Pinhead Synergy

Looking for Perks that will synergize well with his Power. Doesn't have to be Meta, I tend to not run a gen slowdown, or NOED, but anything that would work well with his power. Maybe some advice on how to use it.

Currently trying out Brutal Strength. Figure it might help at pallets if they get dropped and I get a chain in on the Surv.

MMR tier I play at, sweat is not needed, so something interesting that I might have fun with, rather than overpowering, would be appreciated.

Was running: BBQ, MnA, SH Gift of Pain, and Enduring (I love disrespecting pallets). Just wanting to try some new stuff as I finish max'ing him. Got another couple dozens webs to go before I switch back to Myers to max.


  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762


  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Eh. I tried the whole Franklin's + Hoarder and didn't really enjoy it. It's a nice combo, but it gets boring after a while. It's like running Franklin's on Hag and trapping said item. Fun for a while, then you want something new to try out.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Oh, hmm. I hadn't thought of that. Will have to try that one out. I've avoided that Perk since I got it on Neme just because it's only the start of the match and most of the Killers I play aren't really mobile enough to capitalize.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247
    edited February 2022

    Save the Best for last is one of PH's god tier perks considering every injure has to be an M1 and when you get stacks built up, using it in combination with your power cuts chase time down massively

    BBQ is also a good perk for the same reason Lethal Pursuer is, it can help you figure out where all the survivors are and, by extension, where the box may be, where it may have spawned or which survivor is currently going for the box. Rancor is a good perk for this too and being able to kill a survivor straight up if all the gens get done is always nice, a consolation if things don't go to plan.

    Coup De Grace might also be fun, since it was buffed I haven't tried it on PH yet

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I use BBQ, mostly for BP, but starting to work with the aura reads. I've gotten some good plays on the box with it, so definitely one that's sticking in there for now. Rancor... is one I never use, but focusing on the aura reads + determining where the box is sounds like a solid plan. Will play with that too, once I get it.

    Just got T3 Coup de Grace, so will check that out. I swear, I get T3 Zanshin Tactics on every damn Killer, and not the ones I need or want. Wish we could select 2-3 Perks that would give them a higher weight on webs.

    I've never gotten use out of STBFL, but mostly because I haven't really messed with it much and have no clue how to use it. Lol. Might put that one on for a while to work on it though.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    STBFL is just one of those perks that you'll get addicted to using once it clicks

    There's no special requirement for using it either, all you need to do is m1 everyone but the obsession which can be tricky from time to time but once you get the stacks, the difference is night and day

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 291

    do this set up

    Add-ons: Larrys Remains, Franks Heart

    Perks: Hoarder, Undying, Ruin, SH:PR (Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance)


    Hoarder: so you can know where and when the survivor picks up the box, why? so you can use your right click to try and hit them so they can’t solve the box

    Undying: basically just to stop ruin and plaything from being gone too soon

    Ruin : great slowdown perk if paired with Undying so you can make the match longer. only way to make it longer is if you can keep a chain hunt up

    Scourge Hook Pain Resonance: amazing perk to use if you can get hooks up. this perk is good on any killer really but i like to use this one The Cenobite because he can get rushed easily.


    Larrys Remains: basically a good slow down for the Lament Configuration, combine it with the perks and bam !! survivors will waste time doing the box instead of gens and they will lose progress.

    Franks Heart: use this for Hoarder so you can easily close distance on the survivor that’s trying to solve it.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I haven't picked up the Artist yet, I'm not too enthused with her Power/Gameplay, but SHPR might make me get her and Jonah. Have 30k shards sitting unused right now, so it's not an issue. Having that with other Killers would add a little spice to my builds too.

    I've run Undying + Plaything, which is pretty funny. Anytime I bring a Hex Perk, I usually bring Undying as well. Watching someone's Hex die, then pop up in another place is good times.

    I've mostly been working on that Possessed Chain. Trying to land them in good spots. They seem really easy to dodge, and I haven't versed Pinhead much as a Survivor, so not sure how easy it actually is or if the Survivors are just good at dodging. BS was a waste. It doesn't add enough speed to break times to be worthwhile unless you get a chain right as they're dropping a pallet. Bit disappointing. I got more worth out of Enduring.

    Once I get it, I'll start working with it. I do play a lot of M1'ish Killers, so it would be a good thing all around. I've never been a fan of Michael's Perks, even though I love using him, so might just have to give them all a try and see where they go.

    Thanks everyone so far for the ideas and help. Time to try these out for a few nights and see how it goes.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    As someone who's played a lot of Pinhead since here came out, the best way to use possessed chains mid chase is to land it RIGHT on the survivor so that you just insta-chain them. This can be harder in some tiles but in the open/most filler tiles it's possible with practice

    Also worth remembering you break your own chains if you walk through them, so try and take a little step to the side if it's possible

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Yeah. I've been having issues with that. Have to keep it in mind, somewhat like revealing Ghostface. I'm really good doing that, keeping the camera at an almost isometric field of view to keep my body from blocking him, so shouldn't be too much trouble to remember I can block my own chains.

    I hate that mechanic of them, but it would be a bit abuseable since Survivors wouldn't have a chance to see where it was coming from.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    Another trick that might make some survivors mad if you use it on them - a chained survivor can't use Dead Hard

    Do with that what you will 😏

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980


    Um... I have no idea what you are talking about. 😁

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 291

    also btw NEVER use franklins on pinhead unless there’s more then 2 flashlights. franklins is bad on pinhead bc if a survivor has the box then you have to waste time hitting them, stop the chase, use the box and then try to catch up to the survivor again.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Dead man’s switch works with the whole chain hunt aspect and having to rescue. Timing is important of course. Won’t always work.