DBD's Problematic Playerbase

If I'm honest, I wasn't going to make this post after a bad match I had, but today alone I have experienced crap time and time again, so words need to be had.

This community (relative to gameplay alone) is one of THE worst I have ever played as/with ever. Ever

I've had a teammate teabag at the gate when it was a 3K for the killer, after I had sacrificed my easy escape to attempt to save them. Did they have the decency to try heal up, try and trade places with me, or even just not teabag? No.

Another game I was hooked right by the exit gate with Adrenaline at the ready, while I praised a Claudette for 99-ing the gate before saving me. What happened when they 99-ed the gate? They teabag at me, and wait for a David on our team to come to "save" me, only to teabag me as they both run out and escape. Mind you the killer was nowhere near us, as they were chasing the fourth survivor. I thought ok, that was just a once off rare bunch of trolls. Fine.

Three games later, I kid you not, three games later and I'm hooked yet again, just about to hit second state when another Claudette comes just in time to save me. What does she do? Clicky clicks her flashlight at me and runs off, all the while the killer is on the opposite side of the map running after our teammate. Alas, I just end up dying on hook.

So I'm thinking, maybe I'm just having a bad day as survivor, let me try do a challenge as killer to get some BP. My very first game of killer I was up against a SWF squad with a cheater on their team. At first I thought my WiFi went bad, but with the amount of lag I was experiencing it was clear they were lag-switching me.

These are just experiences I've had today alone, along with a lot of other horrible things people have done, and actively do, in every trial. My trial. Your trial.

Now it might have been that I wasn't being a good teammate, or I had done something of a similar manner to trigger them earlier in the trial, so I racked my brain really trying to figure out if I'd done anything to deserve it. I couldn't come up with a single answer, other than the fact that this game has some of THE scummiest players I've ever had to play with, either as killer or survivor, in any game.

If you're reading this, and you've done any of the aforementioned, maybe think twice next time. Or actually, maybe just think twice about how you're leaving your life in general, because if you're willing to stoop so low in a game, wouldn't surprise me if you'd do the same in real life.

Rant over😩✌🏻


  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    Im sorry to hear this happened to you mate.

    Sadly there are a number of people in this community who simply get enjoyment out of making others miserable. I actually took a long break from the game bacuse of people like this. It's the best thing to really do for your own sanity

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541

    Don’t worry, those players that are toxic, use stretched res, reshade, uncapped frame rate, moonwalk, run the killer for multiple gens, play hillbilly etc will be forced to quit the game. The Devs love and cater to survivors that hide in dark corners of the map walk and sneak around the map especially the survivors who love getting jump scared on maps like RPD from hiding.

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    This is what happens when you treat the game as an E sport and not what it is, a non competitive party game. I don't understand peoples mentality with the direction of this game sometimes.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467
    edited February 2022

    I'm sorry that happened to you. I've had things like that happen before and I've had survivors treat me like a joke when I play killer. People can be real ######### when there are no consequences for their actions. I've had someone on my own team fake out hook saves with me and run away just because they felt I did something they didn't like in a game.

    I've also had a fellow teammate intentionally sandbag me because they were just being a dick and thought it was funny. These are my own team members who I'm talking about here not just rados I'm paired with

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    the DBD community is so garbage that even this is mild. Most toxic gaming community.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    Any chance you run Urban Evasion?

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Wait, were you actually playing me while I was playing the game? Why is this precisely my experience today as well?

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    I've actually been really lucky as of late, didn't have toxic teammates like that. Except for today, when I'm hooked and all three survivors are standing behind the wall watching me slowly get sacrificed to the entity. Like what the actual fog. Either save or leave, but just standing there watching after I unhooked you guys.... That was infuriating and I know I'm leaving them on the hook if I'm ever playing with any of them again.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I hate to be the one to say this.... but take a break from the game at that point

    It will effect you in one way, shape or form

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It has a lot of bad, but it also has a lot of good. And I feel it is important to focus on the nice players who make this game such a fun time. This community is great, I love it. It is amazing and I am so happy to be a part of it. This game is still alive BECAUSE the playerbase is strong.

    Those bad apples definitely spoil to bunch, but those toxic rats are everywhere, fam. Trust me. They always assume a different shape or form depending on the game, but you can just water them down as absolute scumbags and they are not worth the effort of even concerning yourself with. If you fixate on them, it will ruin the game for you. You gain nothing by shining a light on them. Only cringe and disgust.

  • Kunuto
    Kunuto Member Posts: 41

    I have not read your whole post and I've barely read any of the replies.

    I do however have some comments on this which I believe is relevant: This is not a game where the different parties are supposed to be nice to each other.

    Survivors are of course encouraged to help eachother and in most cases survivors benefit from helping eachother.

    But. It lies in the name; survivors. Survivors gotta find a way to survive, either as a team or as an individual. If a solo survivor wants to run a solo survivor run in a match then it is in that survivors right to do so. This is quite a dynamic game in that sense.

    Is it nice? No. Is it part of the game dynamic? Yes.

    And for the killer... well... not in any way is the killer supposed to be nice to any survivor, also that lies in the name.

    It is a game of tormenting eachother.

    Personally I am more drawn to the idea of being helpful and creating a game where everyone benefits and everyone have fun, but I aknowledge that this game does not always play out like that.