First game in about half a year and I gotta say

It ain’t all that bad. Didn’t have to tunnel or anything. Got a 12 hook 4 kill game without having to use a op character with busted Adonis or a meta perk load out
Therefore the game is perfectly balanced. Nice
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Low MMR moment.
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It was more of the constant dive bombing the hook. Other than that fulls meta load outs against a doc is pretty useless
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How many gens got done?
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1 gen
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That queue time though. 😬
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low mmr moment tbh
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It sounds like the game isnt balanced. Rather the survivors you were matched with were noobs. Load outs dont equate skill. Keep playing and soon you will go on another 1/2 a year break. The game is in a terrible state right now.
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I feel like they could’ve stomped me if they just weren’t way to worried about immediately unhooking
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Sadly that's how the game is against decent survivors. BHVR balances the game to only work if they aren't playing optimally.
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I think he just meant that at its core, the game isnt all doom and gloom. Your average match will be quite bs but it wont be broken and busted up garbage
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Yeah, survivors could stomp virtually any killer if they were playing optimal. Luckily they rarely do.