Which do you like / want more, new realms or locations?

Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
edited February 2022 in Polls

I've been rolling this question around in my head for a bit, and I figured I'd put it up to a poll. Which is better / more important / interesting?

Brand new realms that introduce new environments and fresh ideas which evoke a totally unique mood and sense of atmosphere?


New locations in existing realms which expand on previous ideas in new directions and potentially add new elements of story to that place, the killer, etc.

Both have equal opportunities to be innovative, and are equally subject to the perils of bad map design, so that isn't quite the question being asked here- either way, I'm curious about what you think.


New Realms: Gideon Meat Plant, Dead Dawg Saloon, Mount Ormond Resort, and the Eyrie of Crows

These were all introduced as brand new and unique realms unalike anything we've seen previously.

New Locations: Father Campbell's Chapel, Sanctum of Wrath, Temple of Purgation, and the Grim Pantry

These were all introduced as brand new additions to established realms, Father Campbell's Chapel came with the Clown into the Crotus Prenn Asylum, The Sanctum of Wrath came with the Oni into Yamoaka's Estate, The Temple of Purgation with the Plague found it's way into the Red Forest, and so on and so forth.

And yes, it's possible for brand new realms to get their own new locations at some point, but that's a weird gray area in relation to this poll, and it kind of dissolves the point of the question in the first place.

Which do you like / want more, new realms or locations? 26 votes

New Realms
pizzaduffyhp90GuiltiiPSPMastatoeshinobu149AzarinoGarlicRiceRipleyyellowguy77PeceGrizzlyAbrichaem 11 votes
New Locations
Seiko300PurrFaceVolantConch1719TapeKnotGlamourousLeviathanChurchofPigFobboBrokenbonesNoOneKnowsNovaWishIcouldmainTrickstaaaaaGazgemauchHaunterofShadowsAurelleSaladFish 15 votes


  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,738
    New Locations

    New realms are great and all, but with every new realm is a new offering that clogs up the bloodwebs where I could be getting bps or add-ons. I'd rather have new locations within the realms.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452
    New Locations

    I want a new ormond. I love snow so i would like more snow maps

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    New Locations

    I'd love to see different locations for Ormond, Dead Dawg, and Eyrie Of Crows.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866
    New Realms

    I find adding to existing locations boring, and samey. Give me new realms that change it up completely.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited February 2022
    New Locations

    I didn't actually think about that, that's a really good point.

    Personally, I like new locations because I like the idea that I could be going to a number of places in a single realm.

    Usually when I spawn in the first thing I see is the map itself, the color, the environment, the assets around me, etc. and after that I'll check the name in the bottom left. In that brief moment of time between seeing the map and looking at the name I like the feeling of surprise and thinking "Where am I right now? / What have I gotten myself into" but in maps where there's only ONE location like Dead Dawg Saloon, that moment is completely stripped away, leaving me with: "oh- I'm here."

    Beyond that brief moment which may seem insignificant to some, there are also times where I'm tabbed out while I wait in queue or maybe I went AFK, or I just flat out wasn't paying attention, so when I suddenly find myself in a realm again- that sense of surprise and wonder is heightened because I really don't know where I am until I get a better look at my surroundings.

    It's just really cool to me to have not only map diversity between the realms but a lot of map diversity within the realms themselves, it makes the realms themselves feel so much more real. Like you could say "Deep in the bayou, within this backwater swamp, amidst the 'bits of flesh which floated in the remaining water and caked blood darkening the already-rotting wood' there stood a shack 'apart from the rest of the village' that housed bloated bodies and other sickening things. A storage place where not only these things were kept, but the memory of inhuman acts of torture, violent bloodletting, and cannibalism as well. The knowledge of this 'pantry' if it could even be called that, was made only worse by the awareness of an accompanying ancient paddle steamer marked 'The Pale Rose' which sat squalid in the heart of the swamp, and the realization that it too was filled with mutilated corpses and bones which had been scraped free of flesh. 37 confirmed sets of human remains were found within the derelict shrimp boat alone, but the true scale of what horror has taken place here in the whole of the delta is impossible to know. Judged only from what can be found, and not from what the swamp has since swallowed up."

    And you can go on and on like that in your head with a number of locations in various realms, I find that to be very fun and enjoyable.