Matched with survivors that don't even know to recover on the ground


by this system you're judged how good you are by if you escape or not...

how can i escape when you are matching me with survivors that admit to only having a handful of games and did not know about recovering on the ground and a killer thats got 2000+ hours in the game rank 1 ??



  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,021

    Meh just keep telling them how to play or ask in the lobby so as to hopefully up their a game. You cant blame them for nobody never telling them

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    I shouldn't have to that's the whole point of having a "match making system" in the first place, it's supposed to "match you" with people of the same skill level ..... the basics

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108


  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,021

    People were manipulating the old rank system too easily in fact a lot of old rank 1s had secondary accounts so as too play against other killers aside from Nurse spirit and blight as that was all we used to have up there. We would run into the occasional basement bubba but that was like 1 time every month. This system is still flawed but honestly waiting in a 20 min que is worse

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    The system doesn't judge how good you are. It just measures how often you manage to escape. It cares not how you managed to escape. What you draw from that inference is your own.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    exactly my point, if i get matched with awful survivors that haven't had many games vs a killer thats had 1000's of hours in the game i have much less chance of escaping simply by the design of the game ...

    maybe I should think of it more like hockey 😄

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,021

    Look right now you have to loose about 50 games i think it is in order to get back to ash ranking. Take it from someone at high rank if your not there your not missing much stupid stuff can still happen as well as people suiciding on first hook. If your not in a swf or have kindred type builds when solo your going to get killed alot more often. as your team is separated on gens solo and that almost always is a bad call against all killers but bubba aside from a speed limiter one which you almost never see. My suggestion to you is to get on a discord dbd server and find some friends to survive with as open communication is the best thing to use. Mediocre killers almost never want a full on swf team and good ones enjoy the challenge even tho it is still difficult. One trick alot of players do is pick a survivor with no item and bland to make the killer think your a newer char and at about 8 sec before the lobby launch they switch to their actual char thats all setup with items in hand so the killer wont have franklins.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,408

    Even better when they don't mend from deep wounds either.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Well, you stated "by this system you're judged how good you are by if you escape or not...", which I was clarifying is not a correct understanding of how it works.

    I understand your point, but I think you're misapplying it because you don't understand how the system works.

    To take your scenario - exceptions aside (i.e. where you or others are back-filled into a lobby), in theory you're supposed to be matched with survivors who are around your level of ability (judged purely on whether they escaped or not, not the manner of escape), and the killer should be around the same level too.

    The system isn't designing matches of low-rank survivors vs. high-rank killers, though it may appear like that at times, particularly because of the polarisation that can occur when one side starts to gain traction.

    In short, if the system is matching you with "awful survivors", it should also be matching you with awful killers. And if you have the ability, you should be escaping more often, and thus will be ranked with other players who are escaping more often (which you could loosely correlate with skill), and thus going against killers who have the ability to deal with this.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097

    I think what we're seeing is a symptom of how the matchmaking system is treating outliers with longer queue times.

    High MMR player A is waiting for a while, and fresh account player B is waiting for a while. Matchmaking sees the wait times and throws them in the lobby together with the next available killer. It's like there's a built in kill switch for wait times where matchmaking says "screw it, we're throwing a game together" at a certain threshold.

    I'd argue that this is actually worse than a long wait time itself because those games are never, ever fun. But that's my personal opinion. My SWF friend and I tend to stop playing for the night if we have complete baby teammates 2 or 3 games in a row. We have close to 6k hrs between us and we'd rather wait in queue and watch Netflix or something. But the devs seem fairly adamant in their belief that players at the fringes won't find long waits acceptable.

    I think they can strike a middle ground somewhere. It's easier to "hide" a new player in a mid level lobby than it is to hide them with super experienced players. Nobody has fun in the latter scenario. And new players aren't seeing a huge wait either way. I think a lot of vets would rather wait on players at their skill level.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Reminds me of when a very skilled survivor graciously informed me that I could actually drop survivors back on the ground with B in the end chat....

    After more than half my downs wiggled away from body blocking and hook sabotage.

    It wasn't obvious....