Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

What's the point of DCing on Deathhook?

You're going to be out of the game in a few seconds anyway. Why make the game be 0 BP and add 5 minutes onto the already lengthy survivor que time just to let everyone know you're throwing a tantrum?

Is your mental sanity truly so close to going over the edge that you could not have waited like 6 seconds to be hooked? (Not to mention a team mate might have been there to save you) effectively all you've done is help the killer by giving them a few extra seconds. And then you have a forced double de-pip and 0 BP in an already grindy game to show for it.

So lets look at this stip by step.


Boot up DBD choose survivor, build, items and hit ready- about 1 minute.

Wait in que- 4 to 6 minutes. We'll say 4 to be nice.

Find a lobby, everyone readies up and the game loads in- about 1 minute.

Play the entire match until your about to die, now my games are about 10-12 minutes but we'll imgainin its one of thoes 6 minute games I've heard so much about and say you died half way into it.- 3 minutes


you now have to wait the DC penalty- 5 minutes

Not you have to wait in que again- 4 minutes

now your back in a lobby everyone readies up and the game loads- anout 1 minute.

And now you have been playing for almost 20 minutes with nothing to show for it. Now anecdotally I see people DC way later than 3 minutes into the game.


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707
    edited February 2022

    I’ve had people do it against me knowing I have Pop just so I wouldn’t get it. They also waited to dc until I had actually carried them to the hook but did it right before so I didn’t gain those extra few seconds.

    Other than that, idk. Like you might as well get your bloodpoints.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,569

    The only reason I've ever been given is that it stops rank regression. For once, that was actually back when ranks were still a thing.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Cuz I'm salty and I don't want to wait for the animation I've seen thousands of time sin ths past 5 years.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Usually it's just out of spite. Other than that, probably just to prevent you from using your hook perks.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    People mostly dc from good Huntresses, Twins, and Bubbas even though they try to loop a shack or main building which a lot of killers can do the anti loop like throwing hatchets, using victor, or using a chainsaw and then they just dc because your good at the game and then they go on the forums and social media to complain about which is very sad.

  • ThanosPAWG
    ThanosPAWG Member Posts: 412

    It's because the persons console/pc is currently being dismantled. In all seriousness its probably because they have already closed out of the game to play something else or turned off their pc/console.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    I think it's either to spite the killer or being so overcome with emotion.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Spite and sore losing, that’s it. They’re cutting off their nose to spite their face as the saying goes, throwing away their bloodpoints and taking a DC ban just because they’re so mad they lost.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    I don’t think people are actually leaving the match via the menu, when on the hook. I think they are just fed up and close the game out altogether, so the penalty wait time is unintentionally irrelevant. This is my theory because there have been times I have been so frustrated with this game that I’m ready to play something else, but then I remember I have to wait for the animation to end and return to the lobby. Once there I can close out.

    Now I will DC on hook if the 2nd to last survivor is working with the killer and they are both trying to farm me. You’re not going to get free BP off of me- F that. Another scenario is if I’m Iridescent Grade 1 and there are 4/5 gens left and the second to last survivor starts running to get me, and I know he’ll reach before the 2nd missed skill check. That’s so stupid. There is no way you and I will get 4/5 gens done and escape. Go for hatch. Don’t try to farm me for extra points, use me as a decoy till I die, THEN go for hatch. F you.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    Yes, it does seem like power button or for PC Alt-F4. I know on console, if you press power button the OS still takes some time to shutdown, which explains some lag where I was about to hook and got frozen by the DCer for a second before the DC registers.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,610

    I've asked myself that question many times.

    Now imagine this: a few months ago, as Nurse, I'm playing a game and for some reasons the survivors were very confident. Maybe my basic Nurse outfit made me look like a beginner.

    One gen later they were all down : three of the four hooked survivors DCed being hooked.

    I still can't make sense of it.