How Is The Console Experience Going For Yall?

Ive been playing Console a decent bit and I've noticed a lot of bugs that make killer borderline unplayable for me and many others, and would love to hear yall's experiences in Dead by Daylight.
Just a few things I came across:
~Legion's Feral Frenzy completely freezes the game, sometimes crashing it; you also cannot vault windows instantly after going into FF; there are many times where the game locks you into FF despite cancelling it, you are forced to use the whole power gage and go into fatigue; low FPS for the duration of FF.
~Grim Embrace doesnt get the 4th token despite hooking all 4 survivors, sometimes leads to the game freezing after hooking the 4th survivor, for some reason it will just never proc as well from this, got a 12 hook game but was stuck at 3 Grim Embrace tokens (I was playing "Bippity Boppity Everything Is My Property" Legion, aka, a blockage build, for anyone curious).
~First hook of Huntress Lullaby sometimes doesn't give a token, can sometimes crash they game or lag it badly after the second hook of the game.
~Severe lag spikes (normally happens after hooking the obsession based on my experience, though can happen for other reasons, before people ask if it's my internet, I can run most games at 40-60 ping without issue, Dead by Daylight is the only game where I have issues with lag despite my internet being fully capable of handling more bandwidth intensive games).
Again, I would love to hear yall's experiences in Dead by Daylight, any issues that I listed that yall face or anything I might have missed, I just want to know if Im not the only one having issues like these mostly.
As a Ps5 user, I haven't had problems with DbD
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That is nice to hear, I heard PS5 doesnt really have many issues, I and many others are unfortunately stuck with last generation consoles, at least for the timing being, which seems to be where a lot of issues are.
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I remember the RE launch, back in my Ps4 days, those frame drops were so bad I still haven't given up on calling Dead Hard "Dead Frame"
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The funny thing is, I use to play DbD a lot way back in the day, left the game and the community due to toxic, decided to come back for the 5th Year Anniversary, the performance was so horrible, it was like I was playing a slideshow. I mean things have improved a tiny bit since then, they fix one thing but break another thing in the process; console performance gets improved then gets utterly destroyed shortly after. I don't make games myself, so I can't really say what goes on behind the scenes to cause this stuff, but part of me feels like it shouldn't be an issue to begin with. Then again, I don't think developers intend on this stuff to begin with anyways, so Idk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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- Constant frame drops and crashes
- Bad ping
- Disconnected from host errors in the middle of a match (PS4 Wi-Fi system is bad to being with)
At the top of my head those are the 3 things wrong with the PS4 version.
Also both Sony and the scalpers are to blame for the PS5 shortage. I'm not paying $1200 for a new video game console, that's ridiculous.
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us ps4 chads have many problems with this game lmao
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“Bad ping” this. The game is constantly freezing and the ping will be at 200 then go down to like 70 randomly
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Pretty much sums it up, yet games that have more realistic or graphic intensive stuff within it manage to run better than DbD, better FPS, better ping, etc. Part of me thinks that it just comes from the lack of optimization, but I could be wrong though, Im not denying that possibility.
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Other than the random freezes at inopportune times, such as when you need to hit Decisive, I have not noticed anything close to how it was during the RE chapter. And for that, I am thankful.
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Playing on Ps5 and Xbox series S is such a joy compared to my time on the PS 4, the only constant is Trickster who sucks on any console.
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No problems on Series X
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I play on ps5 and it's mostly better than old gen in every way, BUT I still experience the occasional frame drop here and there. Nothing as hindering as ps4, but still noticeable at times.
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Play on PS5 and console. Largely the same. Just wish actions weren't mapped to one button
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Playable with some issues.
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Btw the wifi card on the ps5 still sucks ass.
Router is a room across from mine( about 20 ft away) and to get a stable connection I can't even place it under or behind my tv. It has to be beside it taking up space to get a stable connection. Btw I'm on xfinity and i typically get 40-50gb down and 5-8gb up.
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I was fortunate enough to get a ps5 and it runs smoot but I played a long time on ps4 and was bad. I'm sorry to hear it hadn't got better.
Killer was pretty unplayable then as well I couldn't use certain perks like sloppy because the game would freak out and I would lose like 2 seconds worth of info.
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If you have a dual band router make sure your PS5 is not on 2.4
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I forgot this was an option so I looked up how to do it and switched it. When I feel like it, I'll run some dbd and see how it is. Thanks for the reminder though.
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Welcome! When I got mine and tried playing Siege, I had constant issues till I did this change. Let me know if it works for you!
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I play on the Xbox One X and the only thing I've noticed is that I sometimes get stuttering/lag. Other than that, everything is fine.
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So it did work out but only for Dbd it seems. Even with it under my tv i still get a steady green ping at 50-55ms. What sucks though is this isn't the case with other games like apex or overwatch where I'm getting over 100ms (although steady) in the same circumstance. Keeping it out beside my tv is still the best play for these games it seems. Still though it was useful information so thanks again.
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Better than it was when RE chapter released but still worse than it was before RE chapter.
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I will be hopping on my Xbox One when the new Chapter drops and I will be updating THE thread.
Just a heads up.
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I’m on PS5 with a wired connection and I get lag spikes every game.