We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Hex: No One Escapes Death

Hello. I know I will be ridiculed on this for sure. But I wanted to leave feedback on Hex:No One Escapes Death. While I only started semi-recently back in October, I have been playing a lot. This single perk has ruined the enjoyment of so many games. I feel like every perk in the game is fine. I have no major issues with any but this particular one. I would most certainly rejoice to see it gone.

Now before you start saying "Play killer and then see what's like." I do. I play both sides. I play Survivor with my friend and killer by myself. I never queued up for Survivor going solo before. I'd rather play killer. Even as a killer player, I feel like it's unfair. It tips the game way too far in the killers favor. With little hope of recovery. There are plenty of other perks, powers and other things that just grant exposure. This just makes it way too easy.

I managed to survive all about 2 out of several dozen games with this perk. It turns killers who struggled all game into flawless killing machines. It really is infuriating. Especially when most of the people I run into that use it, face camp survivors. Especially me. I hate to see what the post game is like afterwards. I can't see it on console.

Here is my suggestion. I would prefer it to be removed from the game. I personally don't care if I get compensation for removing it. I just want it gone for a better healthier game. It's legit the only perk that I have major issues with. I can play with the others. But if it must stay It NEEDS nerfs. Maybe only give the expose status until one of the survivors is put into the dying state.

I do believe this perk needs something done and I hate this one so much to put mildly. I just wanted to say something instead of silently dealing with it every other game. It's been ruining my enjoyment.


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    As much as I do too personally hate it (and it's one of two perks in the game that I gladly call OP) the solution isn't in removing it.

    It needs a rework instead.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    It's a generic killer perk, meaning any new killer will see it on their bloodweb pretty early on.

    It helps new killers get some kills after being stomped by survivors, and it teaches survivors to do bones to prevent noed from activating (or to do bones after it does)

    That being said, I wouldn't mind a rework, as long as it doesn't become 100% useless. (as in, the killer having to fill up some requirements, possibly having achieved at least X ammount of hook states, before it activates, not just when the gates are powered)

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    If noed is such a pain in your side I think it does what it's supposed to. At this point I am convinced that the reason they don't work on noed is that they want it to be that pesky little perk that gets you to do bones eventually.

    And I personally think it's OK like it is it's an endgame perk so it needs to be somewhat good and if you look at perks like blood warden or no way out that's true both are very strong perks that single handedly can screw you over even if you had a good game otherwise. And noed is exactly that it can screw you cause it is very strong but it is a hex so unlike the other two you can actually prevent it to ever activate or shut it down very fast so I think it's power kinda justified.

    Only problem I see is camper like to bring it and you don't have time to do gens and bones but that's a different story cause you can't punish a perk when camping is the problem

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Seeing how often people use boons in a match, the "I don't have time to do bones" excuse is out the window. You have time to boon totems 5+ times in a single match, you have time to cleanse them all.

    Don't nerf noed because survivors are too ######### lazy to do bones. Nerf it because it's unbalanced and could do with some more requirements than getting your butt kicked.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,553

    A lot of people would prefer a lot of perks to be removed from the game. Don´t start with that.

    The do bones you read all about is not a joke.

    There are 5 totems around the maps, learn the places where they spawn. Some are very obvious.

    If you cleanse totems during the match you will never have a problem with NOED ever.

    The game isn´t finished when all gens are ready. You have to escape and the killer has special endgame perks for that.

    So doing totems in reality is not the timewaste some are telling you it is.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    And they buffed how many bloodpoints doing bones gives a while back as a motivation. It used to be 500 for dulls and 1000 for hexes, I think? Now it's 1000 and 1500. Really adds up if you do more than just one totem.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Actually the "getting your butt kicked is a bad argument", sometimes you killed three survivors and close the hatch first so NOED activates. Does that mean they were winning? Not at all, you had the game in the bag, so to speak. Same with many times where all the gens are powered, sometimes there are only one or two survs left so the argument of being a crutch perk it's not really like that. There are many circumstances where NOED can activate and it doesn't necessarily activates when you're having a bad match as a killer.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    True, but the main reason people complain about the perk is because of the way it activates when the killer was doing super badly. No one complains about the killer having it if they were already losing the game.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    True. And with boons being a thing, we know for a fact survivors have time to do bones over and over during a match, so they have literally no excuse anymore.

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    I'd be fine with removing NOED since it's a come back perk if they also removed all of survivor's come back perks: Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Circle of Healing. Remove those too and then there's no issue with come back perks swinging games too hard.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
    edited February 2022

    In the current state of the game, while annoying, NOED should not change in my opinion. The game is currently too Survivor sided, and nerfing NOED certainly wouldn't help with that. However, if Killers are buffed in some way, or Survivors are nerfed in some way, I would be fine with seeing a NOED nerf. But as of now, I really don't think it should change. Yes, it does save Killers who got owned all game, but it's quite frankly hard NOT to get owned because of how Survivor sided the game is (when going against parties that is.) Against solo q, however, NOED is quite a problem.

    I had the idea of allowing solo q Survivors to communicate, whether it be through text or voice chat. This would make solo q no longer an issue, and as a result they could buff Killers or nerf Survivors to compensate, basically balancing the game better around communication. If something like this were done, then maybe NOED could see a change.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526


  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    If you have so much problem with noed do the UNAHOLY BONES, survivors who just buttfook gens deserve to be punished by noed anyway

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    They did mention they wanted to add icons next to survivor pictures to let the team know what everyone was doing (on the survivor side only, obviously)

    I wonder though if it'll include everything.. a generator icon, a chest icon, a totem icon.. if it does include everything, someone who's paying the slightest attention will be able to tell how many totems got done by others and play accordingly.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I don't think NOED is overpowered. Cleansing totems is a part of the match, you're supposed to do them. They've even put in so many things to incentivize doing them. NOED, increased blood points, small game, counterforce which actually gives increases speeds, detectives hunch, better spawning for survivors to see them, boons ect.

    If you decide not to do them at this point and get caught out by NOED at the end it's you're own fault.

    I understand you think it's a crutch perk to make up for a killer losing a match, or playing badly. But so are a ton of survivor perks. Except killers don't get to use theirs all match. You have DH, DS, BT, unbreakable, soul guard, COH, adrenaline, sceptics, I could literally go on and on.

    Remove all of those, then remove the only real second chance perks killers have.

  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    You survived only this few times because you are new. Once you get the hang of it, you will smell the NOED coming way before the last gen, and it's not that hard to deal with it. While I don't like to use NOED myself, I feel it should exist, specially since boons came to be. Nowadays no one likes to cleanse totems because of boons and NOED offers a risk to this strategy. I would prefer neither NOED nor boons existed, but that is the reality we deal with now.