Why do I never see Oni?

He is so close to becoming one of my most played killers due to how fun he is to play and going against him is actually terrifying. Or am I just unlucky and don't run into the 1000 Oni mains that are out there?
I have seen him few times this week, maybe you are just unlucky
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I never see him anymore either. Not that I mind, I feel Oni players are the types of players I dislike playing against.
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I cry as I face my 100th Blight 😩
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Wish they could find a way to branch out who we face. Would be pretty neat! Don't know if that would mess with match making too much though.
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CoH meta hard counters him.
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It would mess with it for sure. And some killers would never find a lobby cause people would just opt them out forever.
Maybe you need more Oni dailies in your region to see him more.
Last time I played him I got violated on Ormond by a sweaty swf so I wont be playing him anytime soon lol
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CoH counters everyone except for Plague of course.
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Getting slammed by a 4 man sweat squad is never fun for any killer tbh. Luckily its rare :) unless you got that sickly crazy MMR 😂 it does happen.
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He is good and strong, but... not an S tier killer and he is not Blight or Nurse so... next one, please.
(I like to play him, I played him a lot recently)
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I think because if the team is good, it takes too long to get your power.
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I main Oni, games can be rough in the current boon meta. Slugging on a multi layered map with a boon on it is almost just a waste of Demon Dash. Also good teams can deny you your power for a while by playing super safe.
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Early game is weak and takes a while to get use to his power.
also COH killed him.
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Considering that Nemesis, Wraith and Huntress have even higher pickrate than Blight and Nurse this clearly isn't the issue. Hell, even Legion and Trapper are more picked than Nurse. I think the main reason why Oni is so rare is because the game still has no practice mode in 2022 and people are scared to embarrass themselves learning his controls in real matches. Also because he kinda sucks to play on controller, just like Blight.
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I've seen him a few times and what everyone else said coh basically killed him
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I genuinely don't know. People say that COH killed him, but I didn't see him that often even before boons. I'm glad either way, Oni's soloq stomping power is up there with Nurse and Blight. Absolutely despise games vsing him.
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Because you have no power until you get a hit. Luckily that's usually not too hard to achieve, but good teams know to pre-drop pallets and prevent you from drawing blood as long as possible. Why deal with that when you can play Blight and zoom around from the very start?
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I've been playing him more. COH does hurt a lot...but tbh I rarely saw him before that anyway.
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Oni is hit especially hard by it though as he needs those blood orbs to maintain his power.
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The COH meta counters Oni heavily, so he became less popular. Before COH, I used to see Oni almost every match but now I rarely ever see him.
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I used to play him a lot before Blight got a lot of QOL changes. Hug tech is basically Demon Dash (in the sense of having no collision while rushing) but with way more potential due to the 5 bumps. He's also a pure M1 killer when the match starts so it's painful playing him against good loopers.