The current meta has degenerated into genrush/camping/tunneling.

Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

I understand why so many killers camp/tunnel,its not fun or effective trying to pressure gens even if you play really well,at the end you just feel exhausted and ask yourself,was it really worth it when you can just camp/tunnel and still get a good result without all that effort that just makes you not wanna play killer after 1 game due to the effort you have to put without using these tactics.

To do good without camping or tunneling would mean to stack gen regression perks and leave no room for error as 1 mistake can turn a 30 seconds chase,into a 60 seconds one(basically you need to play sweaty) .

Everytime I play without gen regression perks I just get genrushed before I can apply any significant pressure if survivors dont waste time and do their objectives.

There we're so many games I could have gotten an extra 1,2 kills if I just camped or tunneled from the beginning instead of fighting a losing battle,especially on m1 killers that has to deal with every loop in the game.

Killers camp because it forces survivors to do something else besides gens and tunnel because it give them an advantage that can snowball a game in their favor.

If you find a weak survivor that's not good at looping,tunneling them out of the game as bad as it may sound,is the optimal play in this game.

In the current meta camping/tunneling is just too good when you have to deal with genrush and dont wanna feel like uninstalling the game after 1 game of killer.


  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Survivors are forced to sit on a gen, while a teammate is camped or tunneled. A camp doesnt force survivors to do something else if they want to escape. Every smar survivor pushes the gens as hard as possible in such situation, to finish them all before the mate is sacrificed in order to get him out too. And thats not genrush. Genrush only relates to groups stacking speed items/perks. Killers just realised how flawed the game is, and how easy it is to get a 2k for doing nearly nothing by undermining fundamental game mechanics.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165


    SBMM encourages these playstyles, there's nothing to discourage them when what you do in the match doesn't matter as long as you escape/kill.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    Yep,you can rush gens and hide all game,wait for your teammates to die after looping the killer for 5 gens,just for you to leave them behind and escape,that's what SBMM encourages.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    MMR has made this the way to play this game

    Even down to which Killers are good (apparently)

  • TheycallmeLix
    TheycallmeLix Member Posts: 334

    You Killer mains wanted the Hatch to be nerfed, so we will genrush instead. Plunderer became garbage (Many people ran it because it was fun to find keys/good items in them). I don’t get why you keep complaining about it you want everything nerfed and only let us do gens..

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    It's gotten to the point that survivors are much better on average than they were before, taking longer to down and hook unless you're playing an anti-loop killer or one of the top 3.

    Circle of Healing also directly forces killers to either tunnel or camp due to how powerful the boon is in destroying a killers pressure if you even think about hitting and running.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Didn´t the devs state on one stream, that gen slowdown perks shouldn´t be a must?

    Anyway, i strongly recommend every killer to play without gen slowdown perks and without NOED. For the simple reason that once killers stop sweating over kills, the kill rates drop and the devs need to change something in order to keep their aimed 50% rate for.

    I´ve been playing without gen slowdown for some time now. Sometimes i get 2 hook matches that last less than 5 minutes. Once the gates are powered, the survivors 99 them and try to farm, but i just open the gates and ignore them from there on. Escaping with 11k bloodpoints while 2 cakes are in play, sure must be worth it.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    What an unreasonable suggestion.

    Comparably, if you're a survivor, just stop bringing DS/BT/UB/DH & COH. Even if the killer tunnels & camps you out of the game in less than 5 minutes, maybe if you stop sweating you would actually enjoy the game and the killer rates would even out? Just enjoy getting gen rushed or tunnelled out of the game 5head.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    It's especially lovely when The Killer and Hook are near a generator, and the Survivor has Kinship. I remember getting basement camped by The Cannibal, and with Kinship, they did the generator in the shack, and everyone escaped.

  • FlameLickVA
    FlameLickVA Member Posts: 158

    Why do some killers have such a hissyfit sounding term for doing the objective? I'm a killer main.

    "Genrushing"? You mean... doing the objective?

    Whats the problem with that....?

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    The problem is if you play normally or try to play without gen regression perks you just gonna get dumpstered if you dont sweat.

  • FlameLickVA
    FlameLickVA Member Posts: 158

    I mean, thats with any game.

    Facing people trying to win, while not trying to win, whatdya expect?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I actually never use DS/UB/DH unless its for a rift challenge or something like that. Currently i´m memeing with a full boon build but usually my build consists of Bond, WGLF, BT (for the WGLF stacks, because for a weird reason, survivors run straight towards the killer without it).

    Usually i have a above average escape rate. Even without sweating. So i´m not sure what you tried to say with the rest tbh.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    The only problem I have is face camping first hook into an end game NOED situation as it almost always guarantees a 2k, usually more especially against poor solo queue. It also just encourages killers to sit there and camp first hook/not play until they need to catch someone else which is hilariously boring. Seriously the amount of killers who do this these days is sad. If I want to have fun anymore i have to play Killer myself which gets old after a few matches since I don't really like the solo playstyle but I have the most fun playing killer with meme builds and not sweating like a tryhard I really wish more people would just try and have fun instead of doing everything in their power to make the other sides experience as awful as possible.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    At rank 1 you wouldn't face these teams often if at all. Now you sneeze a bit too hard, 4k maybe once too much and you get the Death Squad Groups for the next month and a half. Likewise as survivor, you escape one too many times and it's 50 shades of Nurse and Blight for the next month with a sprinkle of Ruin Undying Tinkerer PR MDR + DCB Spirit once every 30 games.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    The only thing that's changed is the likelihood of you facing those opponents. MMR is separate from the game's balance.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771
    edited February 2022

    very good Jimmy so when I said that the system pushed people into using these tactics that were readily available but weren't used often because they're the most boring things next to watching sourdough rise while a toddler screams in your ear I was entirely correct so your point is null and void good talk

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I blame the 1v1 potential that some survivors continue to push. Instead of avoidance or going for a quick escape in chase we get demand for longer chases with predictable/easy counters built in. With so much focus on 1v1 its leaving little else that can be done. Either your stomping new player where the tactics are unnecessary or struggling to hold ground against competency.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,394

    The devs themselves basically designed the entire system around the 1v1 despite it being a 1v4 game. Then the devs continue to nerf killer's 1v1. Then survivors wonder why killers end up camping and tunneling.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    Quite the opposite IMHO. Before, survivors had to learn to hit great skill checks and survive a 5 blinks Nurse (among other horrors).

    Now many killers have been nerfed with a sledgehammer (not saying that 5-blinks Nurse was right) and Spirit, who wasn't that much of a problem when you knew how to handle her has lost her charm (from both sides). Survivors have so many second, third, ... chances (I've stopped counting) they rely on DH to extend their poor looping skills and the real good ones are just a nightmare to handle.

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    Spirit before was broken as hell and everyone knows it. Still, they can be back to their overpowered state with the classic add-on combo which I'm sure you already know.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    Not "everyone", only for the less experienced survivors. I thoroughly enjoyed escaping a Spirit. The dodges, the guessing (for once survivors have to guess the same way a killer needs to), it was a thrill. Now I don't care, it's way less interesting. Granted, only the most inept survivors have trouble with it now, so I guess a lot of people are happy.

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    I think a lot of people are happy not because of them being inept, but rather the constant, repetitive, standing still at pallet miNDgAme is no longer in the game. Only way to avoid that standing still bs was to bring a flashlight, and it's not like you could bring it every game.

  • habmaniac88
    habmaniac88 Member Posts: 8

    Part of the problem is people seem to forget there is a serious shortage of killers out there and abusing them at every turn just makes this worse. I love the "idea" of playing killer but I am so far behind the curve that the only reason I bother is because I want to actually play the game. The queues in the evening are ridiculous and I can play about 3 games of killer for every one of survivor.

    The rub is that I end up taking my two perk killer against a lobby of purple DS/CoH/BT/DH squads and after three frustrating matches where there is no joy I go back to campfire simulator and wait for the next survivor match to pop. Play the game how you want to play, I never argue against it but if you want to keep playing the game then you should know when you are overpowering the killer you can ease off the flashlights as I kick a pallet, or the endless looping. I get it, I suck and you're awesome. The only problem is that now we all have to wait a little longer to get another game. Again, play how you want (and I mean this for survivors and killers) but if you don't give a damn if the other "side" is having any fun then the waiting will just get longer and longer.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    REAL problem is not camping, not tunneling, not genrushing, it's those who cry when they match with someone trying to win.

    We SHOULD tunnel, camp and genrush, that's the how game is meant to be played.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    The standing-still happened less than once a game as far as I'm concerned. It usually doesn't work unless the survivor is badly positioned.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Nothing I've said has been wrong. Survivors want high MMR so they don't get bad teammates. Killers want high MMR because they want to face people on their skill level so they can get better. Before MMR, it was completely random. Now, there's at least a correlation in the skill of your opponents. I never said it was perfect, but MMR and bad game balance are not the same thing.