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Oh Tofu

These changes he mentions, i agree with him

I'm not sure how effective they can make manifest and demanifest,like being able to attack in or out of whatever but I guess that one falls back on character lore

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  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Oh Tofu, when will he ever learn?

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Long time back now but when they added demo's ability to break pallets with shred he was concerned that'd be OP. So he's always had some wacky opinions ;)

    I do like him though. It's nice to see killer mains that seem to like playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Her TP is strongest aspect right now about her. buffing TP is like last thing she needs. I'd even go as far as to say that her mobility rivals that of Blight and Billy. It definitely does not need improvements. it has no cooldown and 7 TV is a lot TP. her Iri add-on even turns on TV for you for more TP.

    If she need any change, they should be related to her stealth and condemn. 32 meters sounds really excessive distance for stealth flickering. They should make it like 24 meters. I think condemn takes a bit too long to stack up for ringu so my idea is to give her ability for her m1 attacks to apply 0.5 of condemn stack. it would give her a new way to build up condemn and reward ringu player for successful m1 gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I think if she needs a post PTB buff the best thing would be to reduce television cooldown timers. The faster the TVs turn back on the more reliably available it makes her teleport which helps her map pressure and gives her prechase speed boosts, and it also increases how frequently she can inflict stacks of Condemned on survivors and how often survivors are enticed to get off gens and turn them off or to deal with their curse. It’s a single numerical parameter that’s easy to change from a programming standpoint but that by adjusting its value improves multiple main aspects of her kit.

  • Member Posts: 286

    I was watching some matches and it seems like the survivors have full control over your ability in general.

    You'll have survivors who will constantly advert with tapes giving this will take them away from gens for a couple of seconds

    But while in chase with a good survivor this want really matter

    The one or two survivors on gens will get them done under 120 seconds depends on who has TB,BPN,Leader,Spinechill

    She definitely needs to be more effective in chase.If demanifesting doesn't land you the blow needed then you've wasted at least 180 seconds which could be the game or half of it.The devs mentioned there is no skilled plays but I'm not sure what you call a Yun Jin looping you for 2 or 3 gens while you try desperately to hit her with POTD whispers (it's to slow sometimes)might be an issue with who has a better connection at the time not sure but now you'll have a situation where no one is Condemned except for the survivor you've been chasing for 2 minutes all gens are done and you finally get a mori all because the pallets are gone.Not very fun in my opinion.

    I'm not sure how you can make this character strong and it's mainly based of her lore it selves so

    But as a killer main an observing some matches these are the things I find will hurt her.

    1.Unable to kept a survivor Condemned

    2.Unable to land dire hits when needed

    They'll be instances where she seems really strong but they'll be matches where you don't matter much an not much of a threat

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    Hey, Why dont we see how the numbers turn out past March 8? No need to put it all on a Streamer and make rapid changes to a Killer.

  • Member Posts: 63

    He never said that post-nerf Deathslinger and Billy are S-Tier.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Yes, I hear Twins are quite good when everything good against them is banned.

    And they're playing on the most 3-gen-able map every single match.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Few people are going to buy, much less play, Sadako if she's so weak that even Tofu is saying she's weak.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Yes he does seem to have lost touch with reality, but he is still fun to watch with his random perks killer vids and a pretty good player.

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Agree. seems like man is narrow minded and is making his opinions just from what he sees never thinking about a lot more aspects he could miss. And even if you tell him about obvious and serious problem he'll be like: Yes, you're right, but in last tournament that happened only couple of times so that's not so serious problem etc.

    He's fun guy but his opinions can be very wrong very often

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    I'm glad we have fog whisperers to tell us if a killer is good or weak. Sadako is weak? I would never have found that out on my own 😁

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    But BHVR is gonna buff her if its needed, idk why people are in such a rush for the Killer to be strong or OP out of the box.

    I dont think BHVR is interested in selling an OP killer and then nerfing it. We have seen that before.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Because buff would be extremely late to the point she might as well not exist till that day.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    😯 what?

    if a Killer cant be OP or 'good' by release they might as well not exist until they are buffed?

    Sorry mate you have way harsh expectations, things have to be released and get modified.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Yes, no one want to play worse variant of killers when they have a choice, unless they are some strange man or bored enough in basegame.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    They haven't buffed Legion and it's been 2+ years of him being the worst.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited February 2022

    I guess anyone who likes to main as any Killers outside of S Tier ones are just strange or bored then, after all they're just worse variants than those at the top. Never mind the fact that different people find different killer playstyles more engaging than others.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Well, I definitely call someone who likes to get 4E 8/10 matches somewhat strange.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    Meh, I remember the stats saying the base game killers are picked the most, Oh and Doctor. Huntress, Wraith, Trapper, Billy.

    Yeah, No you are objectively wrong on the idea

    But Legion is up for buffs supposedly together with Ghostface next.

    So Legion was low on the list, probably because of Legions decent win rate and popularity.

    Regardless, these arguments are a red herring, it would requires like time travel to make the gameplay changes by the standard that seems to be set here and I dont think you will get those met.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    She has more or less released. She is playable, we know she is... Alright. It would make sense to buff her for release and if they overdid it, well, you know, they can modify it again.

    It makes no sense to be like, "things can change lul" but then write off changes as though they cannot be changed.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    Killer is not even released yet. Slow down. Nobody is writing anything off, its way too early to say for sure. Relax.

  • Member Posts: 209

    I actually spent a good 30+ hours on the PTB, and I completely agree with the sentiment that she's weak. I don't need a streamer telling me this, but it's nice to know he agrees. The only other streamer that has a radically different opinion on her is Hexy, who legit believes she's S tier, but then again, it's the player here who's S tier and not the killer.

    In all of those 30+ hours playing as and against Sadako, not once have I gotten to full condemned status during a trial, the gens are done before it can build up, even with 2 or 3 luckily placed teleports. If a survivor is halfway decent at looping, then playing as a basic M1 killer is painful. Even wraith is better, he actually gets a decent speed boost coming out of stealth. But Sadako has to rely on lucky TV spawns to make use of her speed boost. The whole condemned mechanic is an entirely ignorable gimmick, and even if you ever, for some odd reason, start to approach 6 stacks, getting rid of it takes ~ 10 seconds at most.

    Condemned needs to continue building up during chases, not be paused like pig traps. People who hold onto tapes and interact with props or perform actions like healing need to build up condemned at 3-4x the current rate for it to be a concern. She's got next to nothing going for her, and I actually think her low camera POV is an impediment to playing her efficiently. She can't even look over a freaking fence that most killers have no issues seeing past. TV's need to come off cool-down a whole lot faster. Survivors interacting with a TV should give you a loud noise notification. It's kind of bonkers how 2 survivors can run across the map, disable all the TVs and not suffer a consequence for it, leaving you without any real power for a good long time. There's potential here, but the numbers need to be adjusted and some mechanics slightly changed. If condemned status continued to build up during a chase, then there's a lot more risk / reward for letting it build up and not caring about it. The slowdown for manifesting needs to straight up go.

    And then there's the tragedy that are her add-ons... The only one somewhat worth seems to be the Ring Drawing, but with CoH people will just self-heal most the time. Yoichi's Fishing Net seems alright in theory, but I haven't gotten any discernible value from it despite the 20% buff to condemnation rate.

  • Member Posts: 575

    He's right about Twins (well, I would personally say A+) but if he really thinks so about Billy and Slinger then yeah that's indefensible. Slinger wasn't even A tier before the nerfs, lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Yeah she has map mobility but the one game I played with her on the ptb, it was the same pre drop I can do nothing about and by the time I teleport to a tv someones already running to pre drop another pallet. The only reason I got a 4k was because they made so many mistakes around basement to where if they just ran to finish the last gen they would have easily 3 outted.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Oi, calm down, you aren't allowed an opinion until Otz releases a statement on what the community can think.

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