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Chapter [***]: One Spooky Night (A Spooky’s House of Jump Scares Licensed Chapter)
The Book is actually a lot harder to come up with once out of sequence. Each power for the later killers is so precise I have to be more original with how the addons affect them as changing the numbers by more than a percent would severely unbalance them. This Killer is... NOT THAT. This concept will NEVER happen as the Devs have directly stated that they want a more serious take on these horrors and bringing a parody character is absolutely not serious. that being said. this is one of my least detailed concepts as those who want to meet this licensed character should play the game it's from themselves.
While this character is a parody it is also a completely serious take on this parody. As a combination of Specimens 9 & 1. This character is a more trap-based killer with Hag and Demogorgon elements. Placing traps around that cause (admittedly) poor drawings of The Takers form that cause loud noise notifications and block the survivors with collision. Holding a LARGE number of traps (due to their non-lethal nature) The Specimen can place them around so liberally. Teleporting to traps does not allow The Specimen to swing until the transport is complete traps have to be broken by survivors. He is designed to jump scare and cause small panic among survivors.
Small thing:
He floats off the ground like Nurse
The Soul of a man flayed and destroyed by horrific events. Residing in Room 731 of The Mansion that gained a portal to hell, taking over clay, and being deemed too powerful to be left intact, Specimen 9 spent its time haunting those who stand still in the Mansion's derelict halls. When the Portal to hell was closed by one unwary traveler The Entity called to it and a close friend. Accepting a new lot in un-life Specimen 9 took to the realms like a duck to water.
Height: Tall
Terror Radius: 32 meters
Speed: 115%
At the beginning of the trial start with 15 Pop-Up Traps.
Press and hold the power button to place 1 Pop-Up Trap on the ground in its Untriggered State. Setting a Pop-Up Trap takes 2 seconds.
When a survivor comes within 4 meters of an Untriggered Pop-Up Trap, it will trigger and enter its Open State and Pop-Up creating a loud noise notification. The Pop-Up Trap remains open for 4 seconds before entering its Closed State.
When a Pop-Up Trap is in its Closed State it has collision and can be broken by survivors running and performing a Vault Action into the trap destroying it and returning it to the stock. Closed traps are revealed by Zanshin Tactics and Windows of Opportunity.
On Rare occasions (5% base chance) upon breaking a Pop-Up Trap the Aura of The Specimen is revealed to the Survivor that broke the trap for 3 seconds.
Pressing the Alternative Power Button (CTRL) while a Pop-Up Trap is in its Open State will cause The Specimen to Morph into a Travel State and travel at 20 m/s through walls towards the Open Trap. While in Travel State the Specimen cannot attack and Once the Specimen reaches the Open Trap it will reform into default state.
If you have carried a survivor for 12/10/8 seconds, Take the Dead Activates until you hook a survivor.
While Active, you gain a 100% hooking speed bonus and the next survivor hooked has their entity progression reduced by 2.5/5/7.5%.
Every 30 seconds this Hex moves to another random dull totem across the map.
Every time a survivor within 24 meters of the Hex Totem with Hex: Jumpscare applied to it,
- Approaches a Locker
- Stands idly for 6 seconds outside The Killer’s Terror Radius
- Completes a Generator outside The Killer’s Terror Radius
They become exposed for 6/8/10 seconds and the survivor screams revealing their location.
When this effect happens all objects within an 8-meter radius around them will play a noise notification. The Killer cannot see these notifications.
After losing a chase with a survivor, Re-Chase Cycle activates for the next 9/12/15 seconds.
Entering a chase with the same survivor while this perk is active, deactivates Re-Chase Cycle and grants Bloodlust tier 2 until the chase ends again.
Re-Chase Cycle has a cool down of 30 seconds
Pop Up Traps stay Open for 2 seconds longer
The True Specimen 1:
The Specimen can no longer Travel to Traps.
Forces Survivor cameras to look at Pop-up Traps when Open.
Increases the Chance for Survivors to see The Specimen's aura when breaking Pop-Up Traps by 300%
Reduces the trigger range around a Pop-Up Trap by 12.5%
Reduces the chance for survivors to see The Specimen's Aura when breaking a Pop-Up Trap by 10%
Increases the Speed of The Specimen in Travel State by 5%
Triggering a Pop-Up Trap makes a survivor oblivious for 5 seconds.
Pop Up Traps stay Open for 1 second longer.
Reduces the chance for survivors to see The Specimen's Aura when breaking a Pop-Up Trap by 20%
The auras of survivors triggering Pop-Up Traps are revealed to The Specimen for 3 seconds.
Inlayed Splinters:
Breaking a Pop-Up Trap inflicts survivors with the mangled status effect.
Triggering a Pop-Up Trap makes a survivor oblivious for 10 seconds.
Increases Pop up Trap setting speed by 20%.
Reduces the trigger range around a Pop-Up Trap by 25%.
The auras of survivors triggering Pop-Up Traps are revealed to The Specimen for 5 seconds.
Removes collision on Pop-Up Traps
Forces Survivor cameras to look at Pop-up Traps when Open.
Pop Up Traps stay Open for 2 seconds longer
Pop-Up Traps break when they close.
Triggering a Pop-Up Trap makes a survivor oblivious for 15 seconds
Destroying a Pop-Up Trap causes a survivor to be deafened for 6 seconds
Increases Pop up Trap setting speed by 25%.
Iridescent Photocard of Specimen 1:
Increases the Stock Number of Pop-Up Traps by 15.
Pop-Up Traps automatically break when closed.
Clay of Specimen 9:
Reduces the number of available Pop-Up Traps by 10
All Pop-Up Trap Auras are revealed to The Specimen.
looking at a Pop-Up Trap and pressing the Alternative Action Button (CTRL) makes The Specimen Travel to the Trap.
Pop-Up Traps start and stay in the open State Until a 6th one is placed. which destroys the first one placed.
A young person who came to the Mansion housing denizens of Hell. Traveling through its derelict halls he survived countless horrors and experiments. What's one more?
Action Speed increased by 15/20/25% per living survivor further than 24 meters from your location.
Skill Checks appear 100/200/300% more often and move 15% faster.
Mask of Personality cannot stack with other action speed increasing Perks.
"The mask you wear serves its purpose well but be careful not to lose yourself in it." - The White Cat
Standing within the Killer's Terror Radius for a total of 80/70/60 activates Explorative Urge
When Explorative Urge is active for the next 30/45/60 seconds reveal the Auras of all Killer Memorabilia and Hooks within 16 meters while moving.
Defining Killer Memorabilia: Pools of Devotion, Alarm Clocks, Jigsaw Boxes, Vaccine Chests, Chests.
“Being an avid history enthusiast, you embark up the mountain to visit the manor.”
While on a hook, press the secondary action button (RMB) to Channel Evil Desires. After channeling for 4/3/2 seconds Sinister Dwelling activates until you open a chest. If you are unable to channel desires before being unhooked, Sinister Dwelling will activate upon being hooked a second time.
The next time you open a chest while Sinister Dwelling is active instead of a normal item, it reveals a “Depreciated Hand Ax” Limited Item.
While you have a Depreciated Hand Ax, approach a breakable wall to perform a 5 second action to tear it down for the remainder of the trial. The Item is consumed upon starting this action. Upon completion, this action creates a Loud Noise Notification alerting the Killer to your location and reveals the aura of the broken door to all players in white for 4 seconds.
“You’ll make an excellent Specimen” - Spooky
YES, the riffing is intentional. The Game they come from is a parody. so why not?