Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

How Is The Console Experience Going For Yall?

Ive been playing Console a decent bit and I've noticed a lot of bugs that make killer borderline unplayable for me and many others, and would love to hear yall's experiences in Dead by Daylight.

Just a few things I came across:

~Legion's Feral Frenzy completely freezes the game, sometimes crashing it; you also cannot vault windows instantly after going into FF; there are many times where the game locks you into FF despite cancelling it, you are forced to use the whole power gage and go into fatigue; low FPS for the duration of FF.

~Grim Embrace doesnt get the 4th token despite hooking all 4 survivors, sometimes leads to the game freezing after hooking the 4th survivor, for some reason it will just never proc as well from this, got a 12 hook game but was stuck at 3 Grim Embrace tokens (I was playing "Bippity Boppity Everything Is My Property" Legion, aka, a blockage build, for anyone curious).

~First hook of Huntress Lullaby sometimes doesn't give a token, can sometimes crash they game or lag it badly after the second hook of the game.

~Severe lag spikes (normally happens after hooking the obsession based on my experience, though can happen for other reasons, before people ask if it's my internet, I can run most games at 40-60 ping without issue, Dead by Daylight is the only game where I have issues with lag despite my internet being fully capable of handling more bandwidth intensive games).

Again, I would love to hear yall's experiences in Dead by Daylight, any issues that I listed that yall face or anything I might have missed, I just want to know if Im not the only one having issues like these mostly.
