Killers, apparently I'm doing something bad for hiding when you patrol my generator?

I'm a survivor main.
Yesterday I met a Killer, who intentionally worked with the other survivor (2 of us left) to find me, kill me, and let the other one escape. I asked him why did he break the gameplay rules and do such a toxic thing, when I didn't do anything...
his response was, "I didn't like your vibes, you were hiding every time I patrolled your generator, I don't like hiders"
#########?? So if I am doing a Generator, and I hear the killer coming, and I hide, and he struggles to find me during patrols..... I am doing something bad?
Lol what? Is this normal attitude among killers, or did I just meet a toxic loser?
I can vibe with that sentiment. It's just kind of boring but a completely valid playstyle. Just as valid as me hard patrolling because I might not find you again.
But working with killer to target you is a bit too far. Killing you but happen to let the others go is one thing, but them leading the killer to you is another.
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hiding is fine, boring to go against as killer but that shouldn't be your priority as a survivor player. in this particular scenario however those two can get #########
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That doesn't sounds like the complete story. Hiding is fine, even if it's just boring.
If survivors hide very well (pretty rare) I'll often let them do all their gen in peace an leave. I'm there to chase and be evaded. I have no interest for immersed gen-jockeys. They can take their ~13K bloodpoints and enjoy the next queue.
However, if one survivor is so much into hiding he doesn't help his teammates, it tends to annoy me. I often ensure he will not exit the game through any door. I'm pretty sure this feeling is shared by many players.
This should cover all the cases that come to mind about hiding. See which one applies to you.
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Toxic sore loser.
Just report him and move on.
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As a team, we only completed 2 generators. I did 1 all by myself, and co-op the 2nd. I also unhooked two people, and healed like 3 people.
But the killer struggled to find me.
Interesting that you share the same animosity. What is an "immersed gen-jockey" ? You expect me to sit on generator, let you see me, and then go on a chase every time?
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Well when I see someone hiding at last two survivors, I'd certainly try to kill that person instead of whoever I found first.
Are you sure that survivor were "intentionally working with killer"? like pointing at your location or bodyblocking you?
A killer can always choose to force un-bleedout (spamming pick up for forced wiggle out), it doesn't necessarily mean another one were working with killer.
And if that's the case, that survivor is certainly reportable I think, I don't know about killer.
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If the person hides that counts as another type of "chasing" but if they hard hide not doing gens, not helping the team then yeah that is bad
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There both reportable
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No, I don't guess anyone expects that. But sometimes you got this matches were everyone is quite adept at this playstyle. They immerse themselves the moment they here your terror radius approaching and you often don't even see scratch marks. Gen after gen gets done without seeing any survivor, without having any chases, and around gen 3 done I just stand in a corner and let them do their stuff, because obviously they aren't interested in chases.
There is a sweet spot for everything. Normally you don't have four survivors stealthing it out, so this is very rarely a problem. You often have the case were one or two survivors are very good at hiding, but eh, just leave them and try to find some easier prey. Its the same with flashlights: one is normal and easy to deal with, four means that the survivors are probably a bully squad having something nasty planned it that lobby ain't worth your effort. One toolbox with brand new parts is nothing special, four though lead to a game that I still remember, with gens flying so fast that it was dazzling.
All this are valid game styles, but overdoing one thing might not be everyones cup of tea. That being said, its one thing to get somewhat worked up about some tactic in the game and then angrily camp that person to death "to show 'em!!!11" *shakes fist at the sky* and a totally different thing to actually pull off something scummy like this here.
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Oh nice (?).
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You said "I don't know about killer" just answered
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And I said nice.
Should've I said thank you too.
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Sounds like you met a loser who would be better off playing single player games.
Of course you hide when the killer comes by your gen, what did he expect you to do, jumping jacks?
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Need that 4th bbq stack.
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Not getting caught often does more for the survivor team than leading the killer on a chase because he is wasting all of that time looking for you instead of entering a chase. That's how the game was played on release. You're doing great.
Now if you're at risk at taking a hit, just run and gain distance. While lockers can be useful, it's a one hit down if you get caught in one, and if you're playing a killer like me you're at high risk for a random Iron Maiden perk.
To answer your question directly, you're doing an A+ job. Even if the game doesn't reward it anymore, a killer that can't find survivors can't get hooks. If you're doing a generator and not sitting in a bush all game you're doing fantastic.
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Playing hide and seek as killer when there are 2 survivors left is just sleep inducing, I had games go for hours because immersive survivor usually hide in a dark corner trying to mentally exhaust the killer by not progressing the game like doing gens and avoiding afk crows, especially with spine chill and urban Evasion. Trust me you’ll hate hiders too when they leave dead on hook just to avoid me and now you just spectating a 2 hour match of your survivor mate hiding in a bush
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I get that, but the OP was (according to his post) working on gens. He just hid when the killer came to check, which just seems like good game sense.
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I prefer hiders. A lot more fun trying to guess where they went rather than "Run in circles for 2 minutes around a broken loop till you deadhard for distance and hit me with a pallet you didnt deserve"
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That is, bannable for taking game hostage.
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As killer main I don't think hiding is wrong, however if I find I do tend to use excessive force (as in, will chase you until you're in a hook) because I know it's probably the last time I will see you. This might be interpreted as being pissed at you.
As a main killer who begrudgingly plays survivor for challenges, I hail you because this is the only way I can play without dying xD.
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Oh yeah there is this very special case where the survivor just hides in a closet for the majority of the match, only ever moving to avoid the crows. I have had a few of this and if at this point the last other survivor gently points me to this guy I will gladly take the sacrifice and give the other one their pick between hatch and door escape. Might even throw in an extra chase and wiggle if he teabags the little coward.
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I mean most killer run bbq, if they don’t have 4 stacks they would probably prioritize getting the 4th stack instead of anything else in front of them. Especially if someone use a rare bp offering
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As a killer main I'm annoyed with myself when I can't find people hiding. I'm not mad when people hide though, if they can avoid me chasing them that's the better option right?
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Dont let it get to you and take it as a sign of talent on your part. Sure it sucked to be targeted like that and killers will often do worse stuff to get in all their hook states before the match is over. The real question is tho were you playing as blendette for this match that is often a bigger issue with killers.
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Being an immersed player can be game changer, to the worst: it might end up with more people on death hook while you still haven't taken a single chase
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Play how ever you want, unless you're breaking the rules of course.
I like chasing as much as i like using stealth, so both are fun for me.
You know what's not fun? People telling you how to play. I'm not being toxic, I'm not cheating, I'm doing all the team work i can.
It's the killers job to find you after all
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Report his toxic ass.
And no, hiding while killer is patrolling gens is the right play. Why would you give him easy find? Let him work for it.
Unless everyone else is dead on hook and you havent been hooked once, its the right play
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I was playing as Bill
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Eh, I do not like it very much either. I am not saying you cannot do it, but I definitely face camp immersed survivors out of fear I will never find them again. I beat them on hook to simulate how our chases might have gone, had we ever actually played the game together.
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honestly, some people are already toxic if they don't like your name. If devs penalized toxic behavior properly, some would probably think twice about how they behave.
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Hiding is absolutely fine, but it means that you should never complain about camping. You’re basically telling killers that if someone is on a hook, the killer should never leave the area to patrol generators.
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Its very sad the other 2 worked for the Killer to get you dead but some people have this mindset where they think this game revolves only around chases and making them as long as possible, anything else like hiding, juking, sneaking around, fixing gens etc thats for losers and cowards.
Fixing gens while hiding and juking the Killer is usually the best thing Survivors can do and the strongest way to play, the gens get done, the Killer doesnt progress their objective, they become frustrated making them prone to mistakes, nobody wastes pallets which may be useful if someone gets spotted etc, the only drawbacks are its hard to pull and petty people may take ofense and camp whoever gets found first (someone is going to get found eventually), also Ruin gets more value.
In my experience both as Killer and Survivor during the first 2 minutes if people play very very sneaky while fixing gens they can put a ton of pressure on the Killer (gens are getting done albeit slower and all pallets still stand, once he finally finds someone its almost guaranteed 3 gens pop before the chase is over), the best way to achieve this is if you spawn near a gen, fix it for 5 seconds and then go find another one, especially one where you saw the Killer coming from as its probably the last gen he will visit again, once he sees the gen you started he will lose several seconds searching the area, giving you and the rest of the team a lot of free time.
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Sounds like you simply leave the gen and hide when the killer approaches, am I right there? Because that's just a thing that often works, no matter if you try to hide until they go away to get back on the gen or to make sure you start the chase with max distance and in a good position.
Obviously you can take hiding too far, like just crawling around the outskirts of the map while the killer is a lightyear away. But that doesn't sound like what you did so whoever complained about what you did are just crybabies and you shouldn't worry about it.
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so many times while playing solo Q i have seen 3 people on death hook and one person hiding all game and never taking agro. If the hider with no hooks took at least 1 hook, that alone is a game changer
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I see a couple like these ever thousand hours. They usually die bleeding out, sometimes with another survivor nagging them before leaving through the doors.
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The "animosity", as far as I'm concerned, is for survivors not helping their teammates. Hiding is only correlated with this. Again yesterday I've made a point to kill the last survivor of a team (instead of the usual hatch drop) because the little prick didn't unhook the best player of the team when I was nowhere close. It was so disappoing.
I have nothing against survivors playing immerse. I just don't enjoy to play against them. The game, as far as I'm concerned, is about chases and evasion. It's also about taking one for the team. I'm pretty certain I'm not alone feeling like this (both as killer and as survivor).
I love that moment were survivors use their skills to break another's chase. It's way more interesting.
e.g. taking a hit and body blocking (except against Nurse) or something requiring more skills like accurately blurring the tracks with their own.
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Eh. I am of the opinion that no one in this game owes you anything (that's the job of the developers), especially when it comes to the relationship of survivor and killer. Hiding and avoiding the killer is literally the point of the game from a survivor's point, so I have a hard time seeing how what you did was bad. Even hiding on a corner of the map until you find a hatch is a completely valid strategy.
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Weird how hiding is good now; before, people were so keen on insisting that 'only chase is REAL gameplay'.
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100% this.
I am a hider. The game was made with hiding as the intended gameplay mechanic, not looping. That said, I only like to hide between objectives. I would never hide doing nothing for 10 minutes just to draw the game out. But if a killer is coming towards me, I am not gonna click a flashlight at him, I am gonna circle the tile slowly to avoid his notice.
Mostly cause I treat this game as a horror game not NASCAR simulator.
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This. Sometimes, if need be, I'll take aggro from another survivor, but 99% of the time I'm hiding and thinking about myself in the moment
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Yup this is how I play. I do objectives, and when the killer comes, I don't let him see me and make him waste his time searching the area. Sometimes very good killers will be persistent and look everywhere and I get found, but most of the time I am able to hear the terror radius coming and back off the generator. I get right back on the gen as soon as he leaves lol. Which is what annoys some killers. The killer kicks the generator, leaves, then comes back to a working generator again.. so he KNOWS I am nearby but he gets mad he can't find me lol