Trickster Should Get a Complete Rework
Am I the only one who found the Trickster to be a total disappointment? I had high hopes for a kpop killer, but when he came into the game he was basically just an off-brand Huntress. I just find him very unoriginal. He throws projectiles and reloads from lockers just like Huntress. I just don't why he had to be a basic ranged killer when we already have not only Huntress, but Deathslinger as well. Not only is his power unoriginal, but it's also unfitting for his character. I think his power should be completely different, probably should have something to do with music or something. I also find him unfun to play and play against. Overall, I think he should get a complete rework and be effective and fun to play as, as well as to play against. Agree or disagree?
Nah i like him
And complete reworks should never happen again. If you don't like him that's fine there are currently 25 others you can play.
Don't ask to delete a killer others are enjoying. We should never have another Freddy situation
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He needs some kind of buff. There's just no reason to play him when huntress exists.
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Every time someone talks about a complet rework my head screams no. I bet out there are plenty of people that paid good money to get trickster the way he is and enjoys them. That's why I fear about my poor poor legion they need help but pls don't rip them apart
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What needs to be improved / redone is the Main Event. And so the Trickster is not bad.
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Yea, the only thing needing a rework is Main Event. 9/10 times its useless.
Otherwise hes fine
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With how he plays, especially on console, I wouldn't mind a mulligan.
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I really hope they will just add to their kit or have some small QoL buffs. I'd rather them still be low tier after the changes then them to be strong but a snoozefest like freddy was
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He is kinda weak killer but he is not the weakest.
He is a strong defender, trying to unhook against a skilled trickster it's often a suicide.
I think he is second only to Bubba in defending the hook if he is competent and has plenty of ammo.
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Exactly. Just make them viable. Not every killer needs to be a tier but no killer should fall below b tier. With Freddy we have the exact situation many people feelt robbed when they reworked him and now it's to late to revert it like many would like cause then you take away a killer from a new Gen of players
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I've never understood why people insist on comparing Trickster to Huntress, they're not even that similar outside of the locker reload mechanic and it's not as though there aren't more accurate comparisons...
Anyway, to the actual point, I don't think a full rework is necessary but he could use a little edge. Mostly I think it's just how little he can do at so many loops and the fact that Main Event is just rubbish- some minor buffs to the former and a full rework just for Main Event would be where I'd want to look for improving him.
Maybe an addon pass, too. He's got some good ones, but quite a lot of boring ones as well...
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Guys i think he is fine.... i mean.... i think trickster is exactly what he was supposed to be.
An easier and more skill accessible version of the huntress.
But maybe having a second fire option, like the second bottle of the clown, will be handy.
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I agree. Not only is Trickster so miserable to face as it is right now, but he's also weak! I remember that someone called Shrompy(I think) had a really good idea for a rework.
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Honestly, it feels like I get way more Tricksters than Huntresses
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Huntress is the most used killer with 8%
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Then where are all my cute Huntress gamers at? I never get to play against Huntress :c
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That's only within one block of time, and across all tiers of play. Anecdotally I can totally say that I also see more Tricksters than Huntresses!
Though that might be skewed since I last noticed a large amount during his tome, lol
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Probably huntress is more common at low mmr because she is free.
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Complete reworks can work as long as you keep the foundations of that killer. The Doctor rework is a perfect example
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Trickster needs a buff.
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It's just my opinion. I would personally like to see Trickster have more of a personality. I think his power should be music based or at least have something to do with music. But that's just me. If people like him, that's great.
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I wouldn't call doctor a complete rework. He still functions practically the same as he did before.
The only complete reworks in the game were Freddy and Legion
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Thats a perfect example
He still functions very similarly but there were quite a few changes done to him to make him more viable and fun.
The removal of switching between Punishment and Treatment, and the removal of his Static Field are probably the 2 biggest changes. A whole bunch of his add ons also got a touch up, and with that came backwards skillchecks.
Doctor is a rework done right, half of his kit was completely changed yet we dont really pay attention to it, because it still kept his identity.
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Yeah I think I read something like that too!
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I see lots of people saying but Freddy, but there are many differences. Old Freddy was original and more enjoyable. Compared to Trickster who is either too oppressive at some loops too weak at others. And isn’t that original
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Lmao, I think I found him/her/them xd