more than chase them away from areas or trying to defend generators, you have to create MORE for them to do - and remove them from the match whenever possible.

    When you hook a survivor, you have removed 2 or more survivors from the game - as one or more survivors will go to the hook for a save.

    If you get into another chase while someone is hooked, you are keeping 3 people off of generators the entire time - as opposed to two or more sticking to gens as you struggle to compete for objectives.

    It's more difficult and nuanced than this, but ultimately the better you become in chase - the faster you disrupt the survivors, and the more difficult it becomes for them to dislodge your momentum.