Anti-Tunneling Build

This Build is made so you can survive tunnling i made this build becuase i get tunnled quite alot, so i thought up this build.
Now there might be youtubers who already did this but i thought of this myself, If there is any ideas of what build should do next or if i could change this build anyway to make it beter feel free to add!
(I put Laurie Strode Cause she has DS and i dident know what charater to put)
I like to go with Deliverance/Sprint Burst/DS/Unbreakable when I don't want to be tunneled and also feel like being a royal PITA.
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Deliverance is only usful if you get a unhook first and if so they will e tunnling them but mabey then you but most tunnlers camp so Deliverance would be kinda usless sprint burst would be good cause as soon as you of that hook you sprint away and even better if the person had BT but proplem with sprint burst is that it is kinda easy to catch up with if there not good at looping.
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Unbreakable and Soulguard doesnt do anything. If the killer is dedicated to tunnel you, you wont lie on the ground long enough. And besides DS the rest is basically depending on the one that unhooks you. With BT = you just cancel out the mending status. Without BT you maybe go down instantly or not and 1) get value out of your build cause the killer takes longer to hit you than your build needs to push a health state 2) the killer hits you before you can get a health state, than DS and the same again. Anti-tunneling is just a measly delay. It doesnt give you the chance to stop the tunneling at all.
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Change Renewal to Inner Healing and jump in a locker with DS in case the killer is tunneling you. You get more way versatility for your self-healing.
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So what i gotten from Edgarpoop and you is swap out soul gurad for sprint burst and mabey swap out somthing for Unbreakable?
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Mabey i could also swap out the syringe for they angent for the endurence.
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That would be a good idea since im swapping out soul gurad for sprint burst and the syringe for Syptinc Angent
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lemme update it rq
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Well Once Lucky break is active is deativates permatly so thats usless cause you got to get on a hook and get off and see if there really tunnling you or not overcome is a good one, might swap that out with sprint burst so you get hit run into a locker with the extra speed boost inner strength, nice
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So let me explain this build you get hooked, once you get unhooked sprint burst activates so you can run off and have enough time for Seconed wWnd to actavate and heal you if that fails and they down you, you have DS but if you heal up with Second Wind and get hit agian and DS is also gone you have Inner Healing, and you can use Syptic Agent whenever you need to.
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If any of you have an idea for a build just ask me ill make a build about it or make a certin build for somthing! id be happy to do that, i love making builds!