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Why don’t people understand how to play against Bubba



  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    I mean it is kind of funny when people fall for it though. It's like the biggest most obvious bait. Even if I'm not camping as bubba people still rush basement while within my terror radius even at mid-MMR.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    It is special. It is the only Exhaustion perk where you have 100% control over when and where it happens. It has pinpoint timing entirely under the Survivor's control. No height? No Balanced Landing. No vault? No Lithe. Wanna 99 that Sprint Burst? Guess you aren't doing gens.

    A perk that isn't special does not have the insane pick rate that it does.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    because swf is the only real way to play this game, useless survivors will make useless decisions.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    Personally, I believe it’s because they don’t play him- let alone any killer. I always knew never to mess with him and the basement, but I never realized windows & timing are your best counter to him until AFTER i started playing him myself. And that’s why good Bubba’s bring Bamboozle. There were some other minor nuances I realized as well after using him, that made me last longer in chase when I vs. him.

    Players do the craziest ######### like run into a dead zone and try to 360 him while he’s chainsawing. Only a Day 1 bubba would fall for that (which I did), but I’m no longer a Day 1. Put yourself in the other side’s shoes if you really want to know how to counter. Expand your horizons.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,778
    edited February 2022

    Well that's not exactly true, since you still need to be injured in order to use it. Highly mobile killers and ranged killers also aren't affected much by the Dead Hard for distance, and killers with an insta-down either chase injured survivors all game or they don't need to worry about Dead Hard. Killers with exhaustion add-ons or perks like Fearmonger also don't need to worry much. Compare that to a perk like Sprint Burst, which you're actually even more likely to get the intended effect from. Sprint Burst is just a bit of pain to use, which I assume affects pick rates. You don't need to 99 it to get that initial distance from it, which is the main draw of the perk. Vaults are everywhere, so Lithe should be easy to trigger in most chases. Balanced Landing is harder to trigger, but the tradeoff is that it also keeps survivors safe in what are usually pretty dangerous locations, namely high places. Usually the stagger from a fall lets the killer gain a ton of distance, but now you're not only avoiding almost the whole stagger, but you're zooming out of there.

    I would be happy to see changes to Dead Hard. It was driving me insane recently after coming back to the game following a hiatus and not realizing that now you can now hit people, have blood come out, have them scream, and have your character start the wipe animation, and still have the hit rejected because it was apparently during Dead Hard. Even as is, though, it's only completely uncounterable in specific situations, which is the case for many perks in DBD. Is it that bad for an exhaustion perk to let survivors extend their chases? Isn't that the entire point of exhaustion perks, no matter which one you're running?

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    Or they would still camp because it's even easier. The bubba's who don't camp now, still won't camp. While the vast majority that do, will continue. Let's not act like people only camp because they need to. A lot camp because it makes things easier to get kills. That won't change if you give Leatherface more power. Camping will still be the easiest thing to do.

  • ObservantOfTime
    ObservantOfTime Member Posts: 209

    I thoroughly enjoy playing an M1 only bubba (with expections for pallets / walls) with devour hope. People just don't expect it.

    STBFL / Devour / Undying / Haunted Grounds. People will be in my face waiting for me to use my chainsaw, but nope. By the time most of them figure it out, it's too late and I'm on my way to the 5th stack. And if I lose all of my totems early, at least I got some slowdown out of it. And the best part about it, if everything goes to hell in a handbasket, I can still break out my chainsaw.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    That's one way to show us that you either have never played killer or you go against people who don't use DH properly.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Personally, I'd rather deal with a Basement bubba than to play against a Hag. Hag is more dangerous at guarding ANY hook and doesn't need to insidious camp to do it.