
Macymj6 Member Posts: 93
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

Jesus christ, not trying to be an entitled survivor main and rarely do I ever complain but pinhead just makes the game unbearable. As soon as I load into a match and find out that’s the killer I just want to disconnect, and when the match is over get off for the day. A game should be enjoyable for players, not want you to get off immediately. Maybe it’s because he’s a fairly new killer and i’m learning how to play against him still but good god he is extremely aggravating, and a lot of people seem to think the way I do. I have yet to play a fun match with that killer. It’s honestly ridiculous.

Edit: Not trying to say he should be nerfed, there are some things I enjoy like his voicelines are pretty cool and the sounds but he’s just not a particularly fun killer for me to play against. He’s just annoying as hell.
