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Which Swamp map is worse?

Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

Just another random question.
Which Swamp map is worse?

Which Swamp map is worse? 16 votes

Grim Pantry
ChordycepsGazgemauchAurelleBothSidesEnjoyerINoLuv 5 votes
The Pale Rose
FobboNoName4syain 3 votes
Both of them are terrible
TapeKnotAven_FallenMaxwelloh_salutationsBrokenbonesGuiltiishinobu149GarlicRice 8 votes


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,233
    Both of them are terrible

    Swamp maps are so bizarre

    They have the best and worst totem locations in the whole game bar Lerys/RPD.

    They can either spawn a lot of pallets in the center or none at all

    The main buildings, especially Grim Pantry are just ridiculous for some killers to deal with

    The hook placements are still abysmal

    They are some of the easiest maps to 3 gen on, ESPECIALLY Pale Rose

    The main positive imo is that the maps are relatively small, sure they seem large on the surface but most of it is deadzones/edge tiles that have nothing so survivors won't be over there

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806
    edited February 2022

    Imo, Grim Pantry is usually worse for killers and Pale Rose is usually worse for survivors, at least compared to Grim Pantry. But there are extenuating factors, like who the killer is, or map RNG. Sometimes 4 pallet loops spawn in the middle, that Artist can poop on but Billy struggles with, but sometimes 0-1 loops spawn. Sometime the Pale Rose spawns a pog log right outside the boat, sometimes not. Sometimes the tiles that spawn underneath the pier are really strong or really weak.

    So, it really all depends.

  • Dilif69
    Dilif69 Member Posts: 148
