Idea for game objectives

So as we know holding m1 is extremely riveting and its all we want to do. My idea is to make gens take maybe 5 or 10 seconds less to do BUT we add another step. So basically make like a pole with two or 4 levers on it, with a "no no" zone to keep trapper from stopping it completely or phead, for every generator (or maybe two per generator?). Basically after you finish a gen you have to go pull one/all the levers on the pole, each gen will have its own related switches (not sitting there for 16 seconds like the exit gates just flipping the switch and you're done.) to route the power to the exit gates. there'd be like a wire leading from the gen to the pole and it'd light up to tell the survivors it can be used and the killer would see its aura. Obviously there is a lot of things to consider like the killer camping the levers (hence the idea of two poles, or the survivors could just do another gen) The idea I have isn't trying to make it more killer or survivor sided, I just think there should be more to the objectives than hold m1.