Killer's powers you have no chances to predict and outplay are boring

It used to be spirit because of her stupid Mechanics, Now it's Huntress and Blight. Against huntress you never know if she'll hit you behind the corner. Because of the latency and hitbox sizes it's almost impossible to move right and not get hit
Blight has so many exploits you never feel safe. Good blight can hit you almost on every tile and there is no good counterplay for that.
Terrible flawed and boring killers
Boring for you. Thats what you meant right? These killers are boring for YOU. Just say it, its allright
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Whole post is my own opinion, like any post on the forum
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Fair play
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Looping predictable m1 killers for ages is also boring because they can't do anything at some tiles.
I wouldn't call it outplaying either.
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I'm glad to see that now after spirit was nerfed out of s tier, people have moved on to complain about the next best thing. Who's it going to be after blight and huntress fall as well? Artist? Maybe pyramid head? Or are we feeling adventurous and nerf a middling killer into uselessness like what happened to deathslinger? I heard trickster is also "quite unfun" for survivors, so clearly he is overdue for a nerf, right?
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Why do you feel you are entitled to predictable killer powers?
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Translation: "Give me a killer I can 1v1 so they have no realistic chance of winning this 1v4 game"
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I mean if a killer can't hit you no matter what as long as you are playing correctly, does he has to be human at all?
I think you should play PvE games if you want to counter and predict everything.
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Because unpredictable is unfun. Games supposed to be fun
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But killers can't predict how survivors do things, so you think it should be fixed too?
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they totally can
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Unpredictability is what makes games fun. If every game was the same and predictable, wouldn't that be even more boring?
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Are you literally saying PREDICTABLE is fun?
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Unpredictability when one side outplays another because of mindgames? Yeah great feeling. Unpredictability because you don't know how ping/latency/hitboxes will work this time? Absolute bullshit.
Tossing a coin is more fun than playing against huntress
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Yes. when you know killer is able to hit you because of experience and make a right move is fun. Random hits you can't predict because of many factors are not
I never know if im going to get hit or not by huntress. She's getting random hits she shouldn't and that's frustrating
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Have you tried playing Civilization?
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yes, had 2 year hiatus between 2017-2019
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The only killer I have a problem with atm is Artist. Unless the person playing as her is still learning she almost always comes out on top. That’s something I normally wouldn’t mind too much but she barely has to try to perform well and blind luck plays in her favor way too often.
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I don't mind artist because usually holding W and looking at crows direction does it's job. Yeah crows hitboxes are insane but still avoidable and she has to land 2 in a row
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Skill has no control on latency/ping/hitboxes. Anyone is getting bullshit hits against huntress
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I played her and i know, doesn't help you as survivor tho. No. Servers are going to stay there forever which means huntress needs to change because we can't do anything about servers.
It's her problem now and she needs fundamental changes. She was made before servers and her current power can't work properly for both sides anymore.
She needs a rework
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While I do agree that going against Ping and Hitboxes aren't fun... but if you realized that Ping is a thing then play with it
Also it goes both ways...
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Literally impossible, if it was possible there won't be a case for taking the game hostage by hiding in locker and walking around a few second.
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There is no situation where killer gets a hit randomly, all their hits are caused by skill.
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"She was made before servers"
That's my new favorite sentence from this website. Thank you, I needed that.
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All killers are supposed to be able to catch survivors 100% of the time in a reasonable amount of time if both the killer player and survivor player are equally skilled. If the survivor is capable of indefinitely evading the killer by simply reacting to what the killer does and running accordingly then that is bad design because it means that killer would never get any downs, or at least never get enough downs to actually knock anyone out of the game, against survivors their own skill level.
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i don't want a nerf. I want a fix. Huntress is broken sadly so she needs changes
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Seems like a some kind of genesis.
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Letting survivors 'outplay' killer powers would be fine, if killer powers were, themselves, very easy to execute perfectly.
What a lot of survivors do not understand is that this game is made to control as poorly as possible. Killer players are actively fighting AGAINST the game's basic controls to get their character to do anything. Every time a killer player manages to get a killer power to actually function, it's a small miracle. And that's BEFORE all the visual and auditory cues go out, warning survivors that you're about to do something, as well as the good long delay survivors get to react before they're actually in any danger at all.
Meanwhile, survivor effects like Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, Lithe, Balanced Landing, Overcome, Iron Will, Unbreakable, Adrenaline, so on and so forth, have ZERO auditory/visual warnings for the killer. There is zero counterplay and no evidence that they're in play until the survivor reaps the benefits. They all also require very little in the way of skill, because survivor 'powers' function automatically, with little to no pre-requisites.
So, killers get to experience awful-feeling base controls, broadcast what they're trying to do, AND have to assume that every survivor has a laundry list of potent perks at their disposal all the time because THEY get no advanced warning? Every time somebody complains about Nurse, Blight, Spirit, or any other killer, you can just SEE the zero hours of playtime they've put into that character.
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Played against a few Huntress this week and had no issues. Also you made my morning with "Playing the killer don't help survivor though" I am the survivor I am today because I was a killer main for quite some time. Now I'm balanced and knowing how survivors react to your power, what works and what does not, all help you as a survivor. If you are trash against a specific killer play that killer for awhile.
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"Trying to fix servers and hit validation is impossible so we should rework huntress into a m1 killer with no ranged attack because I can't figure out how to dodge. All I want to do all day is loop m1 killers around the 30 pallets on each map"
Sounds pretty reasonable. They should also attach neon lights to trappers trap because the older maps are too dark and they can't change the brightness of the maps
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I never said that. She can be ranged but her ranged hits should be reasonable.
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It's reasonable, you might have bad connection or something? it happens.
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Stable 80 ping
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It still sounds to me like just want all killer powers to be dodgeable.
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That's not stable, no wonder you're getting weird Huntress Hatchet hits
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There is some undodgable powers like legion or Plague. But both are non-lethal (plague is lethal i you're dumb enough to cleance) And they're completely fine. But you should always have chance to dodge/mindgame/outplay lethal power.
Blight without exploits and Huntress with correct hits could be fine as well
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This is one of the best pings for my region
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Most people play with 30 ping
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Yeah, that is your problem. You think you are entitled to kill power evasion on your end.
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Having ok killrate doesn't make her fine.
I don't understand deathslinger nerf. You actually have to aim with his gun and his coin sized hitboxes, you could totally predict when he's going to shoot and he could always miss due to bad aim unlike huntress with size of a tire hatches for some reason
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You're wrong. A lot of people are playing with 100-120
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So it's a ping issue and not a Killer issue, get better internet?
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You missed the answer where i said i have best ping in my region?
What else? Move to middle europe?
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Then the problem is on you and you make yourself too predictable and readable.
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I don't know. All I know is that you should stop complaining about Huntress when it's your ping's fault
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Is this a huntress issue though? High ping dbd has always been terrible to play
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Bhvr said most players have acceptable less than 100 ping. So if my ping is less than acceptable 100 i have full right to complain
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We can't fix servers but we can change huntress so yes. This is a huntress issue now
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First of all, where did BHVR say that
Second, no, if you have bad ping and get hit, it's not the Killer's fault you entered a match, knowing you have bad ping and will probably get hit when you shouldn't have gotten hit