Is any possibility as BHVR to fix this ERROR 8012 Cooldown?

STT Member Posts: 41

In the mid-match boom enjoy,in acces to play this game required a internet connection,really?

I don't belive it's just me with this error not happy about cause you get after 3 -5-10-15-30 min cooldown depends on the game how often did you also disconnected from your previous matches ofc.

But it is any chance in future to do something about this?

I heard you are working on a new server to improve the waiting time for people who are queuing over 30 min and so on but this issue is coming via game system.

If i say something wrong please let me know,i belive every gamer has experienced this ERROR and the company got a simple answer :,,All games got issues,we are a small team and we work hard as much we can,if you can't accept this sort of things don't play this game!''

But i don't thing we are asking to much to just make some improvements on your system to don't punish us with cooldown after this ERROR.

For ERROR 500 it's totally fine,you can say ofc and do what ever punishments you desire but for internet issues it's kinda ridiculous.


  • Maxwell
    Maxwell Member Posts: 143

    Are you on Steam? If you are, they do weekly maintenances are at this time. They only last for a couple minutes

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    Same thing happened to me. Seems to be fixed now though.

  • STT
    STT Member Posts: 41

    Yes i'm on steam,oh if it's a maintenance consider i didn't said nothing but i didnt know!