Bubba needs a nerf really bad. He should NOT be able to turn so easily while swinging his chainsaw
oh no, he has to fill his bar by holding the button down for 3 seconds!
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How are they lying I always have fun running from a bubba heck I even accept the face camping I get from one i ran for 3 gens like no joke he is one of the few killers I can loop reliably lol
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I am an Iri 1 survivor. Youre not running good Bubbas for 3 gens dude.
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Survivors shouldn't be able to turn quickly or hug objects, nerf them.
I'm tired of chasing them for 3 minutes straight.
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So you played a lot but still can't counter bubba, I see.
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His ability to turn isnt op and you clearly have no idea how to counter bubba at all.
If they nerfed him like that he would be unplayable garbage because he is low b tier as is
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Just play Hillbilly if you want a killer who can barely turn while using their chainsaw.
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It’s crazy to believe you play this much yet can’t run a Bubba. It’s insane how some people literally are unable to get better at a game they play a lot. Also you called using Bubbas power toxic seriously now using killer powers is toxic? I’m assuming you only play survivor and never touch killer.
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Your grade means jack sh1t now, it's only to show how much you played this month that's all it does, nothing more nothing less.
If you really think you bubba is OP or his powers is OP, than i suggest you play him for a few weeks and see how others will counter you.
And if you can't play him then i suggest you watch some gameplay from others playing against him.
He is nowhere near OP as you make him sounds to be, it more that you either lack the skill to play against him or you are playing way to greedy.
You just need to practice more against him and you'll get better if you really want.
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Thats why I can loop him so much as I played bubba for a good while to a point where my friend said I'm a bubba main like I learned his weaknesses and have adapted them into my running practice lol
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And that's the best way to learn if you struggle against a killer, play both sides which let's you realize the strength and weaknesses of both sides.
Unfortunately there so many people who only play survivor and never or once every blue moon touch killer.
And then you have people (like op) who refuse to learn anything because in their head they are such good players and the problem isn't on their side.
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In the years I've been playing, I think I can count the amount of times I've seen a Leatherface down multiple survivors that WASN'T just due to camping or coming back down the basement stairs on one hand.
I don't think this as a nerf would legitimately hurt any decent player, if anythig they could move multiple downs onto the iridescent that restores charges on hit.
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1) Learn to stun Bubba during his Chainsaw Dash
2) Learn to chain a loops with windows or pallets
3) Learn playing on windows
4) Learn avoid his Chainsaw on the Locker
5) Learn how many distance he can get with Chainsaw
6) It's a lot of invisible walls on the maps, you can use this to counter him
7) If he decide to camp, just do gens and leave
Want more counters?
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Let me add another counter 8. Don't try and be a hero once all the gens are done in the case of a camping bubba most camping bubbas have noed
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Noed is easy perk to counter to be honest, Chainsaw is more dangerous in camping situation. Just leave, 1 kill isn't good result for Bubba
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It is I'm just pointing out that the bubba will do whatever it takes to secure that kill so its best to leave
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Either this is Good Bait, Or someone that is in hardcore Dire need of "Gettin' Gud" is beyond me,
It's not hard to loop a Bubba.. what do you want? All the killers Nerfed into oblivion so you can freely escape without being worried that you'll go down to a "Unfair" Mechanic?
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He's not even that good of a killer, he's only really good at punishing survivors who make mistakes or try to play unsafe loops rather than making distance.
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The difference is that those two killers, once they have stalked you enough, just walk up to you and down you with a basic attack.
If I'm playing bubba, I have to rev up my chainsaw first, I can't just instadown you when you're 6 inches from a window and I haven't started revving.
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I know this was made awhile ago but, someone linked me one of your post showing how much you hate Leatherface and how you think he really needs a nerf. Sure he can camp very well and sure he's got a simple power to use and get the hang of with an insta down however, I've made a little thing right here from me playing against Bubba in a few matches over the past few months to show you he doesn't need a nerf, you can loop this killer, and you can avoid the chainsaw if you play well enough or just get lucky. Obviously being in a dead zone won't help you to much but, that's just rng and you have to rely on cutting corners and taking sharp turns around rocks or trees. https://youtu.be/YfS7aDaoXWo
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Facts just use windows
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Person destroyed with facts and logic
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remove billy's overheat
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Yeah... being able to turn unlike Hillbily is exactly why he needs to nerf. Hillbily is balanced due to the ability to use tiles to force an M1 hit instead of his chainsaw. Leartherface does not have this issue as he can easily make turns. His swing covers entire tiles, you should test how far it covers, its more then an entire tile. It is impossible to play around as leatherface forces players to drop pallets extremely early in order to avoid a hit. His chansaw is far easier to control then Hillbily and can down multipole players at once. Instantly downing survivors is a very risky power as its very strong to deny the injured state. Done properly there is no risk at all to leatherfces instant down power and is by far the strongest.
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He is good at eating pallets but that doesn't make him impossible to play around. Billy has restricted turning but gets to travel much faster with his chainsaw and can also use that for better map mobility.
Leatherface can turn as much as he wants and does speed up a bit while chainsawing but not nearly to the extent that Billy does. If he had restricted turning he would legitimately be the worst killer in the game outside of facecamping and I'm not exaggerating. That would kill his entire power for anything other than camping or downing someone in a deadzone. You would not be able to chainsaw anyone at loops.
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Tell me that you are joking around please?
Bubba the strongest?
Impossible to play around?
No risk with bubba?
That has to be your biggest troll comment by far
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When you say leatherface speeds up a little bit, this is what you mean by "A little bit."
That's a little bit... no that's insane catch up. Now I would not mind that, nurse can do that but do you know what she can't do.. Instantly down. If leatherface had restricted mobility he would go from an A tier killer to maybe a C tier he would not be the worse in the game... not even close. You would simply have to be smart on when to use his chainsaw, instead of "hold chainsaw for 3 seconds and you cover that much distance. Its not realistic to dodge his chainsaw and is far stronger then hillbily in a 1V1. The only thing he does not have is the ability to traverse the map like hillbily. Here is an idea, would you agree to making his chainsaw a two shot? He remains exactly the same but requires two hits to down. I think that would fix a lot of issues with him.
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Most experienced DBD players put leatherface as an A tier killer. Who is also one of the easiest to play as he requires little prior knowledge and do not need to use mindgames at tiles to get quick and easy downs. The only real counter to him are windows, which is why every leatherface runs bamboozle to shut down any loop.
So.. yes he is very overtuned and needs something changed to balance him.
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Just a genuine question and some proof of it would be welcome, but how many hours do you have in DBD?
Not trying to be mean or anything like that, I'm just very curious.
I have about 3k hours in this game and in the beginning i had massive trouble with bubba.
But once i knew how to run him i barely ever died to a bubba.
The mistake many survivors do is that they are way to greedy.
They try to loop him like a basic M1 killer, stick to a gen to long before start moving to a safe zone, not dropping a pallet when they should, etc, etc.
Once you get the hang of it you can run him for a very long time, trust me.
At best i would place bubba as a B tier killer.
But i don't actually do tier lists as they are just personal preferences.
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I've played DBD on and off since 2017. I stopped playing it for most of 2020-21 and picked it back up a couple of months ago for the ring as she seemed fun. If you want my hours then here.
So yes, I am quite experienced and played both killer and survivor at high end MMR and actually played dbd on the day they buffed him and noticed within a few hours how strong he is. There is no way to loop him due to the speed and distance of his swing. Even if lets say you do everything perfect, and you actually beat him around a tile and manage to drop it, he still instantly breaks it with his chainsaw and because there is no penalty, within no time can use it again. You are either going to: A go down very quickly due to his ability to instant down or B drop the pallet early and burn through your limited recourses very quickly.
And I do agree about Tier list, they are mostly subjective. My point was a little unclear. I just think he is already quite strong and adding counterplay to him would not cripple him but balance him.
I made a post in a reply to somebody else on this discussion about a few posts above where I linked a video showing how much distance and how fast his swing it actually is. This is not meant to be condescending but could you please watch the video before replying and explain to me why his swing needs to be that far and that fast with the ability to instant down.
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The reason i asked about your hours was just to see if you were a new player or a veteran, many new players come to the forums complaining about something being OP or something while they are just learning the game.
I personally have also been playing since day 1 of the console release but stopped about after a month they forced sbmm in the game.
My killer games were 5 to 7 minutes and survivor games were not much longer either.
Now i would never ever say whether or not I'm top end MMR because there are no numbers to back that up, I would personally place myself as an above average player.
Everyone here on the forums say they are playing in high mmr while maybe only 10% actually plays there, so until there are numbers to back it up i will never say in what side of mmr I'm playing.
The thing with bubba is that he is strong, making him not able to turn will make him weak.
Because his chainsaw works on a token system as well as an overheating mechanic (very rarely ever happens) while billy chainsaw you can use whenever you you want without tokens, plus he has a very high mobility which you can't compare with bubba.
Even if you take away the tokens from bubba as well as his ability to turn will still make him weak.
That clip is exactly what happens in an ideal situation for bubba.
If she moved to a spot with a pallet or window, then she would have been fine.
Survivor running in a straight line will always go down easy and make things look easy.
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In the clip she activates balanced landing, an exhaustion perk that moves them at at 150% movement speed for 3 seconds. Leatherface covers the same distance gained from an exhaustion perk. Against just about any killer she should have got away or at least gained a few more seconds, how is that an ideal situation? What is an ideal situation for leatherface no windows? because there are plenty of maps with few windows. Its not the distance that is the issue its the ability to get an instant down on top of this. Can we acknowledge how strong it is to deny survivors the second health state. Again, can you please explain why he needs to cover that much distance and be an instant down? I would be fine with him being able to instant, and I would be fine with his power having that much reach, but not both.
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believe it or not the Nea probably would've been safe if she hadn't tried to go around that tree at the end
Also, she was caught in a literal deadzone so that's not a very good example.
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very true
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Why leatherface needs to have the ability to cover that much distance, and be an instant down, and have full control, and be that fast as well.
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It seems like a lot of speed and distance in the open, but in many loops it suddenly feels like less. Without that speed and distance Bubba would only get chainsaw downs by being directly behind survivors and then revving his chainsaw, which would give them time to escape. Just look at old Bubba.
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Here is the thing, old Buba was weak yes, but he was extremely easy to play. Now he is just as easy, but now a far stronger killer. You don't need to outsmart players, you don't need to mindgame at tiles. You pick a direction and go. You have one weakness, windows. But even that isn't that big of a deal because he is a 115 killer by default.
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Just play around windows, I have only ever been downed by Bubbas who either catch me in a deadzone because they got through the pallets or forced me there or if they do a good play like a mind game etc. Bubba is a good killer but he is not op and his chainsaw takes some getting used to. You can even play around lockers if you know the timing (I have the timing nailed and they are also really strong against him). He has ample counter play and does not need a nerf like this, it would put him down to bottom of C because you could just loop him around a tree lol. Yes he is a good camper and arguably too good of a camper, but that's a separate issue, nerfing the chainsaw is also not a solution to this.
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The long chainsaw add on could be nerfed but other that that bubba chainsaw is usually too short to catch survivors if they know what they're doing well on pc he could be nerfed but not on console. I see console players always hitting wall and pc players always hit you so he will be unplayable on console if he is nerfed and that would cause more facecampers.
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This point is just as stupid as the OP, if not more so.
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Like i said, that was an ideal situation for bubba.
She decides to run in a straight line without thinking about going to a loop, but instead run where there's nothing to use.
Well except for the tree but that was to late.
Let's be real, how many times will it actually be a situation where bubba uses all 3 tokens in 1 go and gets a down out of it?
Answer: rarely.
Yes he gains a lot of distance from a 3 token sweep, does that makes him very strong?
Only when you are out in the open.
When you are at a loop, he either has to stop because of a window, because he breaks a pallet, gets stunned by a pallet or bumps into something.
It's only when a survivor like that nea decide to run in a straight, that bubba becomes a treat.
Why would he not get an insta down from his chainsaw after that distance when a survivor decide to not play smart?
You came with the idea to make his chainsaw a 2 hit before going down.
What sense does his chainsaw make then?
It's only for the show and nothing more, and they will 99% of the time go for a M1 instead of his chainsaw.
Cause a M1 is faster that charging your chainsaw, sweep towards the survivor, wait for it to stop sweeping and then do it all over again.
Cause keeping the chainsaw sweep going after a hit isn't ideal, the survivor gets a sprint burst, vaults a window and is now out of reach of bubba.
Sure it looks good on paper maybe but not in practice.
And yes i acknowledge that denying a 2nd health state is strong.
But that is up to the survivor for letting it happen.
Myers, ghostface, huntress, billy, oni, deathslinger, trapper can all insta down you (might missed a few) how is that fair then?
You use loops to counter that, be aware of your surroundings, don't be to greedy, run earlier than you do against M1 killers.
Maybe you are just not that good against bubba, that doesn't make him unfair or in need for a nerf or OP or anything like that.
It's just a matter of personal skill and there is absolutely nothing wrong with or something to be ashamed of.
Everyone has a certain killer as weakness, it's natural.
And no I'm not trying to be a dick by saying that, I'm not saying you are bad at the game only not that good against a bubba.
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Not really
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You are missing the point, leatherface can
- cover a tone of distance with his swing
- instantly down with it
- down multiple people with it
- insane speed with it
- Have full control over it, complete mobility
- Force early pallet drops
- instantly break pallets
- Immediate use of it (build up).
None of this individually is an issue, not one of these is overpowered. But when you throw all of this on one Killer, you get a low skilled over tuned killer. All of those instant downing killers you named have some downside to their power. Myers takes build up, Trapper is luck based, Huntress requires an addon (and one hatchet is quite balanced, weak even), or if your talking about the hatchet, m1 combo that can only be done in specific situations HIllbilly is forced to commit to one direction allowing for survivors to predict and dodge. Death slinger needs and addon, ghotface can have his exposed negated ect. Not one killer comes close in comparison to bubba in terms of what they can do with their instant downing ability.
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big agree
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this person gets it.
Bubba is ridiculous. Yesterday I played against a Bubba who was swinging his chainsaw as he mindgamed back and forth around a rock. He could control Bubba so well DURING THE CHAINSAW SWINGING that he was able to double back and double back over and over, trying to mindgame me until he finally was able to get a good angle and then just insta down me due to how much ground he covers while swinging.
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The real issue is the ability to instantly down. If it was a two hit I think he would be fairly balanced, however the fact that he can put straight from the healthy to down state means you are forced to drop the pallet early every single time. Then he uses the fact that his chainsaw can break pallets allowing him to break it and get right back into the chase with no penalty and can use his chainsaw with only a penalty of I think 3 seconds. Either they need to make it so his chainsaw cannot break pallets or it doesn't instant down. Preferably removing the instant down, because the change the devs made to him did not fix camping bubba at all.
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As a kid, I was making a building with MMR in our playroom. I didn't have enough MMR. So I asked my younger brother Robert if I could borrow some of his MMR. He said, 'Okay, but you have to give the MMR back when you're done.' I used all of my MMR, then all of his MMR, and when I was done I had a great MMR, which I then glued together. Robert never did get his MMR back.
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Another baby survivor on Bubba List... Hell yeah !!
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Devs: give Legion a rework where he can insta down someone after hitting 4 people in frenzy cause "they want to make instadowns not too easy to archive and want people to feel rewarded for using Legions power"
Meanwhile Bubba: chainsaw goes brrr