How do you loop a juiced up Nemesis on T-Virus creatine?

If I drop a pallet early, he may ignore it and go around then eventually catch up. If I drop it like I would any other killer, both me and the pallet get destroyed. If I’m hugging the walls, I get hit for what feels like 3 gen lengths back. I try to bait the whip left then go right, I still get hit. A lot of times dead center. Any tips?
Best Answers
As a Nemesis player I have noticed that there's a few frame lengths where the Killer can move the tentacle so it hits the survivor, and if a Nemesis player gets to at least level 2, then pallets are all but useless, so I recommend going for stealth as much as possible, and try to gen rush. Unless Nemesis has some detection perks like Bitter Murmur, Spies from the Shadows and Whispers, then you should be fine.
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A strong nemmy player has pretty decent anti loop and there will be times when you get hit no matter what or make the wrong read and get hit. Above all maintaining distance is always reliable as he has no fancy mobility to help catch up more quickly AND must hit you 3 times when using his power. You gotta read whether or not hell pull up at the loop. If you read that hes gonna pull up then keep running. If you think hes not gonna pull up put the pallet down. Above that, hug loops really tightly to make the next corner as quickly as possible so he cant hit you with his ranged attack and if you think you wont make it around a corner in time (when you are in range) you have to try and make another read. Is he gonna whip straight on as quickly as possible or is he gonna be patient?
If you think hes gonna be patient keep running if you think hes gonna whip as quickly as possible dodge away from the loop.
Another strength of the nemesis to keep in mind is that he is one of the best killers in the game at breaking pallets once he hits tier 2 because he has a decent move speed during the use of the whip and its cooldown so a nemmy in tier 2 will almost always break a pallet and that predictability can be used against him until he wises up and starts to hesitate a bit before breaking pallets.
Remembering that he has to tier up is another thing to keep in mind. Maybe have preference to use some of the pallets that would be too unsafe to use against tier 2 early in the game before he can get it if you are able and save the more powerful pallets that will stave him off even in tier 2 or 3 until later if possible.
Keep in mind for the tentacle attack hitbox lingers for 1/3rd of a second so good nemmy players might hit their whip attack right as they are on a corner.
When it comes to the vaccines, I recommend holding off on using them early on. Use them only when you are nemmys most valuable target. So if you are the only survivor who has a hook on you, you should probably use one to make it harder for the nemmy to make the strongest play (tunnelling) but if you are the only survivor who hasn't been hooked maybe don't use them because you have the life to spare, incetivising the killer to spread his hooks is a valuable asset for your team.
Lastly if you own the nemesis, I recommend playing a few matches as him or at least watching some youtube videos of a decent nemesis player. Playing a killer is the fastest way to learn their limitations and knowing a killers limitations is how you play around them as effectively as possible.
Damn I was afraid of that. That’s kind of broken. Thanks.