Toolbox Add-On Pass!

RaingerPlaysDBD Member Posts: 27
edited February 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions


Please read the entirety of the Post before commenting! I've already had my share of misreading when it comes to these lengthy posts, but I'm optimistic this is the one that changes things!

Hey listen up! Lemme let you in on a little secret. Toolboxes.... Suuuuuuccckkkk- Are actually the 2nd (or 1st depending on who you ask) best item type in Dead By Daylight. However! There's a fundamental issue with Toolboxes that even I don't think I can solve. You see Toolboxes serve two functions. Repairs and Sabotaging. Sabotaging takes more Skill and has less impact than Repairs in most instances. Repairs take less skill, and have more impact that Sabotaging in most instances. That's what's backwards. I'm simply here to provide some ideas for Add-Ons that might increase the incentive to Sabotage.

Sabotaging takes more skill because it is more niche and is only effective (usually) when the Killer is a direct threat. Any interaction with the Killer no matter how small, will always seem more skillful in my eyes than holding M1 or R1 on a Generator for 80 Seconds. Seeing as the Toolbox has 3 Common Addons, 5 Uncommon Addons, 2 Rare Addons and 1 Ultra-Rare Addons. I think the stage is set for some new additions! One day I hope the Toolbox (and all the Survivor Items that are being neglected right now) have a full set of Add-Ons that at the very least fit the standard Add-On amounts set for Killers a long while ago.


The following are Concepts of Add-Ons relating MOSTLY to the Sabotaging Action. Repairing seems like a very over utilized mechanic. However I do think it would be a throw away update if the holes in the Toolbox Add-On roster were simply filled to the brim with Sabotaging Add-Ons. Repairing needs updates to make it more engaging. I’m hopeful these Add-Ons with engage players in more risky strategies when it comes to both Repairing and Sabotaging. I've designed concept Add-Ons to fill every space in the Toolbox Add-On roster, this is a chunky post.

(Common) Makeshift Toolbelt:

A belt made of shredded cloth. A Survivors thrift. Unlocks potential in ones Aura Reading Abilities.

  • -Reveals your Aura to other Survivors within 12 Meters whilst Repairing with a Toolbox.

(Rare) Leather Toolbelt:

A sturdy Leather belt for organization and ease whilst repairing. Unlocks potential in ones Aura Reading Abilities.

  • -Reveals your Aura to other Survivors within 28 Meters whilst Repairing with a Toolbox.

Ex: I'm stressing information with these Add-Ons because Survivors NEED information. This doesn't increase Toolbox Repair speed but does encourage Spike Progress over total Progress. Which can be a positive or a negative depending on how the Killer is building pressure.

(Rare) Antique Face Shield:

A poorly designed Face Shield that obscures vision and protects the wearer from burns. It's been slathered with lead based paint, making it toxic to the wearer.

  • -Decrease Repair Skill-check Success Zones by 30% when Repairing with the Toolbox.
  • -Failed Toolbox Repair Skill-checks do not interrupt Repairs.
  • -Grants 150% bonus Bloodpoints for Great Repair Skillchecks.

The Design is really aesthetic!

Ex: I just figured that Toolboxes needed an Add-On for Bloodpoints that matched other Killer Add-Ons and the Medkit Add-Ons that have a similar effect. With this Add-On Generators still regress by 10% when a Skillcheck is failed. Your character simply Repairs through it without flinching backwards.

(Rare) Scented Flathead:

A flathead screwdriver with a faint odor of sage. Not serving any Repair Purpose.

  • -Hook Auras persist for 2 seconds after being Sabotaged.

What kind of destruction could this possibly be used for?!

(Very-Rare) Sage-Rubbed Wrench:

A Wrench with strong smell of Sage; It was Rubbed recently. Not serving any Repair Purpose.

  • -Suppresses the Loud Noise Notification to the Killer that is usually triggered after Sabotaging a Hook.
  • -Hook Auras persist for 2 seconds after being Sabotaged.

Ex: The sound of the Hook dropping to the floor is a dead give-away of Sabotaging. However, it can also be overlooked when there are other sounds playing in the environment such as a Chase Theme, Crying Survivor or Generator. That's where this Add-Ons genius is utilized.

(Very-Rare) High Grade Grease:

Found in any accomplished Mechanics shop. Used to silence contraptions that speak from time.

  • -Reduces the Range at which your Generator-Repair noises can be heard by 8-Meters.
  • -Reduces the Sound of Sabotaging with a Toolbox by 100%.

Ex: This Add-On is meant to be Utilized within a short range. By using the Hook to block oneself, you can Sabotage without an Audio Cue to the Killer.

(Very-Rare) Absorptive Cloth:

A large cloth that is highly absorptive. Helps clean up accidents.

-Reduces failed Repair Skillcheck Regression by 7%.

No mess to large...

Ex: This would take the 10% regression (8 Seconds of progress when repairing at the normal speed [100%]) and reduce it to 3% regression (2.4 Seconds of progress when repairing at normal speed). Obviously, you'd have boosted Repair Speed because this is a toolbox add-on so, it would take even less time to make up the progress.

(Very-Rare) Unstable Alternator:

A large car part that a tinkerer retrofitted to interact with Generators. It has a destructive purpose.

  • -Replace the "Toolbox Repair" Action with the "Install Unstable Alternator" Action.
  • -Installing the Unstable Alternator takes 3 seconds and remains on the Generator Indefinitely or until it has reached it's activation threshold.
  • -The Unstable Alternator becomes Fully charged after 66% Repair Progress has been made on a Generator.
  • -The Aura of Trapped Generators is revealed in Yellow to all Survivors.
  • -When the Killer damages a a Trapped Generator, the Trap explodes, blinding anyone nearby for 2 seconds.
  • -When the Generator is fully repaired, the Killer will be blinded by the Generators Floodlights for 2 seconds when within 12-Meters, unless the Trapped Generator has none.

Consumes this Add-On on use. There cannot be more than 1 Trap active on a Generator. The Unstable Alternator deactivates after the Generator has been Damaged 3 Times or the Floodlights Blind the Killer.

A Gas Haven logo on the side of the alternator has been scribble out replaced with a large messy A.

Ex: This seems complicated. But it's not really. It's just an alternate form of Blast Mine with less impeding effects and it's non-transferable. I thought the Floodlight mechanic was really interesting. And I tried to convey this but it was hard, I'm referring to Blind Attempts not Success Blinds. So if the Floodlight begins to Blind the Killer, and the Killer reacts by looking away, then the add-on is done. It's not a "In this radius you'll be perma-blinded!" type of thing.

(Ultra-Rare) Leverage Crank:

An industrial mechanism used for the controlled movement of heavy objects.

  • -Replace the “Hook Sabotage” Action with the “Install Leverage Crank” Action.
  • -Installing the Leverage Crank takes 5 seconds and remains on the Hook Indefinitely.
  • -Survivors can pull the Leverage Crank in 1 second to Sabotage the Hook.
  • -Reduces Hook Respawn Timer by 10 Seconds.

This Add-On and all Toolbox Charges are consumed on Use.

Ex: An Ultra-Rare counterpart to the Brand New Part! Although I’m hopeful this wouldn’t need as much balancing updates as the Brand New Part. Even with 4 of these present in a match. I think the criteria to be met for this to be a viable strategy is costly for Survivors. Often times, Survivors who swarm a Killer for Sabotage waste time they could be Repairing. I've seen many teams fall because of their greed.


You may have noticed that I did not design any Add-Ons relating to charges, efficiency or repair speed. That's because I think those statistical buffs are boring. Useful! But boring. Additionally, I don't want anything to get out of hand!

I think my designs are really unique. I have Add-Ons to thwart Killers Visual Indicators of Sabotaging! I have Add-Ons to thwart Killers Auditory Indicators of Sabotaging! However, if you want to do both you'll won't be able to put Sabotage Speed or extra Charges on your Toolbox. Making you settle for less, or sacrifice a Perk Slot to do the same job.

This design philosophy, I think, helps me create fun, competitive Add-Ons that shake up gameplay but don't require (much) rebalancing in the future. However, I still crave you guys opinions and ideas! On all of it! If you found this interesting please "Up Vote" it so we can have a long conversation! I'll be making more posts like this in the future as well!

Feel free to check out my "Flashlight Update!" post where I discussed a new pathfinding mechanic and possible add-ons relating to Flashlights!

Have a Good Day everyone! :)

Post edited by Rizzo on
