What perk should be killer base kit for You?

Prex91 Member Posts: 764

Like title. If Borrow time will became basekit (hope so, help with tunnel and camping, no more farm, make solo better by hoping less egoism), I think Behavior also should address/help with gen rush by default (especially new killer players). They have to compensate survivor buff, if they dont want killers leave to other games. Game should be at least enjoyable also without perks. And for killer this means to play a one minute chase without a pair of gens pops free at start every game. I think that is a good choise, other perks could not address the problem.

What perk should be killer base kit for You? 33 votes

Corrupt intervention
69% 23 votes
30% 10 votes


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Deadlock, even if the time it was blocked was something like 10 seconds

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Neither. But if given the choice - it would be a LOT better if survivors were placed in genuinely random places, and all generators were blocked for 10 seconds.

    The fact that the survivors basically start the game in the black while the killer begins the match trying to come back from the red is NOT an attractive balance option. But there are workarounds for it. This would be a controversial bandaid solution, though.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764
    edited February 2022

    10 seconds is literally nothing. Same with random spawns.At least one minute, and is not a big deal, cause in one minute you can do totems or chests for items. Ok, gens do Not progress in corrupted area, but survivor can play stealth and really safe and counter it. Corrupt is a perk that already survivor sometimes counter waiting, and then gen rush if not paired with other gen regressions. Also you can brake hex and boom totems in the meanwhile. 2 minutes is good cause you have time to find people, especially the one travelling map going to not corrupted gens or other with aura read perks helping you. Deadlock seems a good alternative to me, cause not map control or early help like corrupt, but preventing more then 2 gens popping togheter.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    A much easier buff if they need an across the board boost for all killers is simply add a few seconds to the time it takes to complete a gen. Changing that parameter is a simple numerical change in terms of programming and it can be fine tuned up or down in whatever increments are desired. I imagine at most they'd need to turn that completion time up a few seconds to compensate for Borrowed Time being base kit since it would probably only shift kill rates a few percent.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    I think add few seconds to complete a gen can maybe work, but I dont know of it Is the correct way. Doing gens is really a boring mechanic right now. Also, I prefer the suggestion of make corrupt or deadlock base kit cause the perks are already in the game, especially corrupt is old, and are counterable not very oppressive perks, that you can nerf a bit if basekit will Be too much (I doubt). Making gens longer can be healty vs optimal swf with prove they self , resilence + cat perks combo and full charge toolbox with built to last, but maybe a little too much vs solo survivor and full gen regression killer build .

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    10 seconds lets your average killer walk 46 meters which will allow them to cross half or more of pretty much any map in the game before Survivors can start doing gens and maybe even get into chase. That's not nothing.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764
    edited February 2022

    That's a fact, but do Not agree. Because the strength of corrupt intervention is not that. I can find a survivor and start a chase even without that, simply goig to a gen/ in the path. But corrupt split the map making survivors cant do gens far from killer, and make the choise to risk a chase for doing early gens. Making Interactive gameplay from both side, forcing to pressure the opponent in a fair way, not 2 gens pop across the map for a down. 10 seconds will Be useless, cause everybody will wait and then free gen rush. At least you need almost a minute to patrol everybody gen in big maps, and people sometimes already wait and counter corrupt by doing secondary things (tactical choise opposite to risk pressure not corrupted gens). Also corrupt blocking gens is like free fair regression, but 10 seconds regression is nothing.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    It's really not. Preventing survivors from getting a 10 second head start is huge in matches. This is why Lethal Pursuer is such a strong perk - because it allows the killer to prevent the momentum shift in those first few seconds. While it's no corrupt intervention, stalling generators for 10 seconds and forcing survivors to look for totems, search chests, or reposition first thing would completely change the game dynamic and may even be too killer sided in some respects.

    60 seconds is far too long. Corrupt Intervention is one of the strongest killer perks in the game and you're basically going to set that to default at half potency.

    Corrupt is, legitimately and without dispute, one of the STRONGEST killer perks in the game right now. Giving it to each match as default, even at a reduced value, is extreme overkill. Giving deadlock to base kit is also extreme overkill, because it's extremely strong in almost every circumstance and has guaranteed value.

    If you'd want to introduce these aspects to the game by default, you'd have to annihilate their potency to balance them out and keep their core perks relevant.

    Blocking all gens for the first 10-12 seconds is a massive shift in the game dynamic. I believe it would be a healthy alternative, but it may bee too strong for certain matchups.

    Blocking the strongest gen after generator completion actively punishes survivors for doing what they're supposed to do. It's a good perk, but it's a bad core mechanic. While it may stop survivor momentum, you'd either have to make it low enough to be balanced - which makes it more annoying than useful (Block for 5-8 seconds) or it would shatter the fun and effectiveness of playing survivor.

    My point is not that either one of these are good or legitimate suggestions, it is simply that Deadlock - by design - cannot be base kit. At least Corrupt can have a tiny, tiny application and hold a powerful dynamic shift. But in truth, neither of these perks should really be made base kit in any capacity.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    I'd prefer lethal pursuer basekit if anything has to be

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    One thing they could do (But idk how smart this is) is lower the BASE generator progress by 15% (68 seconds) and increase the progress needed to complete a generator by 5% (4 seconds) for each generator remaining in the match.

    The first generator would take 20% longer (96 seconds), but the moment it pops - the cap of other generators is reduced by 5% (4 seconds). This would increase the time it would take to complete the first few gens, but make the match gradually more tense and competitive. The final generators would take the default 100% (80 seconds) but the added time would prevent early game genrushes - while also making it very satisfying for the entire team when one generator pops - as the progress of the other ones basically gain 5% progress nearly instantly.

    This is just a wild suggestion, the values would have to be tweaked and balanced. But this would give the killer 16 more seconds to react before the first generator pops, and give the time between the first repairs to the last generator popping a potential 40 seconds additional time to the match. Not insignificant - as it can easily be chewed through with a coordinated team and good items - however it may be a bit much.

    It's just a more eloquent solution than adding a flat 8 seconds to all generators (10% more) it will make the last two generators to compete far too difficult as the killer closes in. 3 gen situations will become unwinnable. You want the first generator to be much harder, but make the last generator as it is - or even easier than before.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    I respect your opinione but do Not agree. The game is already in survivor favor, and probably Borrow time, one of the Best anti tunnel and help vs camping perk, will became basekit, and I am ok with it, because fix some issue by team work, but only if killer will Be buff. Killers are already became quitting the game. 10 seconds is not thing, even if 3 survivor dont repairing makes 30 seconds less in objective progress. Lethal persuer is not good for that, but because give you the possibility of be in chase early game, get a down and be rewarded by pressure. Corrupt can be ok on 30 seconds/ one minute basekit, no More less. Deadlock 15/30 seconds minimum. But also basekit BT so has to be a nerfed version. Par condicio, equal rights for both sides. If devs will only help survivors (I hope no), then they will pray killer bots will Be added, or take pop corn cause matchmaking will be very long.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Like you said - I respect your opinion, but do not agree.

    May I say - the fact that we can be so civil about our differing points of view is one of the best things about this community. Thank you for being respectable.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Thank you to. And thanks also for commenting the post and give your opinion. I hope devs will find the correct formula/balance choise to make players happier and game better for everyone.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Also deadlock is less oppressive cause less 3 gens strategy. Another info to add to the pull.

  • GarlicRice
    GarlicRice Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2022

    I would be fine with Corrupt being base kit, to be honest

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764
    edited February 2022

    3 gens strategy can be a little more prevalent, but I hope meanwhile solo survivors can be more inspired to brake/bless totems to prevent the hateful rng noed, instead of urban evading in map corners lol. That to compensate obviously BT base kit and camp nerfs if devs do It. Necessary but very big solo survivors buffs.