Discussion about Boons because i'm bored

Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994

I've seen alot about Boon totems and now I am finally able to talk about them because wowzers we actually can talk about these little dudes

So Boon totems are an interesting case with how they released, you bless a totem and now within that AoE survivors get a buff of some sort, however I wanna discuss both the good and bads about the boons not talk about whats already known, yes I am aware of Yoichi's boon totem however I am not talking about that as its a PTB

Goods of boon totems

From a survivor stand point: Massive buff to something all in one area that is stronger than other perks on its caliber (B:HC is just a better botany knowledge, B:ST is a better Lightweight,Boon:Exponential is a better Unbreakable), it can also be moved to any dull or hex totem (Not Pentimento totems I think) and can be replaced numerous times

From a killer stand point: They are only active within the AoE, meaning outside of it whoever you are chasing is not getting the buff until they go inside of it, killing the Boon user also deactivates their boons, it also can take longer to bless totems with perks and survivors are off of the gens, these can also be broken by the killer

From a gameplay standpoint: Boons add another objective for survivors and killers to do, in hopes it adds more depth to the game outside of killing survivors and doing gens

Bad parts

From a survivor standpoint: Some of these are incredibly situational and don't work half of the time, in concept they can be better than the other variants but in the gameplay they are not, Exponential can easily be canceled out with ears or picking up the survivor, the only way its good is if its on another floor of Game while you use 2 other perks to make the recovery speed absurdly fast but thats IF the killer slugs you to break the totem, meaning sometimes you will never get use out of Exponential most of the time

From a killer standpoint: Its another thing they have to clear out from a survivors kit to weaken their defenses, however unlike the others these have no cooldown and are infinite, meaning after breaking one boon you could have 3 more to go and another one get set during this, which eventually if only 1 survivor brings a boon totem and you know it most of the time the killer will usually just tunnel them out to not deal with the boon, which isn't fun at all, and having to break your loadout to counter boons isn't a good thing either cause of the "what if" statements being "what if they don't bring boon totems?"

Gameplay standpoint: Most of the boon totems we have gotten are just "its this perk but better", which for the ones that actually are better in game puts away the use of having the other in the first place, why use Botany Knowledge when you can just use Healing circle? Why use Lightweight or Poised when you can just use Shadow Step? and to the ones that are actually worse than the perk, being Exponential being worse than No Mither and Unbreakable, why use it in the first place? Then you have the problem with Exponential and Twins, where for some reason its only good on twins as Victor takes so long to recover from downing a survivor that if they are too far away you cannot pick up the survivor in time most of the time, they'll get back up and even if its not for long, the time it just took to down them again means alot more than meets the eye, hit and run killers are absolutely crushed by Healing circle as that boon takes away your pressure, Boon totems are not Hex totems, stop treating them like they are

Final notes

I know, Twins is really bad and I am going to eventually discuss about how they got nerfed because they were a monster in higher ranks but all I can consider them is a mythical creature as I haven't seen one since pinhead released and I am pretty sure they disconnected. Its not the numbers on the boons causing problems, its the mechanics based around the boons and well...boon totems themselves

I also do wanna talk about how almost every meta perk in dbd is just a band-aid perk that fixes a problem with another perk, then we proceed to get another perk that counters that perk and the loop continues

And finally I do also wanna talk about how we have so many gen regression perks that I feel like if we ever even got a 5th perk slot this game would have a constant of 40 minute long matches

Thats all I am going to say today, this is that person who enjoys playing dbd on the main menu, and I hope you have a good day