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Chapter Idea: Belly of the Entity

Su0T Member Posts: 12

New Killer: The HARPY

She's a witch-like human with big eagle talons and giant bony razor-like wings. She's Tall (like Plague), and has a weir running animation, with a striding pace reminding of that of an eagle, running though little jumps.

  • Tall
  • Terror: 24 m.
  • Base Movespeed: 4.2 m/s
  • Slightly Increased Natural FoV

POWER: Talon Flight

Start the trial with 7 Nests on top of 7 random generators (any two nest cannot spawn directly close to each other, meaning there has to be another hook between them).

Hold down your power button to start a fast flight towards the designated nest, the HARPY quickly ascends and then takes a fast circular circuit around the starting zone, then rushes flying to the nest. At any point while you're flying, you have moderately increased FoV and Killer Instinct activates on any visible survivors on your FoV. While flying, you can freely look down over the map. You can activate your power again to screech loudly and plunge into a zone, any visible survivors in a 10m area around you when you land will be hit.

While on Indoor maps, the Entity provides The Harpy with an X-Ray vision, and allows her to pass though the walls while in TALON FLIGHT, in order to be able to plunge into the ground. Survivors can see a foggy shadow representing the harpy to have an idea about where she is. The foggy shadow gets bigger the closer the Harpy is to the survivor.


IRIShrieking Talons - Any survivor whithin your terror radius when you are about to land get the EXPOSED status effect for 10 seconds.

IRI- No Reins- Whenever you activate TALON FLIGHT you can fly freely above the map until you decide to plunge.


  • Infused Hatred: Your power recharges and activates 5/10/20% faster.
  • Avid Hunter: You get Bloodlust 20/30/50% faster.
  • Hex: Shrieking Thoughs: Whenever a Survivor passes a Skill Check, this totem gets a Token. Whenever a Survivor misses a Skill Check, this totem gets 5 Tokens.
    • 5 Tokens: Survivors are Mangled.
    • 10 Tokens: Survivors are Blinded.
    • 15 Tokens: Survivors are Oblivious.
    • 25 Tokens: Survivors are Exposed.

New Survivor: Tommy Vance

A famous Athlete, and an enhancing drugs aficionado.


  • Track Record: For each 30/25/20 seconds you've been on a chase, you get a stacking 1% haste effect until you're off chase or stop running for 2 seconds. This can only activate if you're healthy.
  • Medicate: You heal others at an increased 5/10/15% rate, if you heal yourself or any survivor with a med-kit, you remove any status effects they might have while channeling for 5/4/3 seconds.
  • Pill Locker: You enter lockers 15,20,30% faster and never trigger a loud notification effect. If you stay 5/4/3 seconds inside, you remove any negative status effects on yourself. Once per trial, you get a random Med-Kit once you exit the locker, after removing at least one status effect.

New Map: The Belly of the Entity

This is an open map with several levels, resembling a drain-like cliff that falls into a foggy black hole where the Entity awaits. Every level is interconnected through climbable terrain or stairs. Jumps can be dangerous since they might lead to a fall into the Entity. Survivors falling down to the lowest level will start a struggling phase while hanging on the cliff. Continuous hard checks will trigger, if they succeed on five hard skill checks, they will pull themselves up, but once they fail three hard checks, they'll be at the mercy of the killer or their teammates for 30 seconds. If noone comes, they will automatically fall into the Entity to be devoured (sacrificed).

While in this state, a Killer can activate a mini-moni, pushing the survivor towards the Entity to be devoured (sacrificed). A survivor can approach the struggling one and help him come up at any point during the struggling phase.

Both the Killer and the Survivors can Climb the climbable terrain, this is done at 50% speed. Survivors can't interact while climbing, but the Killer can still m1 with an increased recovery. If a survivor is downed while climbing, they will fall to the next level.

Killers cannot fall down to the Entity.