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Successful Skill checks acting as failed checks at high latency

archidus Member Posts: 1

This is a new bug that started happening maybe a week ago or something. First I thought it was a random glitch that froze my progress when performing heals (either on me or on other people), but then I figured the game was treating my skillcheck as a fail. This only happens when I'm playing with my friend (who's usually the host) thus I have 200+ ms ping

Step 1 - Boot game, play as survivor and either self heal or heal someone else while having high latency.

Step 2 - Notice how sometimes a successful skillcheck is treated as a failed check, stopping the progress and also granting you survival/altruism points for the heal so far.

Frequency: sporadically. Doesn't happen at all times, but it only happens with healing. I've never seen this happen with gen repair skillchecks.

Video for proof:

I was testing this with my friend and he (as killer) confirmed that the killer does see it as a failed skillcheck, notification included.

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