New/Updated Reward System for Individuality

Hey everyone!

Sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language.

I had an idea, that I wanted to present and wanted to hear your opinions for a new reward system.

How about we make a Quest-Completion-Streak, u get like 1 simple task to do, like "Play Claudette Morel", "Use the Perk Buckle Up", "Hook 1 Survivor in the basement", "Cleanse/Boon 1 Totem"... For every quest u do got like 1 Completion and 1k bp and it does keep going next one gives u 2k, 3k, 4k... But if u dont do your quest or you fail it, you get back to 0 and have to start it again. (Seperated for Killer/Survivor) I mean it could give people more motivation to play other chars/perks.

What's your opinion? <3
