How would you weaken Springwood?

A lot of people claim that Springwood is the worst dbd map/ realm. I personnaly disagree, and i think that Cowshed/ Gideon Meat Plant and Haddonfield are the absolute worst. For them, i have a clear idea of what should be nerfed and how. About Springwood though... not so much. I know that "house of pain" have problematic windows that allow to loop inside it... and that they should be permanently blocked (what would benefit Haddonfield also). But apart from that, i don't see what much could be nerfed loopwise (without changing the core structure of the map i mean).
Always put the basement within the school's basement, and the building becomes killer sided. Remove the basement from house of pain and the school, and the buildings are bland as hell in my opinion. I agree with the change to the two-story house though.
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The school needs a handful of hooks in it.
That might require changing a few things, maybe making the buildings taller or something, but that school is such a nightmare deadzone to be in that unless the basement is in there, good luck getting someone to a hook.
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Well I personally will take Badham over RPD all day long but the best course of action for both maps is the delete button. Start from scratch and pray for a miracle.
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I actually really like your idea. It would be better than just making basement a base kit feature in that building.
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Same problem as cowshed. Everything is so compact that with every pallet you can make it either to school, shack, house of pain, or the 2 story. Not to mention the god window at school which you have to entity block.
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Fire worked once before.
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House of pain needs a rework of some kind, i think its quite a bit too strong, but simply removing some debris here and there and a random unsafe pallet would make the map feel a lot better imo. Also @jesterkind has a nice idea.
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I would not.
It doesn't need to be weakened.
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You want them to put back a god pallet that was removed?
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Close some of the windows in the houses and get rid of the damn god pallets in the school, crap design. God pallets are in the dumbest sh1t in this game. Only God pallet should be shack.
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If the basement is not in the boiler room, then put a hook in the corner where the stairs entrance would have been.
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Badham is worse than Haddonfield. I think the school and the house of pain needs major changing. If i see survivors looping me in eather of these places i just leave.
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This was a Bug.
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And what would be wrong with having the main building be killer sided in what is literally the most survivor sided map in the game, exactly?
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Remove the god windows in house of pain.
Hook in the school guaranteed if basement isn't there.
Only one window downstairs and one upstairs in the two storey house.
Remove all double pallets. Across all maps not just on Springwood.
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How about we start by deleting 3 or 4 of the variations? It's absurd that we have 5.
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Wait a minute... i didn't say that making it killer sided was a bad option, i said that changing one thing with the building would make it strong for killers. And that taking away the boil room from the building would feel bland.
Killers wouldn't mind it if it was killer sided. Its because it is survivor sided that the 5 variations of it is an issue.
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close the schools basement,or just make it the usual basement for bubba
remove breakable walls in the school,and remove that one window near the school,at the fence
other than that i have no problems with getting to springwood